WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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Whatsapp crashes when trying to go to far back into the history of a conversation.
I need to read something from a while back, but before I get to those messages, whatsapp closes automatically.

Another thing, it each time loads only a small amount of previous messages when you want to view the history (when you're at the top). This amount could be set much larger I think.
So by default it can't be done.. Without rooting and installing the apps.

by default, android is scroggled... Its heaven for spy.. Unlike windows phone, android app has permission to use for mic and camera without your permission.. Eg. Google chrome app..

Microsoft knows these, hence they have locked api, that's why WhatsApp is a bit buggy...

Sent from Tapatalk Lumia 625 GDR3
WhatsApp needs those permission so tat you can record voice messages and camera permission when you use share photo and use your phone camera to take a picture. Im not sure why google chrome browser needs all that. Definitely there s an adverts and data collection and usage recorded by google and sent to their servers
WhatsApp needs those permission so tat you can record voice messages and camera permission when you use share photo and use your phone camera to take a picture. Im not sure why google chrome browser needs all that. Definitely there s an adverts and data collection and usage recorded by google and sent to their servers

yup, permissions or users command is acceptable.. Without permission using our camera and mic is most dangerous..

Sent from Tapatalk Lumia 625 GDR3
Uc browser allow us to save audio and video on windows phone..it'll be great , if whatsapp allow us to save shared video and audio....
New features are tested in currently whatsapp private beta app v.2.11.318:
- multiple photo attachment
- save sent and received videos (but I think this last one was here before)
Whatsapp crashes when trying to go to far back into the history of a conversation.
I need to read something from a while back, but before I get to those messages, whatsapp closes automatically.

Another thing, it each time loads only a small amount of previous messages when you want to view the history (when you're at the top). This amount could be set much larger I think.

same here
I really wonder why when android version has no such limits and im able to scroll through the entire conversation without waiting for cpu/software. Its a buggy software in wp hope they fix this bug soon!!
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