Whatsapp notification problem

After two weeks or so, I saw an error message from WhatsApp, it said that push notifications were stopped and I should restart my phone... However, apparently toast notifications continue working on real time... MS, WhatsApp, or both problem? Let's see if problem is solved in next days...

Sent from my Nokia Lumia using Tapatalk
Yesterday I read that WhatsApp was retired "temporarily" from WP store, as this sort of problems whit the app were more and more common. So, it appears MS is innocent this time, WhatsApp needs some fixes in order to get whole compatibility with WP 8.1. Be aware, don't uninstall WhatsApp because it won't be available at WP store, who knows for how much time... If prefer even with push notifications failing sometimes, that don't have WhatsApp at all, as most of my contacts still using it.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia using Tapatalk
That includes resetting your phone... do that and you won't be able to reinstall Whatsapp until it is republished (sideloading won't work either). As for notifications, they do come and go every now and then but it's a lot better than it used to be since 8.1 hit.
Went do we put up with this though?

WhatsApp is just one example but a lot of the apps are sub standard and not as good as the Android or iOS equivalent.

I was already having issues with WhatsApp notifications and then my phone started to drop the data connection randomly, see the thread on this, I'm not alone.

It's very very frustrating. I've had to ditch my 1020 until these issues are resolved.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
Works for me. Check data sense and make sure restrict background data is disabled and WhatsApp is allowed to run in the background from battery sense and quiet hours is off.
Went do we put up with this though?

WhatsApp is just one example but a lot of the apps are sub standard and not as good as the Android or iOS equivalent.

I was already having issues with WhatsApp notifications and then my phone started to drop the data connection randomly, see the thread on this, I'm not alone.

It's very very frustrating. I've had to ditch my 1020 until these issues are resolved.

Do you go back to the phone in your avatar? :angel: I used to have one of those and I loved it. It worked perfectly!
Re: Whatsapp not available in windows store

i formatted my phone today.
i wanted to download whatsapp for my phone.....but i cant find whatsapp in my store.
i have HTC 8X.
Re: Whatsapp not available in windows store

i formatted my phone today.

i wanted to download whatsapp for my phone.....but i cant find whatsapp in my store.

i have HTC 8X.


The only thing you can do now is to wait until they make available the app again... Hope soon. :(
You guys, if you need messaging, telegram is a good option. New beta version of telegram have been released few days ago...
Click on Battery saver app from your app list in usage you will see your whatsapp app. click on whats app and allow app to run in the background option On. it will work now. Thanks
This morning i am having the same problems again. since yesterday afternoon i have no notificationss from whatsapp for new messages. I have to open whatsapp to see if i have new messages which is very irritating. is there anyone out there with the same problem that started in the last 14 hours?
This morning i am having the same problems again. since yesterday afternoon i have no notificationss from whatsapp for new messages. I have to open whatsapp to see if i have new messages which is very irritating. is there anyone out there with the same problem that started in the last 14 hours?

Same here. I've been having some intermittent issues today.
1- go to "Battery Saver"
2- swipe to "Usage"
3- choose WhatsApp
4- uncheck "allow this app to run..." Leave as it is if it's already unchecked.
5- go back to "Battery Saver" and turn it on.
6- choose "Now until next charge."
7- wait a few minutes. Then plug it in your charger. The Battery Saver should turn itself off.

WhatsApp notifications should now work. Let me know if it does.
I'm thinking to buy a Nokia Lumia 930, but i read there are some issues with Whatsapp. Is it allready fixed?
Please reply soon.
I have this problem occasionally, last night was the first time in a few weeks.
No notifications, no tile update but going into app and there are new messages.
Reset phone etc does nothing.
After a few hours it starts working again, I checked Whatsapp status page and they show no issues but I find it hard to believe it is everyone's phone doing this randomly at same time when all other apps and notifications work.

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