Will an "unlocked" 950XL work on Verizon?

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No it wont work right now. It could but Verizon as usual will not do anything let it work on VZN.
I had my nexus 6 working on Verizon when it first came out, Verizon didn't support it. everything worked just fine and there was rumor that they weren't even going to support the nexus 6 at all. it was kind of a stupid workaround I had to do. I had to get my girlfriends htc remix and put it on my account, activate a new sim on the phone, the just popped the SIM in my nexus 6 and it activated and worked flawlessly. put the htc remix back on her account with her old SIM and that was that. the same thing will go for these phones, you'll be able to use the phone as long as you have a nano SIM attached to your account already. doesn't matter if Verizon supports them or carries them, as long as they have a few of the CDMA/LTE bands or just LTE bands, it'll work.

That's an interesting idea for a workaround. I actually have a Nano and microsim of the same number (don't ask me how) if I could try it on 950 I would love to try it.
Oh Thread. You're still around? I expected the life to have been beaten out of you by now. I didn't realize there were so many ways to say no. I should have known, as I have teenagers and I come up with new ways daily. But some of the new ways I've seen on this thread are amazing. Just when I think you've breathed your last breath and uttered your last sigh someone comes in with a little hope.

You're a fighter, Thread. I see that. You want to change everything. You want every Verizon customer on this planet to get a resounding yes to the Lumia 950 and 950 XL..... with frequent firmware updates and all!

I guess I can say it now, Thread. I love you. And because of our love... you can let go. It's okay. You don't have to fight anymore. Go home and meet your maker. I know, deep in my tired heart, that there is a place for you in Thread Heaven. I'm even more sure that there is a Lumia 5000 XXL with a Quad to the tenth power Double Snap(dragon) with a Twist processor and a 10k screen just for you! Glance, all week battery life and in colors! My god.... look at all the colors!

Go then, there are other worlds than these.

*Just having a little fun everyone. I too am a disappointed Verizon customer not sure of what I'll do next.
Yeah that news is totally unfortunate... Now that we know it was Verizon's fault, we don't even know if the Surface Phone will be available on Verizon...
Been talking to some Verizon customer service people and some people at MS after some tweets caught their attention.

Verizon has to authenticate the phone and they have no choice as long as it passes a certified third party inspection, but Microsoft has to foot the bill for the inspection. It sounds like MS may do that from the back and forth, but it has not been done yet because there are no manufactured models yet. All phones are technically prototypes and the manufacturing lines have not been fired up yet. Conjecture on my part based on what I've been told by VZW and Microsoft, but MS may submit the phone for CDMA certification to a third party. If that goes through, Verizon must list the IMEI numbers and allow activation or Microsoft can lodge a complaint with the FCC.

It sounds like Microsoft does not want to have anyone counting on these phones to work on Verizon upon announcement and it is possible that it will not ship with CDMA bands, but Microsoft may sell it unlocked CDMA at a later date after all the hurdles have been cleared, the phone is certified, and they can confirm VZW activation.

Again, I'm reading between the lines but have talked to people at both companies. Verizon is adamant that they will allow the phone if it passes the necessary hurdles that the FCC allows (and this third party verification is part of the LTE agreement VZW did with the FCC) and Microsoft insists that they have no problem selling the phone with CDMA bands unlocked if Verizon will activate it. But it sounds like it can't be verified until factory models come out.

Moto X works now, but it took time for the factory phones to be verified before Verizon allowed them. This is something they are allowed to do according to the FCC. Now any Moto X Pure should work because the IMEI has been added.

We'll see what happens. Verizon also promised me that they have other "exciting Windows 10 Mobile offerings" in the pipeline that will be revealed in the future near the Windows 10 Mobile launch. I keep hearing that HTC and LG are coming to the party and will offer Verizon phones. There's also noise that Acer will sell the Jade Primo unlocked directly and in MS Stores and will get the CDMA bands verified independently of Verizon to force a listing.

I guess I would just say that we all need to stay tuned and keep out ears to the ground.
We'll see what happens. Verizon also promised me that they have other "exciting Windows 10 Mobile offerings" in the pipeline that will be revealed in the future near the Windows 10 Mobile launch. I keep hearing that HTC and LG are coming to the party and will offer Verizon phones. There's also noise that Acer will sell the Jade Primo unlocked directly and in MS Stores and will get the CDMA bands verified independently of Verizon to force a listing.

Came to hear about this. Keep us posted on this!
+100 for our company and our almost 200 customers in Silicon Valley = Verizon + Microsoft are NOT just letting down us "personally" but with all of the NEW Windows Phone "ads" that will showcase the "Enterprise to the smallest of startups" =

= the POWER of Windows Phone 10 to "GET WORK DONE"!
ok, what about canada?!
Ive been a die-hard supporter of Windows Phone since WP7 and now there's no carrier support at all! Rogers completely sucked at advertising ANY Windows phones, but at least I could get (my 920 at the time) through them. Theres a MS store in the area (Toronto) where I can purchase the phone outright but at $850 CDN +tax which is pretty steep. PLUS with all of this BAND confusion, which carrier is going to accept it?, or ban it all together?, either of these scenarios leaves me with a $1000 brick. we need a carrier, and some clarification up here, big time.
ok, what about canada?!
Ive been a die-hard supporter of Windows Phone since WP7 and now there's no carrier support at all! Rogers completely sucked at advertising ANY Windows phones, but at least I could get (my 920 at the time) through them. Theres a MS store in the area (Toronto) where I can purchase the phone outright but at $850 CDN +tax which is pretty steep. PLUS with all of this BAND confusion, which carrier is going to accept it?, or ban it all together?, either of these scenarios leaves me with a $1000 brick. we need a carrier, and some clarification up here, big time.

You'll be fine in Canada. The CDMA issue with this phone really only affects US carriers for the most part. Most carriers globally use GSM networks now.
Uh why bother with Wi-Fi? Because Wi-Fi is still fast and you can get a cheaper plan bro. Do you even have a realistic idea of how much data you HAVE to use? Spend a month with Wi-Fi on and then check the data sense app, you might surprise yourself. I have 10 people sharing 15Gb of data, and we almost never get to the edge of it.

All I can say to that is, GOOD FOR YOU. To each their own, That is how you use your phone and I stated how I use mine.

Prefer not to worry about it because I have that option to, most people today can not. You can have 15gb of data for what (assuming Verizon)? $70 a month ? I know 18gb is $100 now, so you need to be close to that.... I'll stick with my $25 for unlimited...

No question a to each their own...

.Verizon also promised me that they have other "exciting Windows 10 Mobile offerings" in the pipeline that will be revealed in the future near the Windows 10 Mobile launch.

Verizon Customer service reps giving accurate information like this ? For me, it's hard to believe but, I hope your right.

I know you have some inside sources and thanks for the post but, knowing deep of Verizon support of Windows Phone, dont mind me if I question it, even a little...

Yep and I bet we get the 550....Not the high end models we desire... OR maybe Microsoft disabled CDMA on the 950XL because Verizon had something in the works (949XL ?)....but, why is Paul and Mary Jo, who have some very inside contacts at Microsoft saying the other way around, to quote "Verizon customers should just give up on Windows Phone because it's not going to happen"... and other models that have 1/2 the features of the 950XL, not even remotly interested.

Not sure if this helps or makes things worse :- /
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Verizon also promised me that they have other "exciting Windows 10 Mobile offerings" in the pipeline that will be revealed in the future near the Windows 10 Mobile launch.

By which they mean a couple of dirt cheap prepaid-quality phones with a 640x480 resistive screen, a 1.2 MP rear facing camera, and a 900 mWh battery. Emblazoned with a giant Verizon logo and available in your choice of salmon or seafoam.
ok, what about canada?.

There hasn't been much talk about Canada here since this thread is mostly about Verizon, but I think it is interesting that no carrier in Canada is going to be selling these phones either. I understand that Microsoft is being selective who they have relationships with (I don't agree with that but I understand) but at some point if the goal is to actually sell Windows phones, then you need carriers to actually sell them.

Here is a good article related to this saying Microsoft doesn't really want to sell WP in the US.
Microsoft Doesn't Really Want to Sell Windows Phones in the U.S. | Sascha Segan | PCMag.com

Lots of speculation but I like the tweets from the head product manager at T-Mobile saying:

[FONT=open_sansregular] "I like Windows phone, but I don't think Microsoft does, otherwise they would treat it differently."
We'll see what happens. Verizon also promised me that they have other "exciting Windows 10 Mobile offerings" in the pipeline that will be revealed in the future near the Windows 10 Mobile launch. I keep hearing that HTC and LG are coming to the party and will offer Verizon phones. There's also noise that Acer will sell the Jade Primo unlocked directly and in MS Stores and will get the CDMA bands verified independently of Verizon to force a listing.

I think this fits with Microsoft alluding to before that they are a software company and will make hardware to show what their software can do and show other vendors what can be done. Microsoft would benefit long term by having HTC, LG, ect.. step up and offer compelling phones that run Windows 10 Mobile. Not having the 950/950 XL on Verizon would give others a space to fill and a reason to try. If they fall short or don't try, MS submits the phone for CDMA certification to a third party and have it on Verizon. Maybe they are just in a waiting game right now as they are working things out and the reason MS or Verizon has not come out and specifically said yes or no is because its not determined yet.
I had given up hope of a 950/950 XL on Verizon but was still hoping for something good from another manufacturer. As long as one of the two options happen I'll be happy.
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