WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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So I was pretty amazed to see the following reply from Whatsapp in my inbox today! Their suggestion regarding the current Whatsapp issues was to 'look at other platforms'...

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OMFG! I seriously cant believe that they said this. I guess this just sums up the sad state of whatsapp on windows phone and proof that the developers of whatsapp do not even take our platform seriously! :(
Weird ... What I found on Twitter from @wa_translate doesn't match that reply.
They tweeted the following yesterday: "Romanian for WP is now fully translated!"
I just sent Jan a mail telling him/her what I thought. Basically, if Rudy huyn can develop awesome apps single handedly, then whatsapp has no excuse for the poor service they give us. And a lot of other stuff. I wasn't abusive at all, no foul language. I'll post the reply I get, if I get anything.
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I desperately hope that e-mail account of Jan has been hacked or something...

this is totally an unacceptable reply at all....
Microsoft cant do anything about it buddy.
its their app they can do whatever they want.

I'm more than aware of that. It's not the first time developers have been a-holes about WP and its market share o whatever excuse they choose. But it's nice to remind Joe how the people he claims to be working with are potentially steering away users to other platforms,
=( at least where we can get updates? Window's twitteer only says "ask to the developer" and the developer don't give us any answer, except this one which is clearly a joke (and probably a joke from a person who will be looking for a new job today).

Some people said in twitter that we are looking for 24 to 48 hrs more but I didn't found any source for that.
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