Issue is with WP8 Update 3 for notifications , WP8.1 is fine.
Issue is with WP8 platform , the way notifications system work/ its integrated. So doesn't look like simple fix may be 1 month - 1 week who knows.
Yeah its been awhile since Update 3 was released. And they taking care of it now? Makes no sense. Maybe you haven't but I've been following this thread for a very long time and Always people, including me, have complained about various issues way before 8.1 was released. And Not One issue has been fixed, they just added ability to send videos and pin contact on start screen. Now on 8.1 only big issue I have is the static noise, I don't complain about it because nobody can help me with it. So again, I think it would be better if they took care of 8.1 instead 8.0. At least that why it's called DEVELOPERS preview, to test and fix their app(s) before final release. But no they took it out from Store to fix for 8.0It's a while all phones migrate to WP8.1. Then, an update will be released to full support.
Then maybe you should do the developingif you can't ? Then ssshhhhht
Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
Repeat: Not everyone use WP8.1. That's not hard to understand.
I always follow this thread and I'm (almost) part of beta program, so We understand what happen or why Whatsapp was pulled from store.
Not hard to understand: Lumia 630 is officially out with 8.1 which is the current low end king of wp.
Lumia 930 will be out less than a week.
So, it is time to cut the crap.
YesIs WhatsApp available in store
Sent from my RM-914_im_india_269 using Tapatalk
It is the beta version not the public. I guess you know the difference between them
Yes, I know. I was trying to understand how naive he was.
Instead of checking his knowledge you should have helped him in simple manner.