Why won't my Microsoft Band count steps accurately?


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Jul 22, 2015
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Microsoft Band Won't Count Steps Accurately

Among other issues (issues syncing with my iPhone's Bluetooth, a disappearing mail tile after update) I have a persistent problem with my MS Band that has followed through a replacement. This is very frustrating since I'm the type of person who has committed to wearing my band full time.

I just finished mowing my lawn. My phone shows 100 steps from the time I woke up this morning until I finished mowing my lawn. I'd estimate more like 1000. If I could mow entire yards in 100 steps I'd be mowing lawns for a living.

1. Does the mower vibration hamper step count?
2. Why then do I often see my step count "hang" while I am walking around, regardless of the activity?
3. Is this a common complaint?

I'm not talking about a FitBit discrepancy of 50 steps - I'm talking about walking around, looking at your band and seeing it not budge despite a restart. This happened on my old band as well at random intervals.

It's not just mowing. I'll often see my band just stop counting steps at random times, usually the times when I am clocking the most steps - like at a big box store, or around the neighborhood.

To answer the obvious:

1. Did you try resetting your Band? - Yes, always. Rarely this will work, but not recently. It seems stubbornly set on not counting steps sometimes.

Just for kicks: "Hey man, you know you are walking, the Band is just there to show an approximation of progress!" - If that were the case I would not have bought a band. I'd have my wife pat me on the back for walking / working out more and be done with it. I got the Band to help me stay on a regimen --- that said I don't have time in the day to keep walking forever until my Band decides to start counting steps.


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Jul 22, 2015
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Now it will not connect to my iPhone or my PC - says "not connected / cannot find" -- I even tried the factory reset. Guess I'll be returning my second band for replacement since last November...


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Nov 7, 2014
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Re: Microsoft Band Won't Count Steps Accurately

1. Does the mower vibration hamper step count?
Maybe. I'd be more concerned about the motion of the mower as to rolls across the grass. Undoubtedly the handlebars are moving up and down and your hand is going with it and confusing the Band. If you can control the mower with the non-band hand and let your non-Band arm dangle or whatever, then I'd expect it to do better. (Although that may not be practical - or even safe.)

2. Why then do I often see my step count "hang" while I am walking around, regardless of the activity?
I've seen that too - and I've also seen it make up the count. I believe it's analyzing the motion to see if you are walking or not and then "back counting" (adding the missing steps all at once) if it decides it is.


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Re: Microsoft Band Won't Count Steps Accurately

I've seen that too - and I've also seen it make up the count. I believe it's analyzing the motion to see if you are walking or not and then "back counting" (adding the missing steps all at once) if it decides it is.

I have also seen another issue around about midnight. If I have been watching television for a while and I get up after midnight to go to bed it doesn't seem to add steps. We live in a three story house so going to bed from the TV room is about 60 steps, I very seldom see them on the band. It might be doing some analysis but in the morning they are still not there.


Infinidim :unhappysweat:


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Jun 20, 2015
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Just started having the same issue. I wear a pedometer (Omron - very good quality) and the discrepancy is sometimes over 5000 steps difference. I've made sure I am swinging my arms as i walk, the band is snug against my wrist, etc. I can intentionally look at it as I walk and count my own steps and it registers maybe 1% of them.

I've had the Band for about 1 month, and until this week is was spot-on, very close to the pedomoeter data.


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Mar 14, 2015
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The Band seems to be very conservative about counting steps, on the order about about 30% less than a FitBit, which are notorious for overcounting. Casual steps around the house just don't seem to register on the Band.

When I was having real trouble with accuracy, tho, it turned out that I was wearing the wrong size.


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Jan 18, 2013
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The Band seems to be very conservative about counting steps, on the order about about 30% less than a FitBit, which are notorious for overcounting. Casual steps around the house just don't seem to register on the Band.

When I was having real trouble with accuracy, tho, it turned out that I was wearing the wrong size.

Well I am having the problem as well and I have a small wrist and wearing the small with the buckle completely closed all the way, so no smaller size for me. I know that fitbit overcounts, but my band is off from fitbit on average of 1500 steps per day. I am constantly walking as I see patients and am moving from room to room -- it's just missing the step count period!


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Mar 14, 2015
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Well I am having the problem as well and I have a small wrist and wearing the small with the buckle completely closed all the way, so no smaller size for me. I know that fitbit overcounts, but my band is off from fitbit on average of 1500 steps per day. I am constantly walking as I see patients and am moving from room to room -- it's just missing the step count period!

If you are repeatedly walking short distances, that could add up to a lot of lost 'casual' walking. The Band doesn't seem to start counting until about the 20th step.


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If you are repeatedly walking short distances, that could add up to a lot of lost 'casual' walking. The Band doesn't seem to start counting until about the 20th step.

I've notice that as well. Not really happy with it not starting recognising steps immediately though. Hopefully they will fix it at sometime.




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If you are repeatedly walking short distances, that could add up to a lot of lost 'casual' walking. The Band doesn't seem to start counting until about the 20th step.

No, I purposely am taking the longest route to each exam room (> 20 steps) to make sure I try and get 10000 steps/day.


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I prefer the few missing steps over the erroneous over step count of other fitness trackers.

To each his own. My band ALWAYS gets more steps on long 1.5-2+ miles walks in the neighborhood over the fitbit. It's just the moving around on usual basis AND > 20 steps that it misses frequently


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Re: Microsoft Band Won't Count Steps Accurately

Maybe. I'd be more concerned about the motion of the mower as to rolls across the grass. Undoubtedly the handlebars are moving up and down and your hand is going with it and confusing the Band. If you can control the mower with the non-band hand and let your non-Band arm dangle or whatever, then I'd expect it to do better.

I'm thinking that the arm is not swinging, and shouldn't be anyway. Regardless if he is riding or pushing, his arm shouldn't be swinging/counting steps.


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To each his own. My band ALWAYS gets more steps on long 1.5-2+ miles walks in the neighborhood over the fitbit. It's just the moving around on usual basis AND > 20 steps that it misses frequently

That's what I have noticed as well. Maybe Microsoft will fix this issue some time.




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May 24, 2015
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Re: Microsoft Band Won't Count Steps Accurately

Mine is almost purely related to arm swing. If I swing it, it will only miss 1 to 2 steps in a small amount of steps. If I don't, barely recognizes 1 or 2.

I had a Xiaomi band for a few months, for a $15 device it was spot on for every step.


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Jan 18, 2013
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Re: Microsoft Band Won't Count Steps Accurately

Mine is almost purely related to arm swing. If I swing it, it will only miss 1 to 2 steps in a small amount of steps. If I don't, barely recognizes 1 or 2.

I had a Xiaomi band for a few months, for a $15 device it was spot on for every step.

Yes, you really have to exaggerate swinging your arm to get the most accurate step count. And I don't mean compared to fitbit, I mean taking steps then looking at the MB, then repeating the steps with exaggerate arm swinging and all the steps are picked up, whereas they were missed without doing this.. SMH...


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I haven't spent a lot of time analyzing my step count, but every time I've tried to check it's accuracy by counting steps myself, it has been within 2 steps on short distances. and within 10 on trips of up to 400 steps. I may be further off in my count than the Band on those longer trips just because of lack of focus.

As for swinging the arms, I've been able to watch the step counter tracking my steps while carrying heavy items in my arms with no natural swinging motion. I've also noticed step counting while walking with the Band in my hand after pulling it off the charger. I thought the galvanic skin response was supposed to let the band know when it was being worn and when it should collect data, but maybe I misunderstood that feature.


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I suspect the swinging arm is one indication, but not the only one. I think if your arm is swinging, it goes "oh, he must be walking" and calibrates itself accordingly. Swinging is not required, but it does get it's attention.

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