WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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Well, excuse me if I dont waste 500 dollars on a new phone just to talk to a "friend", if that "friend" is not willing to download just another free messenger to talk to me..

You guys need to stop ranting and start thinking instead...

Excuse me.
You are talking about one friend here. We have lots of group chats with different friends. Do you think it is so easy to ask everyone to recreate the groups on another messaging app just FOR YOU? Who asked you to use Windows Phone in the first place when Android and iOS are so popular out there? Why do we have to find alternative when we are already paying for the service?

You should stop posting nonsense and start thinking instead.
Question: - The reason for removal of whatsapp was the notification issue on WP8 GDR3, then why is it removed for WP7 as well?

Something is not right here.
So .... This is what you talked about with even numbers ? If so ... This could be the one to be released ? Am I correct ?

Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk

Nope..he said that whenever the update ends with an odd number like .487 or something then the next version of that will be the public release with an even number like .488! Well..that was his theory. According to his theory,we have to wait till the beta version ends with an odd number.
Nope..he said that whenever the update ends with an odd number like .487 or something then the next version of that will be the public release with an even number like .488! Well..that was his theory. According to his theory,we have to wait till the beta version ends with an odd number.

Hmm ok to bad hope for you guys they release it soon.

Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
Check my thread please. #bringbackwhatsapp campaign.i can only imagine the abysmal sales of new WP!!!

Sent from my Lumia 625 using Tapatalk
Another regular story from The Netherlands:

A 16 years old guy walks into a store and really wants a Lumia 925. He really wants it. Too bad the salesman has orders from above not to sell Windows Phone to people who find WhatsApp an important app to possess. The fellow walks out the store with a Sony Xperia Z2.

For those non-believers out there that do not believe in the importance of WhatsApp in some countries, here is your wakeup call: Nobody will buy a Windows Phone, even if he/she really wants to. Only a real techy with 'knowhow' would go against the salesman and demand a Lumia 925 no matter what.

I can promise you this:
WP sales have declined over 70% last 10 days in The Netherlands. Just an estimated guess, but not far from the truth I bet.
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Another regular story from The Netherlands:

A 16 years old guy walks into a store and really wants a Lumia 925. He really wants it. Too bad the salesman has orders from above not to sell Windows Phone to people who find WhatsApp an important app to possess. The fellow walks out the store with a Sony Xperia Z2.

For those non-believers out there that do not believe in the importance of WhatsApp in some countries, here is your wakeup call: Nobody will buy a Windows Phone, even if he/she really wants to. Only a real techy with 'knowhow' would go against the salesman and demand a Lumia 925 no matter what.

I can promise you this:
WP sales have declined over 70% last 10 days in The Netherlands. Just an estimated guess, but not far from the truth I bet.

Yupp! Its the same thing here in India as well. Potential buyers of Windows Phones are now shifting to android phones because the news that WhatsApp is not present in WP8 is spreading like wildfire and it is very badly affecting the sales of Windows Phones. No matter how much ppl argue that we should use other messaging services instead of WhatsApp,the fact remains that WhatsApp is the most preferred messaging app and the lack of it is hindering the sales of Windows Phones A LOT!!!
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