Why does Edge suck so bad

After the last round of updates it constantly hangs, I went back to Chrome, at least it remains stable.
For insider builds ~ In Desktop mode, when select More "..." it shows menu scaled to mouse input but when clicked "Settings" it goes back to touch UI, big. Is it a bug or simply UI still not consistent?
I switched from good old Opera 12 to edge somewhere arround christmas.
Also tried Vivaldi, Opera and Firefox.

I just hate how Firefox is rendering fonts on high-resolultion screens (e.g. on TV) and the tabs don't look like Windows 10.
Opera ... is ok. But not touch-friendly on my Convertible. Also, any adblocker would block embedded videos from beeing played. Could not fix that.
Vivaldi ... also not Touch-friendly and skales very terrible on 4k (devs know and promised to work on it ... have not checked back)

So Edge ... just works. Has Cortana lookup, has a decent UI, is Touch-Friendly, and fast.
I like Edge. Sure it has problems and some things are really not excusable, but on my Surface Book 2 scrolling is great, especially in tablet mode. Font rendering is also great. Chrome and Firefox suck when it comes to scrolling in tablet mode, and I haven't found any good extension to solve this. In desktop mode Firefox has at least good scrolling. Font rendering in bad in Chrome and good in Firefox. Overall, Edge has the better package for me and with the Redstone 4 update it will get even better. So, I put up with its issues because of the way Edge in general renders sites and uses scrolling. It is also the best option for 2 in 1 devices. Firefox and Chrome do not come even close when it comes to tablet support..
I want to like Edge. It's good looking, it's light, i don't use any extensions really, the icon looks better pinned to my taskbar rather than FireFox. On paper it all looks great.... But the new FireFox is sooo much smoother to use. Animations load quicker, going from site to site is quicker. Everything just happens effortlessly. I had used edge since 10 came out and recently went back to FireFox after Edge kept hanging up on me. Yes, i don't like FF fonts. Yes I don't like how the icon looks in the taskbar (I'm OCD about my desktop), but it just works. Not 90% of the time or 99% of the time.... it works 100% off the time.

I think, like with Cortana, MS needs to do something big with Edge or get off the pot. I can't imagine allocating resources to either of these projects to hold such small shares in their market. Sure, they provide data for other area's of the MS business model, but seems like it's a loss leader.
I use edge on all my devices and love it. No problems here. The rewards are nice when using Bing, so I've been using Bing for some time now, even on my V20.
I wanted to use Edge as main browser but it just wouldnt let me do it. It periodically keeps forgetting all my open tabs. Firefox just murders Edge. That said, i do use Edge without any issues on my Samsung S8+.
its my main browser and I also use IE as a backup and I have Google Chrome to keep my school email on so I make use of all my browsers
been using Edge since its release. have no problems with it anywhere. I do find it's actually faster than Chrome, and friendlier on the battery.

I think many of the people here are more like power users, and will nitpick at tiny little details. I use browsers much like the vast majority of the population does: rolling with the default settings, no extensions, no customisations.
Load YouTube, start watching a video, minimize edge for a while, restore edge - the video is black but plays. You have to reload the page to watch the video.
Edge has seen its issues with freezing and closing throughout Windows 10's lifecycle. However, it has been, and always will be, my go-to browser for the system because it is nowhere near as resource-intensive as Firefox or Chrome.

Chrome constantly closes after having tabs open, due to all of the extensions it loads upon start-up. Edge's extensions, by contrast, are lighter and easier to use. Edge is my go-to, and it will only get more stable as more builds come up.

Plus: It doesn't steal and sell your information like Google does ;)

GIven the headache I"ve had with Edge over time, including right now, I'm going choose FF now. I do not trust, nor admire, CHrome/google, especially google for their insane handling of gmail accounts. They are THE worst at getting back into your account if you can't verify sufficient information.

Apple doesn't make it easy, can take two weeks but at least YOU GET back in ,and MS as much as I detect EDGE overall, they don't do such things to you either,,JUST google.

SO no more android,no more chrome , FF all the way.

I do still use EDGE for simple things, but lately the worst thing I experince is not being able to 'highlight' text on MSN, after several tries. I posted on answers.microsoft,,several times to try to get someones atttention, but after several days, its as if I" being IGNORED.

MIcrosoft has fallen hard on their deskop,and IF I had enough money to get a 28" imac, I"d have been there a long time ago ; its that frustrating what MS is doing.

THeir grasp is going to dwindle quickly if they dont reset and treat customers better than this, instead of ignoring, them and , apparently, let people code and UI design, whom clearly have no idea at all what they are doing!

That edge uses fewer resources, sure, is great, but in the end if it can't handle, efficient , 'stable' highlighting of text, and not require near constant 'fixing', then its not worth my time,and MS needs to know!
Edge works fine for me as a daily browser. It just needs to fix slow page rendering for some websites.
Edge works fine for me as a daily browser. It just needs to fix slow page rendering for some websites.

In all fairness, and speaking as a web developer myself, the rendering problem isn't always Edge's fault. Some developers don't take the time they need to take in order to make sure websites work across browsers, particularly Firefox, Chrome, and Edge (the big three).

I've developed quite a few websites in my career and ALL the websites I build work perfectly on Edge with no page rendering issues whatsoever. In fact, I use Edge as my daily driver in my development, but I also have Firefox and Chrome installed for testing.

Not saying it doesn't have issues (it does) but it's not all the fault of the browser.
Edge is a fickle beast.

Check out this screen shot. Notice anything peculiar (Besides the massive battery use)?

it's 2018 and people's still using internet explorer based edge browser? use Firefox or Chrome

posts like these make me roll my eyes.... EDGE is the new 2018 app... I can says the same thing for chrome and FF...

also those complaining about Edge not rendering web pages properly should really stop and think for a sec, only reason that is, is because web designers favor certain web apps over MS... I use Edge 99.9999% of the time and I don't have ANY problems... works fast and fluid but on certain web sites that you can blatently see the web devs favors certain web apps over MS are the ones not working properly.. the ones that are agnostic are the ones that work great in Edge... with that said, I USED to use IE all the time and that has gone to sh!t! always crashing always freazing not good any more... its practically useless! can't stand it any more... I'm forced to use chrome on my Win 7 machine... byaach!
I'm now totally in with Windows 10, but Edge really bites. For me, Chrome is just so much better, and it syncs across the board. :winktongue:

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