WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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Push notifications are not working well since the update! :( And it works horribly on 2G!
Btw..any idea if the GDR 2 update resolves the issue of push notifications in general for WhatsApp and other instant messaging service?
Push notifications are not working well since the update! :( And it works horribly on 2G!
Btw..any idea if the GDR 2 update resolves the issue of push notifications in general for WhatsApp and other instant messaging service? I use a Lumia 920 btw..please respond :)
Stop saying "wooow now i updated and push isnt working". Seriously, its not whatsapps fault. Its WP's fault. ts a problem on their push server.Dont believe? Ok, download wechat and WhatsApp. when you dont recieve notification in one, you dont recieve on the other. When you recieve in one, you recieve on both
I wasn't getting push notifications yesterday for a period and I'm on GDR2, so no it doesn't solve the issue. Though I think the problem is related to Microsoft's servers more than whatsapp.

Whatsapp has been working like dream last few days, plz keep that up

I wish we will get an update of whatsapp that includes background images and multiple image sending option
Mine have been working like a dream (yes, no delay,arriving the same minute they are sent) since the first day i installed whatsapp on my 920. Which would have been november/december around there.

Never had problems with whatsapp. Updates are welcomed :)
this is so strange... ive red people complaining about push as much as me. Ive even saw i guy that bought a lumia 925 and was having this problems... that must mean that its a server problem. My notifications are like 70% getting late(10 minutes, 5, 20) and 30% coming on time.

Abou the app, i think its actually good. it wasnt, but now it is
One thing I really want to see coming is multiple colors in group chats, every person his own color. It's not hard to develop (+ they already did on iOS and Android), and I don't think it's fighting against the Modern UI principles...
One thing I really want to see coming is multiple colors in group chats, every person his own color. It's not hard to develop (+ they already did on iOS and Android), and I don't think it's fighting against the Modern UI principles...

Yeah that is so needed, and multiple image sending and background image then it would be amazing, plz whatsapp keep the good work up
Hi guys,
Why is my whatsapp can't email all of chat history? Mine just emailed 645 lines and truncated by wp? Am I got an error in my whatsapp?
I have uninstalled and reinstalled my whatsapp, and I still got the same problem
I also can't see all of the long chat history (maybe more than 1000).
Whenever I tried to see these messages, the app closes automatically and my wp hangs for a few seconds.
Any solutions? Thanks
Hi guys,
Why is my whatsapp can't email all of chat history? Mine just emailed 645 lines and truncated by wp? Am I got an error in my whatsapp?
I have uninstalled and reinstalled my whatsapp, and I still got the same problem
I also can't see all of the long chat history (maybe more than 1000).
Whenever I tried to see these messages, the app closes automatically and my wp hangs for a few seconds.
Any solutions? Thanks
This is a bug that many people have mentioned previously. Whatsapp needs to resolve it

Voice chat magically enabled today by whatsapp

It will, because it's on their server side. However, manually uninstalling and reinstalling the app forces it.
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