Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

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Band 2 and 4 are listed however and are two of the frequencies Verizon uses for LTE along with 13, so maybe. Either way whoever the phone works with is who I'm going with

Verizon's primary LTE band is band 13, so while it will work on bands 2 and 4 it will only be where they are available... so you may as well not bother trying...
Just so you know, the GLOBAL standards for Cell phones IS GSM. When it comes to the gobal market Microsoft's goal, allow access to the most customers in the world. Verizon uses a Key for CDMA and it's about the only one in the gobal marketplace (as far as I know). When you look at the big picture, making the phone in the global standards (that includes AT&T as they are primary GSM), is the most important to them.

They still botched it. They could've made a Verizon network compatible version but instead choose to do the dumb exclusive AT&T thing they did with the 920 again. MS is their own worst enemy.
I still think we are going too early here....Verizon still sells the 735 (never mind 2 other WP devices besides the 735) on their site and they ARE a Microsoft partner/official re-seller. The Phone is not going to be released for another month or so (never mind if there is a delay or something).

With the release, I bet Verizon grabs something, If it's the 550, 950 or 950XL, who knows but, maybe something.

As normal with Verizon, it's going to be a waiting game, If the phone is out for a month and we hear nothing, then we have a right to complain.

Otherwise, get on the phone, get on twitter and facebook and tell Verizon wireless you want the 950xl on Verizon's network...everyone needs to do this.
I've been with Verizon for a while now. I was disappointed how they handle the Lumina. While I do love "The Network", It is always about choices!!!

Think about it. Why should the carriers in this time of day still dictate what device we use? Does Time Warner dictate the computer you use? NO! Just get me connected to the net! That is it!

If Verizon isn't thinking about Windows Phone, I will change carriers, and I've been with them for about nine years! You got to have the device I want PERIOD!!! And Being in Cali I doubt I'll have much problem with AT&T!

i dropped vzw back when they had crap wp7 support when i got tired of them always getting crap devices and went to ATT, signal and speed wise i haven't noticed any real negative difference, out in the sticks, i tend to get better reception than i did with verizon.

this is in SoCal and also the NorCal (bay) areas fwiw
Interesting: twitter.com/JohnLegere/status/651880503570747396 (Sorry - the system won't let me post a link yet.)
SO ... can ANYONE "definitively say" whether a twice as "expensive" Lumia 950XL *** DOES NOT HAVE the SAME every carrier in the world - AND - Verizon "Radios" that the Lumia 735 has ???

ANYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Interesting: twitter.com/JohnLegere/status/651880503570747396 (Sorry - the system won't let me post a link yet.)

here, repost it for you. Lol Microsoft.


Verizon guys, I know it's a hard truth to hear but if you want maximum device flexibility you really are on the wrong carrier. Look all carriers are terrible, if you think Verizon is something special then you've really just fallen for their marketing. All carriers see us as money streams, they don't care to do us any favors, they just want our cash. So it's in your best interest (if your circumstances allow) to not be loyal to a carrier, you should really just move to AT&T. It's not that AT&T is the best carrier, they are just the only US carrier that has two very important things. Maximum device availability combined with a large robust network. Verizon has a large network, but they have device lock-in that screws you more than it helps you. T-Mobile has more device availability being on GSM, but they still have their limitations and their network isn't as large. Sprint? Lol just get off Sprint already, here in Phoenix they still don't even have proper 4G/LTE coverage in TWENTY FIFTEEN. You don't get a good network OR device flexibility.

Don't be fooled by the monthly costs seeming lower on other carriers, it's all about device costs these days anyway. And with AT&T you can control that cost more than on any other carrier since you can import phones or use just about any GSM phone (without fear of craigslist blacklisted CDMA phones). No I don't work for AT&T, this has just become clear to me after hopping from Sprint to Verizon to AT&T over the years. Don't be afraid to combine with friends to split the bill up more and more in order to drive down costs. I have ten lines on my account, only two of which are my own family, most of those lines are phones we brought to AT&T or paid off long ago. The lowest cost line right now is my sister who pays $27 a month for unlimited talk/text/shared 15GB data with rollover on a Lumia 920. 15GB suits all of us just fine, but my point is look how low that cost can be for great device selection and a great network. Buddy up with family or friends to divide up your costs and enjoy the benefits only AT&T seems to allow in carriers these days (especially for Windows Phone). Don't fall for the "I can save $15 a month on X carrier" if you're stuck wishing for a phone that isn't available to you. That $15 is easily worth it for daily enjoyment of the right device. Even unlimited data just isn't worth it anymore.

I hope this doesn't kick off a carrier war, I really just wanted to share my perspective having been on three different carriers over the last decade. I got fed up with Verizon for this exact issue, not being able to use the phone I wanted for no damn good reason. The only hope you Verizon guys have left is that the Lumia 735 seems to have the same bands, just focus on that and hope it comes through for you. I mean if the 950 doesn't explicitly call out the right kind of CDMA band, but the 735 doesn't have it listed either, that could bode well for you. :) Good luck. Also for kicks here is a recent carrier comparison to help you make a decision.

Best Phone Carrier 2015 - Cell Phone Provider Comparison
Why all this love for Verizon? If the phone I wanted only worked on their system I'd get another phone. That's how much I despise them for their extortionist policies, hidden taxes and generally complex plans. And now that Apple is subsidizing phones, I hear Verizon is sucking wind. Oh well, sucks to be them.

Cricket is my new savior now. Month to month, no hidden fees, cheap. Yeah, I know they're owned by AT&T but if they screw me over I'll dump their azzes too. Choice is wonderful.
Still, nothing was preventing Microsoft from putting CDMA hardware in the phone so that, regardless if Verizon sold it or not, we could have still purchased it and used it. No different than T-Mobile or any other GSM carrier not selling the phone in their stores either. Just the simple fact that customers on those carriers can still buy it from Microsoft and use it. Verizon customers don't even have that option because of lack of CDMA support.

Actually, there's a huge difference. Tmo doesnt require your device to have any special activation, no GSM carrier does, you just slap your SIM into YOUR phone and you're away. I should know, Ive used the 1520.3, Rogers 1020 & 920 and the first phone I ever used on Tmo US was an O2 XDA IIs. The fact that you can hack around Verizons activation with an already activated SIM doesnt count, offset against the number of people who would actually do this vs the number who would buy if the phone was officially supported probably made the cost of adding the required radios prohibitive. Hence no Verizon support.
I just called Verizon and their customer service rep advised that they DO plan to support the 950 and 950XL. I asked specifically about those two devices, and in addition to him advising that they plan support for them he advised that Verizon is a 'Microsoft Partner'.

Take it for what it's worth, but at least I have hope. :smile:

I called T-Mobile within minutes of the showcase ending on Tuesday, and learned that they will not be carrying either of the Lumia 950 models. Although we can bring one on via BYOD, WiFi calling will not be supported.

I confirmed with my Sprint business account manager today that Sprint will not be carrying either, which no one but me probably cares about anyway.

You might as well put Yes and No on a wall and throw a dart at them blindfolded. The reps usually don't know as much about it as some of us enthusiasts.

Obviously we don't know what Microsoft and Verizon are up to behind the scenes, but I don't think any manufacturer would be willing to make a device with added cost for Verizon if Verizon doesn't have any intention of explicitly allowing it on their network.

Even a thing that seems minor, like CDMA, probably adds a lot of cost in design, testing, hardware etc.

You have some good points here about possible reasons for Microsoft not including CDMA radios. Who knows (besides the insiders)?

At the launch event, the antenna in the 950XL was specifically brought up as something special, it might be that placement and design of that played into things. Maybe the Microsoft engineers were able to achieve better signal with lower power use without CDMA, etc. All speculation, but examples of things that go into phone design.

If Verizon flat out says they won't sell or allow it explicitly, there might be enough downsides to putting CDMA in it that it's not worth it financially or technologically.

When the antennae were specifically mentioned, I right away thought that they were going to include CDMA capabilities. As it turned out, I have no clue what the significance is of two antennae!

With the release, I bet Verizon grabs something, If it's the 550, 950 or 950XL, who knows but, maybe something.

If Verizon gets any of these phones, they would have to be specially made for them. The announced devices won't work.

SO ... can ANYONE "definitively say" whether a twice as "expensive" Lumia 950XL *** DOES NOT HAVE the SAME every carrier in the world - AND - Verizon "Radios" that the Lumia 735 has ???

ANYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Yes. The specs have been listed all over. Compare them with Verizon's requirements. And please be aware the CDMA and WCDMA are NOT the same thing! The only commonality between them is that they both contain the letters C, D, M, and A.
Have the 950's gone thru FCC approval yet? Just curious if MS may not be releasing all the tech specs when it comes to radio bands and I believe you could get the gritty details from the FCC information. Why MS would leave out CDMA and not use universal radios like the iPhones and Nexus devices makes zero sense, unless they saved like $.05 per device or whatever, and is beyond me.

Everyone should take to Twitter and other social media on this Verizon, or non-AT&T carriers, issue. Use a hashtag like #verizon950s or something like that.

We are with Verizon at work and I was hoping to switch from my iPhone 6+ but I guess not; too bad because we're a MS shop and the integration would have been nice.
Who is this "John Legere" clown and why should anyone believe a word he says?
He may be a clown, but if it hadn't been for the disrupting force that he caused T-Mobile to be, the cell carriers would still be maintaining the status quo.
Why would WiFi calling not work? I had a Nokia phone that T-mo didn't carry and WiFi calling worked ( or I was dreaming all of that time).
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