WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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I really hope that it will fix the unread message shown, right now, i need to scroll up to read those unread message.. Imagine having hundreds of message from a group and you need to scroll up, and suddenly the app crashed.. Huhuhuhu
Got a strange issue with WhatsApp and audio messages/listening to audio messages (without headphones plugged in). I have a HTC M8 btw. When I listen to the messages with the phone speaker against my ear (as if I'm making a private phone call), the audio comes through on speakerphone, but when I try to listen to the message with the phone in my hand as if I'm reading something on it, the audio comes through as if I'm having a private phone conversation on the top speaker only. Seems like it should be the opposite of what should happen. Not sure why this is happening.
I have the same exact problem. Portrait pictures are stretched when taken from within WhatsApp. They appear stretched in my device and on the receiver's device. Not happening with landscape pictures nor if I send them trough the Albums.

Nokia Lumia 925 with WhatsApp version 2.11.356

I hope it gets solved in the next update.
Can we expect the whatsapp BIG update to roll out this week? I remember Daniel tweeted about this..
Is there a way to auto-upload photos saved on the phone from WhatsApp to OneDrive? If not, is there a method for doing so besides individually selecting each image and saving to Onedrive?
If Whatsapp added say 10 new features, why couldn't they roll out 2-3 features at a time along with some bug fixes? Then the next few features and so on.......The wait is really long. Its been almost 3 months now and everyone is getting frustrated.
ohh thats good to hear!! :)

When is the Beta update expected ? I heard eitehr coming weekend or next week.. But this kind of talk has been going around for a while. The Whatsapp update exists for Android phones.. result.. Some of my friends' emoticons are not compatible on my phone and I see boxes.... I hope the update comes soon... Being a die hard WP and Nokia fan.. my friends are havign a field day specially using those emoticons against me!!! :)
Hello. If the next update will fix this late notifications on whatsapp? I need to manually open the app to be able to receive the latest messages. Which is kind of hassle and annoying to me. I hope the next big update will really fix this issue.
That is not a problem of WhatsApp that means that your internet connection is bad or dadasense blocks it 😉
Now, right now, i didn't resieve or able to send whatsapp message.. It must be whatsapp problem, since i'm writing this via my phone...
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