Also GPS has to be on for Cortana to function, then corttana for quiet hours to function. Not sure why quiet hours can't be a stand alone functioning app.I don't think you can. It is tied in with Cortana for some inexplainable reason, and if Cortana is unavailable in your country then you don't have the Quite Hours feature.
I use it all the time. Saves me from dancing in meetings all the time.
As in struggling to silence the phone when it suddenly starts ringing during a meetingDancing?
I instituted a policy where if a person's phone starts announcing a musical ring tone during a meeting, said offender will have to dance to it.
Meetings are valuable time, they should not be interrupted with the latest Nickleback or Miley Cyrus tune.
I did notice just after I instituted it, staff would try and call each other on the sly to make a ring tone go off and make the owner dance.
After the initial getting use to it period, it has dramatically cut down on the interruptions in my meetings.