Why WP7 could still fail.


Retired Moderator
Apr 1, 2012
I made that statement to drive home a point, as stated above. The devices cost the same, yet you're paying for old hardware the same as you're paying for top of the line hardware. Maybe I said it wrong. Let's try this:

Will you pay the same for a brand new 2010 Ferrari as you would for a brand new 2012 Ferrari? Probably not. That's the point I was trying to make (you can safely assume the 2012 has superior internals in almost all cases).

Palm Devices were terrible not necessarily because of the specs but because of the build quality performance (the Palm Pre was terrible, ther'es a reason why they had to bring out the Pre PLUS, becuase without the extra RAM performance was dreadful).

I tried a Pre on Sprint for < 1 day before I bought it back. Performance was not good. It was terrible. It was night and day compared to the Pre+ on AT&T or Verizon, and even then, the hardware and build quality was still terrible. 3.2MP camera of dubious quality when everyone else had decent to great 5MP cameras (bar HTC devices). The casing felt like it was ready to creak open and fall off the phone at any time. That was WebOS' issue. The hardware it ran on.

And HP did themselves a real disservice by releasing the Pre 2 with practically the same look. Didn't really incite great memories :p

Palm was very innovative in their Software OS (PIM, MultiTasking, Notifications, etc.). Their hardware was beyond terrible and the first Pre released did have performance issues due to the low amount of RAM in the device. Lots of people had to return their Pres and a lot of others complained of them "falling apart." (maybe not literally, since people are prone to exaggeration on the internet).

The Palm Pre's specs were par for the course back then. Blackberries and even the iPhone 3G/3GS (and some Windows Mobile phones, even the first Android phones) had similar specs.

P4s started outperforming high-end PowerPCs at top end clock speeds in 2002. Not sure where you're going with that analogy... You needed a Dual PPC to beat a top end P4 back then and once Intel introduced their Dual Core processors IBM hasn't been able to beat them. Not sure where you're trying to go with that analogy.
I agree 100% that Palm's hardware blew chunks. But I wasn't referring to its hardware, I was referring to how well the system ran with what you would consider "lower end specs". Apparently you are the one who doesn't understand that just because X needs 38.5 jigawatts to perform, Y maybe only needs 15 to do the same task with comparable speeds. Therefore, if Y can do the same as X with less, maybe cost of production is also less and the retail price reflects that. Remember, a $20 Timex tells me the same exact time with the same accuracy as a $5000 Rolex.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Because people arent comparing WP to the Iphone from two years ago. They are comparing the phone to the iphone of today. You dont buy a WP and say, its ok that I dont have core functionality becuase the Iphone didnt have it at this point of its development. You say, I could get an Iphone or Android device and have it all right now.

so go get an iPhone or Android then and then use it to tell us a story of a relevant smartphone platform that launched on par with current devices.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
I rather my 2 year old HARDWARE on my WP that runs 300% BETTER then NEW hardware on Android.


Apr 4, 2012
Pretty sure Blackberry 10 is well on its way to doing that.

I'm sure I'm not the only one looking forward to when you buy an Android or Blackberry 10 device and go to their forums instead of lingering here and crapping all over WP7 continually.


New member
Mar 19, 2012
I'm sure I'm not the only one looking forward to when you buy an Android or Blackberry 10 device and go to their forums instead of lingering here and crapping all over WP7 continually.

Ok, so i wasn't the only one that thought this. lol. I didn't want to seem like a winphanboi, but it's true. Quit crappin' all over the phone alot of us love here. I know it has it's flaws, but we love it. Be miserable somewhere else.


Apr 4, 2012
Ok, so i wasn't the only one that thought this. lol. I didn't want to seem like a winphanboi, but it's true. Quit crappin' all over the phone alot of us love here. I know it has it's flaws, but we love it. Be miserable somewhere else.


I'm not a winphanboi either. There are things I would like to change just like anyone. I just prefer to talk about solutions and learn new things instead of wading through a sea of overreactions to minor problems and whining about nonsense.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Pretty sure Blackberry 10 is well on its way to doing that.

And when did development begin on it? Isn't it based off of software they acquired in 2010? So they begin development on something way after everyone else has pushed out their products and its on par? good for them

Also, this isn't a new platform. It's still blackberry.

Gotta look at your molds too.

Windows Phone development began around the time that iOS 2.0 was being readied. So the mold was mostly iOS 1.1.5. Android possiably was still in early beta.


Retired Moderator
Apr 1, 2012

I'm not a winphanboi either. There are things I would like to change just like anyone. I just prefer to talk about solutions and learn new things instead of wading through a sea of overreactions to minor problems and whining about nonsense.
+100 if that's possible. Does WP7 have its issues? This forum would not exist if it didn't. Do most of us consider it to be the best of the current crop of OS's? I know I do, and it was hard for me to leave webOS. Not because of the fantastic hardware choices webOS offers (insert sarcasm here) but because of the UI. WP7 is head & shoulders above Android and iOS. If you can't bear reading this, GTFO here and go to iMore.


Active member
Nov 14, 2008
Ok, so i wasn't the only one that thought this. lol. I didn't want to seem like a winphanboi, but it's true. Quit crappin' all over the phone alot of us love here. I know it has it's flaws, but we love it. Be miserable somewhere else.

Do what I do, stick him on your ignore list. I have never seen him post anything positive about WP but always prominent in the negative threads, its just moan, moan, moan, from XDA to here, same old story about what WP cant do, same old story about leaving, same old story about how every other OS is better. At least others here are either looking for solutions to problems or just trying to learn more before jumping in, you'd think such a genius would just get a clue and move to a platform that more suits his needs. :dry


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I, like the fact that Blackberry 10 has come out. Look nothing drives innovation like competition. Because Ultimately it's we the consumers who are going to win. Plus I think we really need to see what WP8 is going to be about if they come in with major changes were we can have more 16gb and have duel core the charges if being second rate would have to end. We should see win8 and wp8 dancing side by side. lets see what happens come the fall.Or rather this coming June when MS gives the details of wp8 out.


New member
Mar 10, 2012
I'll hop on the grenade here if someone needs to take the fall for WinPhanBoi.

Holla at yo boi!!!!!


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Just did the same

I like Blackberry 10's camera and keyboard (their best selling points) but that home screen was ugly

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