What's up with the MS Store?

Well, now I'm screwed. $699 for a 925 at MS Store? Just verified over the phone. I got an 810 full price with 2 year warranty, and it's having a TON of issues, but with that being EOL, I can't replace with anything since 925 is too expensive and 521 is too cheap.

No idea what to do. I hate T-Mobile and the Microsoft Store right now. Ill be going in later tonight to complain, but they're not about to replace my $450 phone with a $699 one, overpriced or not. This is bull.

I thought you were told you could just get the 925 in exchange for your faulty 810?! :shocked:
The 925 is finally up on MicrosoftStore.com. Of course, they're trying to sell it for $199 on contract or $699 no contract as others had mentioned being told by the stores. No idea what the thinking is there. They're actually also charging $10 to ship it vs. the free overnight shipping from T-Mobile. If I had to guess I would say they probably end up selling approxiamately 0 of these phones.
Reading the details says it required a minimum of 1 year commitment. If that means the contract is 1 year as opposed to two years then you actually save around $90 on the MS Store (they just want more upfront). Will check when I get home.

Checked, contract terms are for two years, making the MS Store a horrible deal.
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The san diego MS store was very enthusiastic about the phone. It wasn't on display yet but all the reps were eager to show it off.
Too bad they messed up the price :(
I found this afternoon (after I had already purchased my 925 at Tmobile) from a rep at the MS Store that they would have matched the price if I had come to them.
At this point II don't want to deal with the $50 restocking fee at Tmobile, so I think I'll just stick with my original purchase.

Doesn't the Microsoft store price match anyway, I swear they do.
I gave up on the MS Store and went to a local T-Mobile store. They had the device, hadn't even scanned it into their system yet, but when I said I wanted to open a new account they rolled out the red carpet and immediately input the device into their system. Sitting here with my brand new 925. Loving it!
Same here, swapped out the S4 I had as gap-step... hated the camera on the S4 having come from the L920... 925 feels like being home. By the way, did you pick up a case? I did as the working model that had only been out for a few hours looked like it had been used for several months. Couldn't believe how dirty it was.
Doesn't the Microsoft store price match anyway, I swear they do.
If they do, not all of them do. Definitely not the one by me.

Such BS. Disenfranchised 810 owner who is stuck with my 810, even with their warranty. I want a damn Nokia, even another 810, but nooo it's either get an 8X (and watch as the back coating peels off, probably not covered under warranty) or call Nokia (do they even have a service center in the US?) for a manufacturers claim. Or pay $250 price difference for the overpriced 925. I swear that T-Mobile forced all authorized retailers, which includes the MS Store, to charge such a high price so people would come to T-Mobile instead.

What is Elop's email address? Anyone? I'm pissed.
I called the Houston store yesterday (17th) they said it would be in on the 18th, and the price is $199 with contract and $650 w/o. So I just went to the nearest Tmobile store and picked it up.
I didn't think ahead. Now it will be mid-August when my red one arrives. Though sometimes overseas shipments arrive much sooner than posted on Amazon.
I just order a red and yellow one. Paid $33 each plus an extra $3.00 for expedited shipping, expected UPS delivery is next Friday.
I think you have to know where to look. I always search through the "All Phones" area rather than doing a general search.

Understood but for those who don't do that, wouldn't you think a search for the exact phone name should return the phone? Do a search for Xperia Z from the front page and tell me what you get. It's still aggravating.
Understood but for those who don't do that, wouldn't you think a search for the exact phone name should return the phone? Do a search for Xperia Z from the front page and tell me what you get. It's still aggravating.

I do agree that it's aggravating. It's also stupid. The phone should just appear if someone is doing a search directly from the main page.
Expansys - just got a notice that the estimated delivery date is now the week after next as they are now coming from the UK and not IL. Not sure what happened but oh well.

i became frustrated with them after waiting forever for them to get the 720 shells. They still don't have them.
Hi everybody,
For some reason that i want to find out, one contact that i do never comunicate gets always on the top of my "discussion" list, it is more then month already and i can not understand how it is happening. If you can tell me it would be really helpfull form me. Thank in advance.

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