Who is messing around in my forums

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
Is that you Phil?

What is up with the Like/Share thing? Doesn't that make the thanks button useless? I have questions about this please explain?! Seams the Android Central version is more polished has Facebook added are we still testing this?

Marcus Adolfsson

CEO, Mobile Nations
Aug 18, 1999
We are still debating whether both buttons are needed (please send your feedback).

Thanks is intended to thank the poster for posting something useful, as a token of appreciation.

Like is used to to indicate you like the post. Also there is new like block in the top right corner, where posts in a thread are sorted by the number of likes. This has been popular on the AC forums so figured we try it here.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
Nice good deals I was just prepping an announcement for the forums but I see now I need to wait a bit... Just let me know when we are ready to go live... again... :)

Sample announcement:

Attention Ladies and Gentlemen of the WPC,

We now have Like/Share buttons in the forums (and an unlike button once you click Like), this is in addition to the existing "Thanks" buttons.

Why?! I'm glad you asked

First You can "THANK" a person for helping give an answer, providing guidance or anything else you want to thank a person for.

Second you can "LIKE" a post if you like the content but you're not really thanking the person for the post you just like it get it.

This will put a Like tree at the top of the thread. Clicking it drops down the most liked posts on that entire thread. So you can literally in a click get to the best posts that may be deep into a thread vs. having to scroll through page after page to find something useful.

If you see someone post useful information or even just content that you want others to see or you think needs to be highlighted just "Like" the post so others can find it more quickly.

"Share" well just "Share" let the the world know for those time when you just have to tell someone...

Enjoy and happy posting

:ninja: Dave

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
Also I like the "Like" idea just a little worried that some good information could be overlooked but I guess there is good and bad ether way. I'm game for giving it a try. Share could/will come in handy from time to time.

If we/you decide to get rid of the thanks button will there be a way added to track the number of likes? Something that is visible to other members at the post level. The quantity of thanks a person has accumulated gives credibility in the eyes of many I would hate to see that go away.

Marcus Adolfsson

CEO, Mobile Nations
Aug 18, 1999
Yes - there in an import script for Thanks -> Likes.

I think that is the route we will end up going, it will be too confusing with both buttons.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
Duah! I see the like button now cool I am going to post the anouncement minus the Share part.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
Thanks a lot Marcus I really appreciate the help. I will keep those email addresses handy

:cool: Dave

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