Whatsapp notification problem

I'm using the Nokia Lumia 925 running the DP. I went to Battery Saver, set WhatsApp to always allowed, i.e even in battery saver mode and it seems to have fixed the problem for now. You can try and let others know if it works for you.
Not working for me until I keep the app open :angry: Using Lumia 1020 with 8.1. Its frustrating that Whatsapp inc. is unable to resolve this issue for months now.
battery saver>whatsApp>switch on "allow to run this in the background"> check "allow this app to run in the background even batter saver is on" !!
--done :) --
mine works 100%
my device: Lumia 535 (win 8.1 Denim)
Well..i know this is old topic but my ,, What's app '' client stoped giving me any kind of notification all of the suden.
I tried puting it out of folder, turning on-off ,,working in bakground'' and nothing seem to work.

After reading all these post, i see it's ,, What's app '' problem not in my phone, so just siting here, waiting for fix.
I had recently observed this weird problem with Whatsapp. One of the Image posted by my friend in our friends group got posted 30 mins earlier in my family group by a family member in that group. Now this image was very specific to my friends group and does not make any sense to my family group. Off late I am seeing this happening lot more frequently between my groups. I am actually not sure whether others in that group are really getting the inappropriate image or is it just showing up only in my phone. I am clueless as to how this is happening....:( :( thinking off uninstalling whatsapp.
I found, in my windows 8.1 the battery saver was not letting whatts app run in back ground.
i hope this help, sorry for my terrible english, i am from South America
My phone doesnt show my whatsapp or messenger or messaging notifications and ive went through everything to see if i can change it. Also my messenger notifications come through 5-10 minutes after i recieved them
It's the OS, nothing can be done about it. Simply put.
Been a Windows Phone user for two years now. So there is no solution.
If it's too much for you, go ahead and get an iPhone or an Android like me.

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