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Another regular story from The Netherlands:

A 16 years old guy walks into a store and really wants a Lumia 925. He really wants it. Too bad the salesman has orders from above not to sell Windows Phone to people who find WhatsApp an important app to possess. The fellow walks out the store with a Sony Xperia Z2.

For those non-believers out there that do not believe in the importance of WhatsApp in some countries, here is your wakeup call: Nobody will buy a Windows Phone, even if he/she really wants to. Only a real techy with 'knowhow' would go against the salesman and demand a Lumia 925 no matter what.

I can promise you this:
WP sales have declined over 70% last 10 days in The Netherlands. Just an estimated guess, but not far from the truth I bet.

And as u said,the general public who are willing to give WP8 a chance will not buy a Windows Phone if there is no WhatsApp unless they are some sort of techie who really wants it. The importance of WhatsApp on a platform cannot be undermined!!
I bought my 1520 one month ago and is living it despite the huge size. First thing I did when I got it was get WhatsApp. Lucky for me it was still on at that time and it has been working like a charm ever since.
Bottom line, MS shot themselves in the foot. I don't care if Whatsapp has the right to do so or not, those idiots screwed Windows Phone deep this time.... Good luck MS....
A notification bug is a very strange reason to remove an entire app from the store for two weeks....

Don't you think?
All I know is it seems like WPCentral it's doing some damage control with overly optimistic articles.
Today was the 14th day maybe and after a few more days again they wil be telling us that they're still working on it....... *sigh*
Well as from the articles of wpc and information available I strongly believe its gonna take a lot of time...may be another 2 weeks
But why? Why so long? Why why why why why why? What's going on? Why?

Sent from my Lumia 625 using Tapatalk
But why? Why so long? Why why why why why why? What's going on? Why?

Sent from my Lumia 625 using Tapatalk

Look, it's simple, no one knows! We might get an explanation to this after the app returns, but certainly not before and no amount of complaining (justifiable), posting or hashtags is going to change that. It is an extremely frustrating situation especially for those that had to reset phones or just got WP and need WA. Sometimes we're faced with situations where it is better to just relax and take a step back instead of driving yourself crazy by beating your head against the wall; this is one of those situations. Unfortunately, everyone is just better off accepting things for what they are and waiting for them to play their course.
Even today,one of my friend planned on getting the Lumia 630 but on knowing that there was no WhatsApp he bough a Moto G instead. It doesnt matter to people that it will come "soon",it just matters whether it is available or not at the moment. And when ppl are willing to give Windows Phone a chance and realise that there is no WhatsApp,they wouldnt even do that. Dont know how much longer this will last,but as I said it is affecting the sales of Windows Phone handsets badly! :cry:
OK, I'll wait for a month more or so with this "coming soon" issue. I went back to my previous Blackberry. I believe I can stand it. Afterwards I'm going to sell my Nokia 1020.
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