Why are you guys calling the Lumia 820 "mid-grade"?


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Nov 19, 2011
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fandroid spec whores...? Really, so I'm a fandroid spec whore... I have a TITAN... I am considering the 820 (provided the price is right). And yes, it is mid-grade. Because of its bigger brother yes, but mid-grade nonetheless. I also consider the 8X mid-grade, and 8S is low-grade.

Unless you are an Android user calling the 820 low-end, I clearly wasn't referring to you.

And I agree it is mid-grade in terms of specs only, but I still consider it a worthy upgrade to my HD7.

Daniel Ratcliffe

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Dec 5, 2011
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Unless you are an Android user calling the 820 low-end, I clearly wasn't referring to you.

And I agree it is mid-grade in terms of specs only, but I still consider it a worthy upgrade to my HD7.

Oh god yes, I definitely find it a worthy upgrade to my HTC TITAN. Removable battery seals it for me. Now like I said, the price better be right as I can get at most ?190 for my phone (this includes a second battery, a case [although slightly damaged case], a battery charger, and 2 HTC official charging cables), or so I am told.


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Dec 1, 2011
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I find the iPhone to be a mid-range gadget. Not as an insult, but because it's purposely lacking features that Apple felt weren't necessary or to keep it in a particular price point. People buy it anyway, and they even buy previous models without so much as a second thought, and whether they are nuts or not doesn't matter to them.

Why, then, do we care what they think? Who really gives a rat's rump roast what people classify it as? If you think it meets your needs and price point, isn't that all that matters? I'm buying the 920, because it has the features I want. So should anyone buy an 820 if they feel it has the features they want. Or an 8X or 8S or ATIV.


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Oct 15, 2011
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Most competing 800x480 AMOLED screens are PenTile although few use RGB stripe. My argument is that it is the best 800x480 display ever put on a phone. My argument also is that beside the 720p resolution there is nothing missing from the Lumia 820 that wouldn't allow it "high end" status. I disagree with you I can't view this phone as mid-grade.

What competing 800x480 displays are PenTile? Only the 1280x720 AMOLEDs are still PenTile


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Couldn't comment on your resale value, but I'm looking for the 820 to come in at $350 CAD outright in order for it to be my next phone. Here in Canada the major carriers utilize the same spectrum (at least until the next auction) but we have to deal with carrier exclusives and 3-year terms where, like the US, only the price of the device changes. For example, two of the 3 majors have publicly stated they won't be carrying the 920, one of them being my carrier, sadly. So my only option to make it my next phone is to wander into a Rogers location and purchase it at the outright price, and then cough up an additional $50 to get an unlock code from them, then head over to a Bell store (my carrier) to get a micro-SIM for it.


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I find the iPhone to be a mid-range gadget. Not as an insult, but because it's purposely lacking features that Apple felt weren't necessary or to keep it in a particular price point. People buy it anyway, and they even buy previous models without so much as a second thought, and whether they are nuts or not doesn't matter to them.

Why, then, do we care what they think? Who really gives a rat's rump roast what people classify it as? If you think it meets your needs and price point, isn't that all that matters? I'm buying the 920, because it has the features I want. So should anyone buy an 820 if they feel it has the features they want. Or an 8X or 8S or ATIV.

Price point has nothing to do with Apple excluding NFC and other current tech. With their production scale and 350% markup, they could include NFC as well as a HOST of other features, including some real innovation, and sell it at a LOWER price point than the iPhone 5 and still make a massive profit. They are greedy and lazy, and know the iSheep will buy it in record numbers anyway.


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Dec 1, 2011
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Yes, that's entirely true, but you missed the point I was making... the compromised features make it no better than any of those other mid-range devices, and yet people buy it without a care in the world of our opinion. Why do we care how they view our choice?


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Nov 19, 2011
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Yes, that's entirely true, but you missed the point I was making... the compromised features make it no better than any of those other mid-range devices, and yet people buy it without a care in the world of our opinion. Why do we care how they view our choice?

I didn't miss your point. It's just so obviously true that I didn't feel the need to contribute to it. :)


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Aug 5, 2012
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There is a model above and below the 820. Isn't that the very definition of being a mid-grade phone?

I consider a mid grade phone one which is solid but does not have premium features. Lumia 820 has premium features usually not found in mid-grade phones such as Carl Zeiss tessar lense, NFC, synaptics super-sensitive touch screen, and wireless charging.

Daniel Ratcliffe

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I consider a mid grade phone one which is solid but does not have premium features. Lumia 820 has premium features usually not found in mid-grade phones such as Carl Zeiss tessar lense, NFC, synaptics super-sensitive touch screen, and wireless charging.

I would consider a mid-grade phone one that is solid but not the flagship. The flagship is the Lumia 920. Therefore the 820 is mid-grade to me.


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Feb 3, 2012
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I consider a mid grade phone one which is solid but does not have premium features. Lumia 820 has premium features usually not found in mid-grade phones such as Carl Zeiss tessar lense, NFC, synaptics super-sensitive touch screen, and wireless charging.

This is all symantics; how one person defines where a phone ranks vs. another's opinion. I think Nokia & HTC were both smart to bring out two WP8 models. The 920 hits alot of buttons for the tech savvy types on this forum as the recent survey shows; however, to get broader marketshare for windows phone you need lower pricepoint models. The premium features on the 820 certainly give it an edge over the 8S. But either way, there will be a range of choces that will hopefully get the average customer lookng at WP. The average user doesn't need the high end specs.

While I think the 920 is great, I'm not crazy about the size and weight. I'm with TJWINS - the 820 with its extras may be just what I'm looking for.


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Mar 16, 2012
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You want to know why it's mid-grade? Becuase the Lumia 920 is high-end, the HTC 8S is low-end, and the 820 is somewhere inbetween the two.


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I would consider a mid-grade phone one that is solid but not the flagship. The flagship is the Lumia 920. Therefore the 820 is mid-grade to me.

So if the BMW 7-Series is the flagship and the 5-Series is the mid-grade BMW does that make the 5-Series a mid-grade car?


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Aug 5, 2012
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No, but it would make it a mid-grade BMW.

LOL! I know it does that's my point. Well I'm done trying to prove my point. The 820 is a mid-grade Nokia but not a mid-grade phone compared to other OEM's. I thought more people would see my point but I guess not.

Daniel Ratcliffe

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LOL! I know it does that's my point. Well I'm done trying to prove my point. The 820 is a mid-grade Nokia but not a mid-grade phone compared to other OEM's. I thought more people would see my point but I guess not.

Consider it this way. The 7 one is the absolute top of the range, the 5 is on par with all other manufacturer's high-end phones, which makes them ALL mid range. That's my way of seeing it. The ATIV S, 820, 8X, they're all mid-range to me.


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Mar 16, 2012
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LOL! I know it does that's my point. Well I'm done trying to prove my point. The 820 is a mid-grade Nokia but not a mid-grade phone compared to other OEM's. I thought more people would see my point but I guess not.

But when you compare it to other "high-end" phones, whether it be the iPhone 5, HTC One S, Samsung Ativ S, Samsung Galaxy S3, whatever...the 820 consistently lags behind in screen resolution; except for Samsung flagships, lags in the luxuriousness of the case materials; and except for the iPhone 5 and HTC 8X, lags behind on screen size.

The Lumia 820 is an excellent midrange device. Probably the best second-tier phone on the market. But that doesn't mean it's not midrange. It is indeed a mid-range device, not a flagship device, just like the well-reviewed One S is a midrange device whereas the One X is a flagship device.

TJWINS--you're acting like BMW is the only luxury brand on the planet, like being "a mid-range BMW" still means you're the coolest thing on the block by far. Wrong. A mid-range BMW is a step above your run-of-the-mill Chevy or Toyota, but it still competes directly against mid-range Infinitis, Mercs, Lexuses, and Audis. Likewise, a midrange Nokia runs circles around even flagship ZTEs and Huaweis and the like, but there's no reason to pretend that it's in a completely different league than Samsung, HTC, Sony, or Apple. It's not.


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May 18, 2012
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On a video, Olivier Lagreou, responsible for Nokia marketing in France, has stated that both devices (920 and 820) would have gorilla glass 2. I hope he knows its product and that would be great for lumia 820 buyers!


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Aug 27, 2012
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LOL! I know it does that's my point. Well I'm done trying to prove my point. The 820 is a mid-grade Nokia but not a mid-grade phone compared to other OEM's. I thought more people would see my point but I guess not.

Why do you even care what people call it? It's a phone not your mother.

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