Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

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And in a few months if another new Lumia is announced for Verizon you will make this call again and switch again?
I have never understood people that switch carriers because of a new phone. It sounds so ridiculous.
Even if that is ONE of your reasons for switching, do not put it out there as the primary reason. Saying it is your only reason for switching, you come across as someone that has his/her priorities out of order, and very fickle.
And in a few months if another new Lumia is announced for Verizon you will make this call again and switch again?
I have never understood people that switch carriers because of a new phone. It sounds so ridiculous.
Even if that is ONE of your reasons for switching, do not put it out there as the primary reason. Saying it is your only reason for switching, you come across as someone that has his/her priorities out of order, and very fickle.

It isn't about switching carriers. It's about getting the Product you want! You can't hold wireless spectrum in your hand!!!! And if they don't carry it, then say BYE BYE!!!!

Just think of your PC and your home internet. Do they dictate what PC you're going to by?

At this point of the game, the wireless carriers should be treated the same way!
That's exactly what they're doing though.. Microsoft will sell these phones, unlocked, to anyone who wants to buy one. It's hardly Microsoft's fault Verizon is still hanging on to outdated CDMA tech.
I think a big part of the reason that carriers are dragging their feet on offering Win 10 phones is that with Win 10, OS updates will no longer be controlled by the carrier. They will come directly from Microsoft, and the carriers don't want to give up that control.
These are LTE phones so there should be no issue. CDMA is their old technology network which is not the same as their LTE which requires a SIM. LTE is not CDMA-based, it's OFDMA-based, a completely different technology that's related to WiMAX, but not to any of the 3G systems out there.
I can relate. I am a manager at a Verizon premium retailer, and I'm that one guy with a Windows Phone often talking to people (even coworkers) who don't know that a) Windows Phones exist, or b) that Verizon even carries them.


I'm curious about something but I can never get a straight answer from someone who actually sells phones: do you sell Windows Phones? I don't mean if your store carries them. I mean: do people buy them? What is the ratio of sales compared to iPhones and Androids? What is the return rate? And what is the reason for returns? Are sales lower because the phones are not displayed and pushed? Or are the phones not displayed or pushed because they do not sell?

I'm curious to hear about WP sales in the real world from your perspective.
I'm curious about something but I can never get a straight answer from someone who actually sells phones: do you sell Windows Phones? I don't mean if your store carries them. I mean: do people buy them? What is the ratio of sales compared to iPhones and Androids? What is the return rate? And what is the reason for returns? Are sales lower because the phones are not displayed and pushed? Or are the phones not displayed or pushed because they do not sell?

I'm curious to hear about WP sales in the real world from your perspective.

I'd ask the question a bit different. How many people who come into your Store don't already have a specific Brand of phone already selected? I assume while many people don't even know about the Operating Systems the phones use, I would expect they would be coming in and asking to buy a Samsung Edge, of Samsung Galaxy S6, etc. Or of course I want to buy an iPhone 6S, etc.
Actually, there's a huge difference. Tmo doesnt require your device to have any special activation, no GSM carrier does, you just slap your SIM into YOUR phone and you're away. I should know, Ive used the 1520.3, Rogers 1020 & 920 and the first phone I ever used on Tmo US was an O2 XDA IIs. The fact that you can hack around Verizons activation with an already activated SIM doesnt count, offset against the number of people who would actually do this vs the number who would buy if the phone was officially supported probably made the cost of adding the required radios prohibitive. Hence no Verizon support.

As someone stated before, the low end Lumia 735 has all the radios. If they can put it in a mid tier device without worrying about it being cost prohibitive, there should be even less concern of putting it in a flagship device.

Not sure why you made the Tmo comment. I'm fully aware that this will work on their network by simply inserting an activated SIM since it is a GSM carrier.
It's up to Verizon. If you can bring our own Nexus and iPhone, that's because they are desirable phones for them to have on the network. They allow them. It's not like GSM where the carrier HAS to allow a phone (that's how the standard is). Verizon can still choose to deny Microsoft phones. Which I bet they would, since they really don't care, and that minuscule number of customers are treated more like a hassle than an asset.

Stop posting misinformation.
I'd ask the question a bit different. How many people who come into your Store don't already have a specific Brand of phone already selected? I assume while many people don't even know about the Operating Systems the phones use, I would expect they would be coming in and asking to buy a Samsung Edge, of Samsung Galaxy S6, etc. Or of course I want to buy an iPhone 6S, etc.
Exactly. The average user goes in based on the commercials they see for these devices; not asking show me your [insert OS here] devices. Microsoft has always failed at this. If Microsoft would make commercial like what Apple does for the iPhone; show the features of the phone they might have a bigger market share. What if they ran commercial displaying Living Images a year ago or better explain the Start screen with Live Tiles?

Lastly IMHO Microsoft needs to stop showing the Star screen crammed with sooo many Live Titles. It looks like a jumble mess. I actually heard people complain that they didn't like it and thought they couldn't change it.
Re: Start screen in advertising, Microsoft should include in a commercial a quick 5 second clip of 5 or more artistic, user created start screens, like those posted by talented start screen creators on this site.
yea if t mobile/metro is slow about it even though there band is supported I think Ill go back to att, I switched because they didn't have unlimited like t mobile and metro, and much better price, edit ,well just looked on att and they have some new plans that on paper is simular to tmobile and metro, data slows after you go over your amount but still is unlimited. So i guess its bye by tmobile hello att. lady said i can order 950 from them when its available. even though I want the 950xl hope they'll have it to
I've been on Cricket for a month. $35/m including all taxes and fees, 2.5GB, no overage fees but throttled to :eek: 2G, no contract using my 920.
I'm on the same $35/month plan. But why are you being "throttled" to 2G? They're just AT&T towers so I don't understand. Maybe you're in the boonies.
These are LTE phones so there should be no issue. CDMA is their old technology network which is not the same as their LTE which requires a SIM. LTE is not CDMA-based, it's OFDMA-based, a completely different technology that's related to WiMAX, but not to any of the 3G systems out there.

Verizon's phone calls and SMS text messaging still go over their CDMA network.
But, yes, their LTE data is GSM based, wich requires a SIM.
I wonder how long Microsoft will be quiet over this issue of carrier support other than AT&T for the unlocked devices?
And this is what pisses me off about Microsoft. They insist they want to be relevant in the mobile arena but price their flagships way too high and they don't seem to care if carriers want them or not. Just 3 more Lumia's chucked into the fray.

Can anyone here convince me (or yourselves) that the recent rollout of Microsoft's new flagship "phones" shows they are serious about clawing out of their measly 2.5% market share? (I'm not talking about specs either). Pretty lackluster fanfare if you ask me.

Mobile "First" my azz
And this is what pisses me off about Microsoft. They insist they want to be relevant in the mobile arena but price their flagships way too high and they don't seem to care if carriers want them or not. Just 3 more Lumia's chucked into the fray.

Can anyone here convince me (or yourselves) that the recent rollout of Microsoft's new flagship "phones" shows they are serious about clawing out of their measly 2.5% market share? (I'm not talking about specs either). Pretty lackluster fanfare if you ask me.

Mobile "First" my azz

The price of the 950 XL unlocked is no different then the price of an unlocked iPhone 6s Plus. There's no news on what the phone would cost subsidized.

Part of Microsoft's problem is they suck at advertising. Even the commercials for Windows Phone 8 were head scratchers on what the phone is capable of doing. Like showing what people are doing conveys what the phone capabilities are. Samsung and Apple do a hell better job of marketing their phones to masses.
I went to the Microsoft Store at the Aventura Mall in Miami. I asked the sales rep if the 950xl would work on Verizon and he said Yes. But he didn't sound to sure of himself, so I went to the store manager and he said absolutely Yes! So I ordered 2 of them. If it turns out he's not right then I don't have to take the phones. They don't require any money down to pre-order at the store. I also pre-ordered the Band 2.
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