Will people say "LOL" at the iPhone 5 and "WHOA" at the Lumia920?


New member
Aug 11, 2012
Even my friends and friend's friends are all in turmoil.

People don't know if iPhone 5 will be anything as radical as before. Siri did create some interest but died as soon as it was born. And later on becoming nothing but butt of all YouTube jokes.

And with pretty much the whole iPhone leaked in bits and pieces across the net, will it really attract all those non-apple fanboys?

I'm sure the iPhone forums are buzzing just like the MS ones, but in spite of all that, will iPhone 5 really live up to its hype?
Or that will be the time people realize,"Hey Lumia 920 is better..."

Plz bear in mind, I'm talking about new potential buyers and NOT fanboys (they will even buy anything Apple has its logo on).

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
No. Apple just dumped them. from the connector and the cases for the iphone. and also if the iphone is 4 inch then the apps won't be good at all. there would be a large gap at the top. which it would dissatisfy tones of users. remember the 920 has the same ratio as the existing Wp7 devices. so the ratio would not be a problem. if the leaks are accurate. then people would not like it. even apple fanboys are not liking the current leaks. and many are not upgrading and jumping ship and some on imore are planing to switch to the 920 because it's good looking and not bland.
Anyone who thinks the iPhone won't be better than everything on wp8 on spec is fooling themselves.

The 920 may well end up with a better camera, but the economies of scale mean the iPhone 5 will be an awesome piece of hardware, and probably better spec than anything on android too, at least at the moment.

The interesting bit will be what apple have in store software wise. Especially with microsofts whole Eco system changes.
Anyone who thinks the iPhone won't be better than everything on wp8 on spec is fooling themselves.

The 920 may well end up with a better camera, but the economies of scale mean the iPhone 5 will be an awesome piece of hardware, and probably better spec than anything on android too, at least at the moment.

The interesting bit will be what apple have in store software wise. Especially with microsofts whole Eco system changes.
well I do think people getting a windows 8 tablet or PC will likely get a wp8 device. because MS will likely restrict apple from Windows 8
Even if it is true. No, people will not. Not the majority anyway. Here is hoping I'm wrong tho.
I think that Windows Phone has a better chance with discontented iPhone and Android users than new users. Those who don't have an iPhone yet probably really want one and have been waiting on the iPhone 5. It will be a hard fight for Windows Phone to get Android and iPhone users to switch though because those users are probably heavily immersed in those ecosystems. From what I have seen from the Nokia Lumia 920, it looks like a remarkable device. And I think that the UI is stunning. But then again, so is the iPhone.

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk
I think that Windows Phone has a better chance with discontented iPhone and Android users than new users. Those who don't have an iPhone yet probably really want one and have been waiting on the iPhone 5. It will be a hard fight for Windows Phone to get Android and iPhone users to switch though because those users are probably heavily immersed in those ecosystems. From what I have seen from the Nokia Lumia 920, it looks like a remarkable device. And I think that the UI is stunning. But then again, so is the iPhone.

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk

Um..so whom will WP attract more? Existing Android/iOS users or the new entrants??

I for one am ditching my Android and so is my friend (he has iOS).

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
Um..so whom will WP attract more? Existing Android/iOS users or the new entrants??

I for one am ditching my Android and so is my friend (he has iOS).

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
IF Windows Phone is able to turn over the negative public perception and get all the must-have apps, I can see it being the platform that discontented Android users switch to, especially those who are using Android 2.x devices which would be a far inferior experience.

My father owns an Xperia Ray, and even though it has an identical processor to the Lumia 800, he wants one because quote "it's ridiculously fast". If the Ray was running stock Jelly Bean the difference would be less noticeable, but that isn't happening any time soon.
IF Windows Phone is able to turn over the negative public perception and get all the must-have apps, I can see it being the platform that discontented Android users switch to, especially those who are using Android 2.x devices which would be a far inferior experience.

My father owns an Xperia Ray, and even though it has an identical processor to the Lumia 800, he wants one because quote "it's ridiculously fast". If the Ray was running stock Jelly Bean the difference would be less noticeable, but that isn't happening any time soon.


Well TBH my dad had X10, and believe me, I've seen the uglier side of Android...got him Xperia S now..he has a thing for Sony I guess..REAAALLLLYYY tried telling him he should opt for WP7..but he complained of a small screen all of them have..(fair point)...So here we are...again..
But I've decided on WP8 and may be that's what will attract him too...let's c..

On to the topic..i can say one thing for sure...every single person who has used a WP, have at least said one thing, "Its super smooth"...so I guess more the people use it, more it will be known around...
"Hey what's that...doesn't look like Android or iPhone"?
"Um..it's a WP..."
"ohh...can I see it...?"
*plays with the fluid OS and immediately falls on love*
"WHOA! where can I get it...?"

See..that what im talking about...

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
I know that there IS such a thing as a discontent iPhone user. At work, my receptionist hates her iPhone, saying it's too overwhelming and just "quirky" for what she wants to do. My CEO is hyped on it because of his rich, doctor friends, but he tried the 4S and hated how it works. A 4" screen may be easier for him to hold, but it's not going to change how it works. All of my iPhone users will occasionally complain that their Exchange ActiveSync just stops working because it forgets their password.

So that said, Microsoft does have some users to entice if they want the business. There's the people who have never had smartphones too, and that's a very large crowd of people. They should show off how fast and easy it is to do things.

Microsoft is also coordinating the launch of an entire ecosystem, and once developers see the way Modern UI works on Windows 8, it's so easy to retool the apps for WP8 that they'll do it quickly too. These help the platform as a whole. They're advantages for Microsoft over Android and iOS.

All of that's on Microsoft and OEMs, but it's not just all on them. We need to help them!

Will people say LOL at the iPhone 5? Yes. Not the Appleites and Googleites, of course, but those who are on the edge and those who listen to us promoting and demoing what we have. Those who are discontent and looking for options need to learn that options exist!

We need to be a force to be reckoned with as current WP users this holiday season! So as you pick up your Lumias and Ativs and Accords this fall, keep them handy with you, and keep them in people's line of sight. When they see what you have, show it to them!

Microsoft has a perfect storm brewing... so let's be lightning rods! :)
I know that there IS such a thing as a discontent iPhone user. At work, my receptionist hates her iPhone, saying it's too overwhelming and just "quirky" for what she wants to do. My CEO is hyped on it because of his rich, doctor friends, but he tried the 4S and hated how it works. A 4" screen may be easier for him to hold, but it's not going to change how it works. All of my iPhone users will occasionally complain that their Exchange ActiveSync just stops working because it forgets their password.

So that said, Microsoft does have some users to entice if they want the business. There's the people who have never had smartphones too, and that's a very large crowd of people. They should show off how fast and easy it is to do things.

Microsoft is also coordinating the launch of an entire ecosystem, and once developers see the way Modern UI works on Windows 8, it's so easy to retool the apps for WP8 that they'll do it quickly too. These help the platform as a whole. They're advantages for Microsoft over Android and iOS.

All of that's on Microsoft and OEMs, but it's not just all on them. We need to help them!

Will people say LOL at the iPhone 5? Yes. Not the Appleites and Googleites, of course, but those who are on the edge and those who listen to us promoting and demoing what we have. Those who are discontent and looking for options need to learn that options exist!

We need to be a force to be reckoned with as current WP users this holiday season! So as you pick up your Lumias and Ativs and Accords this fall, keep them handy with you, and keep them in people's line of sight. When they see what you have, show it to them!

Microsoft has a perfect storm brewing... so let's be lightning rods! :)

I'm gonna do just that. The first person to widen his eyes is going to be my dad...and I'm 100 percent sure he's going to say, "Hey...why didn't you buy ME one of that....?" Which I had suggested BTW, before he picked the Xperia S(on his own)... :D

Yes..we are the ones who can tell how important is performance over specs...future-proof tech vs age old refurbished devices etc.

I'm game and I'm proud to be a part of this movement.. like I said, EVERY single person used it has loved it...

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
To us, yes.

To everybody else, **** no.

Exactly. Apple could probably just slap a new label on all the boxes and people would think its newer, more magical, and better than anything else. I predict we will see a large amount of tech blogs comment how Apple bumbled the larger screen deal (Because people want a larger screen not a taller one for more icons at least in my informal polling at my office) and no one I talked to seems pleased that Apple is making a new proprietary connector which I think is ridiculous I think it needed to change yes but I think it should be Micro USB.

But for most people it will be the second coming.
Anyone who thinks the iPhone won't be better than everything on wp8 on spec is fooling themselves.

The 920 may well end up with a better camera, but the economies of scale mean the iPhone 5 will be an awesome piece of hardware, and probably better spec than anything on android too, ay least at the moment.

The interesting bit will be what apple have in store software wise. Especially with microsofts whole Eco system changes.

Ah, the 4 and 4s only had a better display than the competition. Everything else was pretty much below why was available on android at the time.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
Here's the reality of the iPhone 5 announcement based on rumors leaked:

1) 4" screen, but only stretched to be 16:9, so not even a true 4" display. This will be seen as a "Thank God" to some and "OMGWTF?!" to others. Don't worry about "black bars" for old apps... this is Apple, they'll finagle a way to make things look "pretty".

2) It will *FINALLY* have LTE. It *MIGHT* have quad-core processor... but more likely a quad-core GPU like the iPad, not a quad-core CPU. Those are evolutionary improvements that play catch-up and "look good on paper" specs. This will only impress tech-types, and nobody else will care unless a game requires it. Oh, and let's face it, having LTE capability and having access to an LTE network are totally different.

3) NFC is looking like a possibility*, so that'll be a catch-up feature, even though they'll claim how simple and magical it is (well duh, you tap and TADA, something happens). People will fall in love with this one, even though it's the same as everyone else. This will be the new Siri.

4) Speaking of Siri improvements... at least, superficially it will be capable of doing more, but at the end of the day, it still won't have third-party app support, and it still won't really "work" for most people. Just check YouTube for lots of humorous Siri results. This will continue to be more of a gimmick that people use for hands-free in the car.

5) Mapping Improvements as they eliminate Google Maps from the iPhone. A lot of people will go gaga over Apple doesn't need Google, and a lot of people will say "OMG, Google rocked this way harder!"

6) Facebook integration will have Appleites screaming for joy, but to everyone else it will be a reaction of either "about time" or "who cares".

7) Expect a general laundry list of so-called camera improvements. Tim Cook might take a pot shot at Nokia, but it will backfire to have people even look at an alternative to find out what the joke is, so scratch that idea. Unless they announce a 10MP+ option (currently unlikely).

8) New "accessory" port (because God forbid they standardize on micro-USB like the rest of the world) that will anger a lot of users for having to buy all new accessories, or you'll have to get an adapter to make it work with the old style, and come on, that's so lame especially since it's still proprietary.

* So let's revisit NFC... if you Bing/Google for "iPhone 5 Rumors" there's lots of articles doing rumor listings right now. NFC seems to be about 50/50 yes/no right now. I'm on the side of yes, because without it, only hardcore Appleites will walk out of the launch giving a crap about it. We know there are plenty of those, and plenty of "me too" trendy people, of course.

But as one article put it, there are no expected "one more things", and with Apple there always is, so I'm gonna predict it to be NFC.

In summary, a short list of "meh" improvements that are long overdue, a debate on the merit of the screen change, a kick in the pants with the dock port, and "it's OK, we got your back on NFC."

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... by the end of 2015, Apple will once again be a "who cares" company. Turn the bite in their logo to face you, and you'll see a company rotting at the core.
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Well, when people on a Windows Phone forum talk about the iPhone so much, it must be doing something right. Eh?
The iPhone 5 will still sell ridiculous amounts, but more and more people are getting 'bored' of iOS in general as Apple tends to make very small amounts of progress on the OS itself with each release. Now even the hardware is getting stale and people are taking notice.

Its a process, but I see more people looking to move from the iPhone this year than any prior year, and many of those are truly looking at WP8 since its bringing such a large amount of new features and hardware support. Plus the great designs and photography enhancements from Nokia ect.

The next 1-2 years you will see an overall slowing and eventual decline of interest in the iPhone as WP moves upward in both consumer & enterprise markets.
Even my friends and friend's friends are all in turmoil.

People don't know if iPhone 5 will be anything as radical as before. Siri did create some interest but died as soon as it was born. And later on becoming nothing but butt of all YouTube jokes.

And with pretty much the whole iPhone leaked in bits and pieces across the net, will it really attract all those non-apple fanboys?

I'm sure the iPhone forums are buzzing just like the MS ones, but in spite of all that, will iPhone 5 really live up to its hype?
Or that will be the time people realize,"Hey Lumia 920 is better..."

Plz bear in mind, I'm talking about new potential buyers and NOT fanboys (they will even buy anything Apple has its logo on).

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
Never underestimate the iPhone, people will wait in line all night to get the phone and trust me, nobody is going to do that for the Lumia 920...

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