WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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I have noticed that the WhatsApp turns to old Audio Stream mode sometimes... and then I get the error message indicating background failure.
anyone else having any idea??
Update on my issue, the push notifications are back, looks like it must have been a server issue or something (no more push notifications disabled or similar message).
I want to disable toast notifications in whatsapp. How can we do it? This becomes really cumbersome when we receive a lot of message together for eg. turn on 3G after a day and suddenly you receive 50+ messages and all of them showing one by one as toast notifications. Please HELP!
WhatsApp is working better..but still needs improvement..hope they solve it in the future updates! And..we cant block people if their number is stored! I mean wtf! Pls resolve this and the push notification issue and make it equal to android or ios! And then WhatsApp for windows phone will be perfect :)
And i heard that the push notification issue is due to the Microsoft servers..hope they resolve it at the earliest!
i have msg my friend on whatsapp when she had uninstalled that can she get my msg back when she will reinstall the whatsapp..?:smile:
^^^ yes. It will be waiting in the server :-)

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I like the the speed, I hate how the back button works, its out of the WP experience, it now takes you up rather than back.
I'm sure alot,of you noticed, seems like to have the resume capabilities we have to live with this weird function.
Sir,my first whatsapp account are not delete.can you help for delete my first account from this no-9811602110,one big problem is my first no permanently closs
how to attach videos/audio from wp8 library and send it.

I need to send an audio very urgently..
can't send audio or video from whats app..if u want to send voice msg that can be done but no media files except pics..
updates keep coming. I update. I uninstall and reinstall but I still can't get any (yes zero!) notifications. I get the messages when I open the app. Anyone can help??? Please? :(
updates keep coming. I update. I uninstall and reinstall but I still can't get any (yes zero!) notifications. I get the messages when I open the app. Anyone can help??? Please? :(

check these settings:
Is the background task for whatsapp allowed?
If you are using WiFi, have you allowed WiFi to run under lockscreen?
Turn off battery saver mode.

just try this
1. disable whatsapp background task
2. open the whatsapp application
3. exit from whatsapp (using back key)
4. enable the background task for whatsapp
5. open the whatsapp..

all these done with wifi turned off (worked for me). if not working try with WIFI on..

anyway I never had such a serious issue. I have always updated WHATSAPP, never uninstall-reinstall.

let me know what happens.. will be helpful for all...
I don't understand if its an issue with the Microsoft push servers or if its a WhatsApp issue..but i hope they resolve it soon..cuz the push notifications don't work properly half the time :( Many times it shows that its not connected! Any idea when it'll be resolved? Cuz my lumia 920 is perfect except for this issue :(
Wow. All of a sudden this morning I'm not getting toast notifications.

Have to open the app to see the message. Nothing has changed on my phone and my notifications were working perfectly since I got phone last year.
Yup.. me too not recieving toasts today. too much CONNECTION ERROR messages from whatsapp while exiting..
Yeah same problem with me too..any idea what the issue is? And the general issue of push notifications which everyone is encountering..is it a problem,with the Microsoft push notification servers or with WhatsApp? And my WhatsApp works fine on wifi..but horrible on 2G!
Sent from lumia 920
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