WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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Come on this is a known WP issue.
Read before complaining this has been discussed thousend times!
Any solutions:

Am Unable to mute a group, I dont get message notification sometimes.

This problem started after I Updated watsapp last week.
Hi All,

Sorry if this has been already answered. I just joined this forum (will sift through the threads).

I have an urgent and frustrating issue with verifying Whatsapp.

Whatsapp was working well on my old Lumia 928 HW. That HW had issues with proximity sensor , so I got a new one.

On the new 928 HW , after I install Whatsapp , I fail at verification step with following error : "Error sending code (no_routes)"

I tried the following things but it is still not working :(

-->Deleted my Whatsapp Account from my old phone and also uninstalled it.

-->I also factory reset my old phone to erase any data.

-->Sent Whatsapp support an email , but I havent heard back from them :(

I am using the same SIM. This shouldnt be this much of a heartache!

totally frustrated...


Mavboy...I am having the exact same problem. It is so frustrating. I switched from htc to nokia 928 and it doesn't work on nokia but I can install and use it on the old htc which is not in service. Did you get your problem resolved? If so how? Can you please share?

Hi All,

Whatsapp was working well on my old HTC-window phone.

On the new 928 HW , after I install Whatsapp , I fail at verification step with following error : "Error sending code (no_routes)"

I tried the following things but it is still not working :(

-->Deleted my Whatsapp Account from my old phone and also uninstalled it.

-->Sent Whatsapp support an email , but I havent heard back from them :(

I am using the same SIM. This shouldnt be this much of a heartache!

totally frustrated...

I am having the same problem as Mavboy has mentioned earlier..... does anyone know how to rectify this? Is it a Whatsapp problem or HW-Nokia problem? Is Nokia Lumia 928 compatible with Whatsapp?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Nope..the issue still exists :( ... no idea how...No response from Whatsapp. I factory reset my old phone. Deleting my whatsapp account. Still no luck.

I think there is an issue with Whatsapp servers where they think my subscription is still active....I email them like everyday...
Okay. Please post here if you get it resolved and I will do the same. I was wondering if Nokia 928 is not compatible with the app. It is unfortunate that there is no customer service number or they don't update their users of issues they are having. Very frustrating indeed.
@ mavboy

Actually, when I uninstalled and reinstalled whatsapp on my old HTC yesterday it worked just fine. I am
experiencing this problem with the Nokia which is weird.

Oopss.I think I did that too!! I tired and retired with the new nokia and the old htc!!! What now? :( They don't tell you what to do if you do that and if waiting for a certain time will reset it back.
I guess we just have to wait and watch. Or if somebody in this forum knows the solution , please let us know.
@ Mavboy

I did get a email back from support@whatsapp. Here is what they wanted me to try out. Unfortunately, I had already done all of this so it didn't help me. See if it helps you. In the meantime I have responded to the email asking questions and giving them more info. If I hear from them I will let you know.


Verification information can be found in this FAQ article: WhatsApp FAQ - Verifying your phone number in WhatsApp.

A few tips (from the article):

1. Double check that you have input the correct phone number for your phone.
a. Your country code will go in the first box, if you do not know it, you can find it here: WhatsApp FAQ - How do I add an international contacts phone number?.
b. Enter your phone number in the second box. Do not put any extra 0s before your number.

2. Ensure that you have a data plan service from your mobile provider. If you are roaming, you may not be able to verify your number at this time.

3. Check your SMS credits and payments.

If SMS verification fails, an option should be displayed on your screen to receive a phone call telling you the code.

Another small tip: please check that you have correct date and time, we recommend to set the 'date+time' to 'Set automatically'

If you still cannot verify your number, please reply to this email and send us your phone number in full international format: WhatsApp FAQ - How do I add an international contacts phone number?.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help!

WhatsApp Support Team

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Take a look at our FAQ: WhatsApp :: Faq
Hi JK.. the thread may be closed because there already exist WhatsApp thread and Battery drain threads. the admins prefer you to post on existing threads rather than new ones..

You may be having tap to share turned on which drains battery. then the whatsapp or any app drains battery if Media files are shared over the Internet!!

Double checked and no issues there. Just a constant discharge of around 10%/hr. I'll keep you updated to see if it's just some issue with the firmware/OS.
haha.. Bro.. Keep calm.. And wait..
Dead?? Still wait..

Dude you got gdr3 update?

I bought lumia 625 its having gdr2 update?

We have to manually download gdr3 updates or we will get message to get download ??

And what difference are you seeing in gdr3? can we make email attachments for an open emails?

Sent from Lumia 625 device

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 India gdr3
The solution for problem1&2 is turn off the automatic update of time in the phone settings.that should fix the notification issues ! Also check if the background service is enabled for whatsapp in your phone.

i tried everything even updated my cell.
after updating i installed whatsapp but of no use it is stuck on creating favs.
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