WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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Yeah, me too facing the prblm from last 15min, reinstalling the app didn't help, but on my friend's android ph it is working fine...

Edit: Just got the update from frnd that whatsapp is also not running on android's... I think the WhatsApp server is down again....
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Whatsapp servers are down, so its down right now for everyone.. in our group chats everyone of my firends who have iphone 5 and galaxies started viber and we talked about that ****.

Hope it gets solved soon, i tried wifes galaxy mega and thats not wlrking also
are you sure whatsapp server is down

Yeah its for everyone of my friends who have whatsapp, ww were talling on group chat and suuddenly no masseges was send and recerved, my friend didan group on viber and we talked there about whatsapp servers down.. that happened once when facwbook just bought whatsapp..

And nowi tried to send from wifes galaxy mega phone to her friend massege to see will it be sent but no luck
Whatsapp server is down in India...
now its working but still some lag.. may be server problem
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WhatsApp server is working fine now enjoy chatting :)
but dont forgot to watch //build 2014 @ 8:30am pdt :)

my whatsapp was not working....like pics were nt being sent and audio clips are nt getting downloaded...so i uninstalled it ...now im nt able to register..it is saying"couldnt connect to whatsapp try again later" ....it is very difficult without whtsapp.....plzz help me out....asap..plzzzzzzzzzzz

may b its coz the sever is down...
plzz try helping me
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