WhatsApp latest version 'resuming...' everytime

Has anyone found a way to fix the resuming bug?
Its been 2 months and I cant get used to it... :(

Nope, no way.. Almost thinking of switching to Android. All the social apps are painfully slow. Namely, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp. Multitasking with these is frustrating and my phone usage has been reduced to calls and internet only, for which Edge sucks. I so much envy Android users for how fast those are with everything.
It's not a bug. WhatsApp is a Windows Phone 8.1 app and not a Windows 10 Mobile app. Therefore, whilst it works fine with Windows 10 Mobile it will always be "resuming". Hardware does seem to make a difference however, I always get "resuming" but it's largely unnoticeable on my L950. Lesser hardware like my old 650 suffered more heavily.
It's not a bug. WhatsApp is a Windows Phone 8.1 app and not a Windows 10 Mobile app. Therefore, whilst it works fine with Windows 10 Mobile it will always be "resuming". Hardware does seem to make a difference however, I always get "resuming" but it's largely unnoticeable on my L950. Lesser hardware like my old 650 suffered more heavily.

It resumed instantly previously. I started this thread the day I started facing this problem. It was better before. I have given feedback many times but no solution.
It resumed instantly previously. I started this thread the day I started facing this problem. It was better before. I have given feedback many times but no solution.
Same here. I get the sense that it's gotten a bit better (like 2 seconds instead of 3 seconds..) but nothing like the instant return of old. WP10, the only platform where app updates make things worse.*

* except Tapatalk, where all updates keep making the app more useless on any OS :D
Same here. I get the sense that it's gotten a bit better (like 2 seconds instead of 3 seconds..) but nothing like the instant return of old. WP10, the only platform where app updates make things worse.*

* except Tapatalk, where all updates keep making the app more useless on any OS :D

Also, it's very very slow if you are constantly switching chats, that is talking with more than 1 person at a time. I don't do this often, but sometimes, I have 2-3 important people online, and have to constantly go back and forth in their chats. App behaves horribly slow while doing this.
Update: Yesterday's WhatsApp Beta update seems to have made the resume faster. Not as fast as before iirc, but better. Say a 5 second launch, and a 1-2 second resume. So there's some hope.

Edit... Oh, I claimed two seconds earlier as well. :( Well, it feels faster anyway, this one I can live with.
I have been experiencing this on my 735 since I installed Whatsapp a few months ago. My phone has been through a restore as well in that time and it does not fix it.

It is SO annoying and pretty bad. I sent feedback to them as well as bad review in the store so hopefully it gets some quick attention. Basically anytime you I use Whatsapp and then leave the app and then come back to it, there is a good 5-7 second delay where it just says "Resuming". The worst is when if I was using Whatapp and phone display timeouts while it was the focus app, when I go to use my phone again there is a big delay like 7-10 seconds of blank black screen. I am forced to just force close the app just to save the time to use the phone. Then when I go back to trying to open Whatsapp again many times it also just crashes on startup and have to click the icon again.

I have been using Whatsapp more as more of my circle have gotten it, so this is getting tiresome for me. Between BBM being removed from the store for good, now Whatsapp almost unusable and Gasbuddy stopped working reliably, I have sadly seriously thought of moving on from WinM10.
Well whatsapp is owned by FB and we all know that's a big pile of dog s*** on windows 10 mobile.
With the last update of w10m in particular it solved this problem, it is not "resuming" for up to 1 minute and the application start a little more faster. What if I noticed that sometimes the notifications are not shown and when a single new message arrives, in the title I do not see notification. I´m using a Lumia 830
WhatsApp resumes instantly on Windows Phone 8.1 on my Lumia 730, but shows 'resuming..' on Windows 10 Mobile on the same phone.

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