What's your single favorite game you've played? And Why?

Me too, completed the main campaing serving all l for all different endings and the online multiplayer was awesome
FEZ,I love games that don't need a lot of epic dialogue to explain themselves, and the ones that have a consistent aesthetic.
Kentucky Route Zero, that game made me feel like an adult playing video games.
This one is easy:

Carrier Command

Released in 1987. There was a remake a few years back but had nothing on the original.

My main copy when I was growing up was a 40-50 min demo that simply locked up when the time limit expired and I played it for years on my old Amiga - I'm lucky that my brother found a copy for £5 in the mid 90s, where the single floppy disk contained both the full Amiga version AND the full PC version.

The main advantage of the PC version was the timewarp option to speed up time - otherwise the 2 day time limit really could grate.

Since Vista it's needed dosbox but it still runs perfectly. 2 files, one .exe, one .dat for a combined total of around 800KB.

Still play it from time to time even now, just for the oldschool 16 colour graphics but the UI still holds up.
I've got fond memories of Diablo 2, Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Command and Conquer, a few Battlefield games.

But for me League of Legends takes the cake. Riot is always adding new content and making balance changes, no champion remains OP for long and they've got over 130 champions now, some with very unique play styles.

It's also a game I've been able to play with friends for years now, core group of friends have played since 2014, we play some other stuff but always return to lol.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Vampires the Masquerade: Bloodlines
The Longest Journey
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
Unreal Tournament 2004
Culpa Innata
Max Payne
Do you have a favorite game that you have previously played?

What makes it your favorite game? The story? The connection between you and the characters? A bit of both or something else?

When was the first time you have played the game?

Do you still have the game today?

Open discussion to everyone in the community

My favorite game is the Football Manager series. Formerly known as championship manager, i first played it back in 1997 ish and have played the newer editions every year since.
2 episodes as far as I know of. Not 3. Although, I believe 3 were promised. That was well over a decade ago. Why wont there be a half Life 3?
Not true, it was a long time ago but I remember 2 expansions were release after the original Half-Life 2 game. Check this:

"Since the release of*Half-Life 2, Valve Corporation has released an additional level and two additional "expansion" sequels. The level, released as*Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, was meant to take place between the levels "Highway 17" and "Sandtraps".[82]*It serves primarily as a showcase for*high-dynamic-range rendering*(HDR) technology. The first expansion sequel,*Half-Life 2: Episode One, takes place immediately after the events of*Half-Life 2, with the player taking on the role of Gordon Freeman once again and with Alyx Vance playing a more prominent role.*Half-Life 2: Episode Two*continues directly from the ending of*Episode One, with Alyx and Gordon making their way to White Forest Missile base, a hideout of the resistance. A third episode is set to be released in the future, completing a trilogy."

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-Life_2
Not true, it was a long time ago but I remember 2 expansions were release after the original Half-Life 2 game. Check this:

"Since the release of*Half-Life 2, Valve Corporation has released an additional level and two additional "expansion" sequels. The level, released as*Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, was meant to take place between the levels "Highway 17" and "Sandtraps".[82]*It serves primarily as a showcase for*high-dynamic-range rendering*(HDR) technology. The first expansion sequel,*Half-Life 2: Episode One, takes place immediately after the events of*Half-Life 2, with the player taking on the role of Gordon Freeman once again and with Alyx Vance playing a more prominent role.*Half-Life 2: Episode Two*continues directly from the ending of*Episode One, with Alyx and Gordon making their way to White Forest Missile base, a hideout of the resistance. A third episode is set to be released in the future, completing a trilogy."

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-Life_2

Um, I think you just confirmed what I wrote. 2 episodes and a third was promised. They are literally called Episode One and Episode Two. Half Life 2 standard not being one of the episodes.
Um, I think you just confirmed what I wrote. 2 episodes and a third was promised. They are literally called Episode One and Episode Two. Half Life 2 standard not being one of the episodes.
Sorry, I thought you meant only 2 games were released. My mistake
Star Control II is the game that is etched into my memories forever.

Many great games had come and gone. I still play some of them like MechWarrior, Elder Scroll, Mass Effect, Days of the Tentacles and even a little game called Neverhood! :) Those are just some of the best that pops into my mind. There are so MANY great games that I didn't have time to try on the PC.
Final Fantasy Advance Tactics and XCOM.

Character skill and power customization and battle tactics like this really hit the pinnacle of my video game admiration.
It's actually a Visual Novel. And a linear one, there is no choice to make.

For 'real' game: Age of Empire III
I don't think i am even good at it, i think my friends are better than me. I don't even play competitively.
I just enjoying skirmish and turtling.

As i want to favorite MGS series, no. I am bad at sneaking and my friend spoiled the ending for MGS 3.
As i want to favorite Counter-Strike, no. Best with friends, hard to do nowadays.
As i want to favorite Skyrim or Witcher 3, no. Both does not offer good combat especially mid-end game.
For 'real' game: Age of Empire III
I don't think i am even good at it, i think my friends are better than me. I don't even play competitively.
I just enjoying skirmish and turtling.

I'm with you on that. There's something about turtling in the AoE series (particularly II).

As for me, it's got to be The Witcher 3. Was a brilliant game that keeps me returning. The ending wasn't great and I didn't like how they handled a few things from the books, but overall, it's the best RPG I've played.
There's just too many games to call a single one the greatest of them all.
My personal picks however are.

1. Donkey Kong Country Trilogy (cheating I know, but this series is what turned me into a gamer)
2. Metal Gear Solid (Can I say the whole series?)
3. Mass Effect (Can I say the Trilogy too? lol)
4. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
5. Metroid Prime
I would say Baldur's Gate left a long lasting impression on me. But also Starpoint Gemini series, Elite and Defiance MMO (don't blame me for it). :)
Do you have a favorite game that you have previously played?

What makes it your favorite game? The story? The connection between you and the characters? A bit of both or something else?

When was the first time you have played the game?

Do you still have the game today?

Open discussion to everyone in the community

I can't just say one... However, Cyborg Commando & Duck Hunt on NES is at the top because that's the two games I remember playing with my dad.

Aside from those two because of sentimental value... N64 - golden eye and Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Also... C&C: Tiberian Sun and Counter-Strike 1.3-1.6 on the PC.

Currently? FortNite!

First time playing those games... as soon as they came out .

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