WhatsApp Questions and Answers thread

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Whatsapp is a big player in the smart phone industry. If at all Facebook stops development of Whatsapp for WP, Microsoft will take it over from there and keep the app alive. If Whatsapp dies out on WP Microsoft would definitely get severely impacted, so they will make sure all goes well.

I don't think Facebook will stop any development for whatsapp on windows phone. They have nothing against Microsoft that i can think of. Mark said that whatsapp will remain unchanged (WhatsApp to remain independent, says Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg - Tech News - Digital Spy) if anything, this might even encourage the whatsapp team to devote more time on the windows phone app now they are $14 billion richer.
When will the next update coming..?

Scrolling up to see old message should be fixed....

Audio download and attachment
I have 3G internet & Wi-Fi working perfectly on Lumia 720, but on Whatsapp no connection, so I tried soft reset still same,
Then I delete Whatsapp & reinstall it, now it stuck at synching/creating favourites.
Is Whatsapp down or what?
I m in India

Whatsapp is down as I m confirm with 2-3 friends in Delhi (India) on android & IPhone too
I have 3G internet & Wi-Fi working perfectly on Lumia 720, but on Whatsapp no connection, so I tried soft reset still same,
Then I delete Whatsapp & reinstall it, now it stuck at synching/creating favourites.
Is Whatsapp down or what?
I m in India

same with me
Looks like Facebook is tinkering with whatsapp servers. They are down at the moment. Btw there are reports that android version will soon be bumped to a new version with many new features like one can hide his /her last seen (avaliable on iphone from many years ) but in iphone one have a limitation that he can not revert back the option until 24 Hours but this sisnt the case for android , also unkown users won't be able to access someone status,profile picture , etc.
I cant send or receive messages in whatsapp. I see a clock next to sent messages. I have strong Wifi connection + data connection is on. And in whatsapp it says Not connected . I just restarted my phone (L928) still nothing. it was working less than an hour ago. everything else is working good, I even can use internet
I cant send or receive messages in whatsapp. I see a clock next to sent messages. I have strong Wifi connection + data connection is on. And in whatsapp it says Not connected . I just restarted my phone (L928) still nothing. it was working less than an hour ago. everything else is working good, I even can use internet
Servers that are used by whatsapp to transfer messages are on tinkered at the moment . Check back after 1-2 hours are you are good to send messages , voice messages to you pal ;)
I am facing the same problem. WhatsApp connection state showing offline!!!!! I am connected to wifi network and able to browse and its good network, but still not able to connect to WhatsApp!!!! WTF!!!! NOKIA Lumia 720...
dam it. I tried to reinstall it, lost all data from there. Now it says Could not connect to Whatsapp when I type my number
Will everyone calm down? Like some people have already mentioned, WhatsApp servers are down/under maintenance right now. This is not the first time it's happening, and it certainly won't be the last.
Hi there!

I've been having problems with my whatsapp lately on my windows phone 8s. I wont receive any messages unless I litteraly am in the app. So the messages won't push through to get a notification. Also I went to settings and I saw that I was "not connected" so I reinstalled the app and now it is stuck making favorites... Does anyone know what this is and maybe how to solve it?
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