Who uses "Quiet Hours"?

I use it myself but I kinda forgot that I was. I enabled it and it's been working great. Whenever I'm in a meeting or at night it turns on but I actually forgot that was something I set. At least until I saw this post. Thanks for the reminder!
I don't think you can. It is tied in with Cortana for some inexplainable reason, and if Cortana is unavailable in your country then you don't have the Quite Hours feature.
Also GPS has to be on for Cortana to function, then corttana for quiet hours to function. Not sure why quiet hours can't be a stand alone functioning app.

I instituted a policy where if a person's phone starts announcing a musical ring tone during a meeting, said offender will have to dance to it.
Meetings are valuable time, they should not be interrupted with the latest Nickleback or Miley Cyrus tune.

I did notice just after I instituted it, staff would try and call each other on the sly to make a ring tone go off and make the owner dance.

After the initial getting use to it period, it has dramatically cut down on the interruptions in my meetings.
I instituted a policy where if a person's phone starts announcing a musical ring tone during a meeting, said offender will have to dance to it.
Meetings are valuable time, they should not be interrupted with the latest Nickleback or Miley Cyrus tune.

I did notice just after I instituted it, staff would try and call each other on the sly to make a ring tone go off and make the owner dance.

After the initial getting use to it period, it has dramatically cut down on the interruptions in my meetings.

Thats an awesome policy. Our deal was that the owner of the offending phone owes us donuts for the next meeting.

I dont understand how this isnt a built in feature on any phone, especially smartphones. My past three phones have had it in one form or another.
Glad its there, just wish it wasn't tied to Cortana. I've switched my region to the US, just for this feature.
I work 12-hours shifts at night and sleep during the day. I used to just turn off my phone but Quiet Hours is easier and more flexible. Love it.
I can't turn on quiet hours . It says "turn battery saver and driving mode off and see if Cortana is on" I have all these conditions fulfilled but still I can not turn it on . There is no option to turn it on . Nothing at all.Anybody knows a good solution????? 😡 . Please!
I have several meetings/appointments a week, sometimes a day. Quiet Hours is a godsend for detecting these in my calendar and keeping my phone quiet. I use to us an app to do this on Android. It is a must have feature. I hope that it'll get updated to set volumes instead of just keeping everything Silent. I sure would love if it could set it to certain volumes at certain times automatically. I have forgotten to turn the volume down at night and getting emails/texts can be startling to say the least.
Quiet hours is just amazing, especially at night, when I want to sleep, but also like to check the phone when I want to. I set quiet hours to 11pm-6am, so I dont need to manually adjust voice and vibration every single night. Seriously, who doesnt use quiet hours??
Quiet hours is one of the best features of WP. I have it set every night while I'm sleeping and use it to monitor calendar meetings so it doesn't start ringing while giving a presentation to the boss or in the dentist chair. I set up an inner circle so really important calls still can get through.

I really liked the idea of making 'ringers' dance in meetings. I'm going to suggest that to my work team.

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