Will people say "LOL" at the iPhone 5 and "WHOA" at the Lumia920?

Nope. It will probably sell more than the iPhone 4S easily.

The camera on the Lumia 920 from what I've seen is great, but smartphone cameras have been pretty good since mid-late 2010 so no one but enthusiasts are really raving about that. The camera on my Skyrocket takes pictures about as good as an iPhone 4S, except the iPhone camera is the most "point and shoot" (i.e. barely ever have to mess with settings, cause there are none) on the market right now.

The OS is still simple and works well, and people are still invested in that ecosystem and dragging their friends to it the same way BBM was making people drag their friends to Blackberry back in the day.

Additionally the phone is pretty big. A 4.5" screen is pretty big and Nokia always puts a factorable bezel on their phones compared to some other companies like Apple and Samsung.

A good device, but really they should have launched something like this when they put the Lumia 900 out, and made it upgradeable to Windows Phone 8 - the route Android manufacturers took when they launched their dual core devices on FroYo and upgraded to GB.

There's a difference between buzzing and setting the money aside. Microsoft's forums are buzzing, Apple fans are already partitioning their money and reserving their spots in line. Nothing sells like the iPhone. There will be no comparison. That is why it's good to get the jump on Apple, the way HTC went first and Samsung followed them - months earlier. There's no way Samsung would have sold as many GS3 devices if they had waited until this close to the Apple Launch.

Just like with the WP7 launch, Microsoft/Nokia will lose out on a ton of potential sales just by virtue of being so late. A lot of disgruntled WP7/7.5 users have already jumped back to Android/iOS because they were tired of waiting.
People who want the iPhone will get it, regardless of what WP or even Android put out. Sheeple are just that loyal.

Besides it's really silly to compare them at this point. Apple has an established name, ecosystem and user experience for well over 5 years. Many that will decide to give WP a chance will do so on blind faith.

The WP8 launch date was set long ago. If MSFT decided to launch early just to get a jump on Apple with an unfinished product, it would be a suicide on a Biblical scale. Yeah, you might get a lot of new purchases from former iPhone folks, but if the experience was lackluster because not all the pieces were in place, they'd run right back to the store to return their Nokias, Ativs etc and back on iPhone in record time. Remember, most vendors have a 30 day trial policy.

Never to return.
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Also there's this: on launch day anyone who wants a device will get it. Long lines at the Apple store will not shorten because WP8 is now in play. Anyone who will wait in a lineup for hours for a product will not be dissuaded by a different product. It doesn't work that way.

MSFT will go for the customers that upgrade after the iPhone 5 launch. Pretty smart - at this point they know they can't compete with Apple head to head if they both released along the same time, so they'll grab customers along the way afterwards. By the time WP8 launches, perhaps (maybe) they can get some disenchanted iPhone 5 users.
Comparing Lumia 920 to iPhone 5 is pointless.

For one thing, iPhone 5 will have pricing and availability information when it is announced, while 920 remains elusive vaporware. Only Nokia has the power to change that.

I think only microsoft has the power to change that, the hardware is obviously ready, but WP8 isn't...

I don't buy the iPhones but they push other companies to do better.

Agree with you there, the iphone 3 shook the entire industry up for the better and for that alone I like apple..
Having said that, Id never buy an iphone as I detest their whole walled garden approach to software and I think Im one of a small minority who doesn't give a monkeys what they release tomorrow as I have no intention of buying it :)
Is it kind of hypocritical of us to blast Apple for a new connector on their iphone, thus making obsolete lots of pholks (hehe, see what i did there? ;)) iPhone accessories, but saying many of these upset users will flock to Android or WP8 where they would still be in the exact same situation - using a new phone that doesn't work with their existing accessories...?

Apple will release a 'magic' connector that will be minimalist in design (it'd have to be since the iphone itself is getting bigger this making it even harder to fit into existing accessories), yet cost somewhere around 30-40 dollars to appease transitional users. If they don't.... well... sucks to be a user with an i-alarm clock, stereo, car adapter, in dash connection, etc... whether they 'stick' with Apple or move on to Android or WP
Is it kind of hypocritical of us to blast Apple for a new connector on their iphone, thus making obsolete lots of pholks (hehe, see what i did there? ;)) iPhone accessories, but saying many of these upset users will flock to Android or WP8 where they would still be in the exact same situation - using a new phone that doesn't work with their existing accessories...?

Apple will release a 'magic' connector that will be minimalist in design (it'd have to be since the iphone itself is getting bigger this making it even harder to fit into existing accessories), yet cost somewhere around 30-40 dollars to appease transitional users. If they don't.... well... sucks to be a user with an i-alarm clock, stereo, car adapter, in dash connection, etc... whether they 'stick' with Apple or move on to Android or WP

Instinct tells me it won't be so. At this time the last thing Apple wants to do is piss people off...the "one more thing"?
Older accessories will be compatible with newer devices... IMO.

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
Instinct tells me it won't be so. At this time the last thing Apple wants to do is piss people off...the "one more thing"?
Older accessories will be compatible with newer devices... IMO.

Sent from my DROID RaZr.

Yes, via an adapter dongle for the low low price of 29.95.

It's gonna piss some people off because no one is going to want to carry around a dongle to disconnect from their car stereo to attach to their old charger, soundbar etc, and the result will be multiple purchases of 29.95.

Apple can spin the change anyway they like - the old connection port wasn't defective or flawed in any way - Apple simply wanted to create another revenue stream.

Also can you see how the third party vendors (sound dock folks etc) will be infuriated that now they'll have to create two different models to do the same thing?
Why do you think "at this time" Apple don't want to piss off people? For some reason you seem to think Apple has a bad relationship with it's users and users are just looking for a reason to leave. Which there have been no evidence of this.
Instinct tells me it won't be so. At this time the last thing Apple wants to do is piss people off...the "one more thing"?
Older accessories will be compatible with newer devices... IMO.

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
Why do you think "at this time" Apple don't want to piss off people? For some reason you seem to think Apple has a bad relationship with it's users and users are just looking for a reason to leave. Which there have been no evidence of this.

Whaa?? No no...people are tired of the same old refurbished design year after year...they are in the verge of ditching their iDevices...add to that the bludgeoning giant Samsung..and its domination in the cellphone markets..
combine that with the options available with/on Android..
Lot of factors my friend.

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
I've been an iOS devotee for three Nanos, iPhone (3, 3GS, 4 and 4S), iPad (1 & 3) and iPod touch, and I'm ready to go. I tried WP with a focus last year, and it intrigued me to the point of a Lumia 900 which I'm beginning to like a lot more.

iOS products are great, but they are getting stale and it's time to refresh the whole line with a new OS. I've got an upgrade to use, and in all honesty, it will probably got to a WP8 phone. I've got a lot of iPhone friends who don't care about the one because it isn't that different and will cost them more in accessory upgrades.
No not really look how many folks own one. they will be getting for the first time a much larger screen. this device will sell like no tomorrow. Apple has the fan base and there is no getting around it. Will the device be better than the 920 I would think that they both will be pretty much the same when all the accounting is done side by side.
I know a lot of people getting tired of the iPhone. But I know way more who still think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
The Iphone users are like cultists and will jump on board with whatever Apple puts out. Until WP8 can gain some good press and hopefully get some android owners we can't hope for Apple converts. Most people scowl when they hear windows phone and that will be a tough perception to change... Even with the better product.

Sent from my mwp6985 using Board Express
I don't think so. I think they just like the iPhone. All of the iPhone people I know uses Windows PCs.
Is it kind of hypocritical of us to blast Apple for a new connector on their iphone, thus making obsolete lots of pholks (hehe, see what i did there? ;)) iPhone accessories, but saying many of these upset users will flock to Android or WP8 where they would still be in the exact same situation - using a new phone that doesn't work with their existing accessories...?

Apple will release a 'magic' connector that will be minimalist in design (it'd have to be since the iphone itself is getting bigger this making it even harder to fit into existing accessories), yet cost somewhere around 30-40 dollars to appease transitional users. If they don't.... well... sucks to be a user with an i-alarm clock, stereo, car adapter, in dash connection, etc... whether they 'stick' with Apple or move on to Android or WP

Not hypocritical at all since Android and WP8 use a standard USB connector. I don't foresee that changing anytime soon. Apple can change their connector on a whim.

I guess there's still the question as to why Apple doesn't want to embrace a standard. No SD expansion. No HDMI out option. No nothing without shelling out extra money to Apple for the privilege to use the product you paid good money for more effectively.

Sure, the iPhone 5 will be a success, but will it pull anyone new in? If the market is fully saturated then all Apple can do is woo existing customers to plop down more money. They have a large audience that will do that, but I think its smaller than their average sales audience.

I'm not convinced that the iPhone 5 will outsell the 4S. I'll be very interested to see the quarterly sales. It might go crazy in the first month, but let us look at y2y Christmas season sales and see what happens.
I'm willing to bet my Nokia Lumia 900 that the new iPhone 5 will crush the 4S in sales. Its the iPhone many people wanted when the 4S was released, including myself.
Substitute iPhone 4 for iPhone 5 and the Evo for the Nokia and this will be playing out everywhere almost verbatim from a customer standpoint lol.


As much as I love WP it has a ways to go against people like this, and these people are real no matter how exaggerated (or not) this is. :)
The iPhone situation is more-or-less the Windows PC situation of the mid 1990s into the 2000s.

A long, long time ago I was a Mac user (I still have a MacBook today, but think Windows 7 is better than Mountain Lion).

Anyway, every time Microsoft announced a new OS after Windows 95, people lined up for it. Remember Windows 98? Windows Me? (I do, and shudder every time). Windows 2000 and NT? Windows XP?

People used to look at me with phony-sad eyes and say "oh, you don't use Windows, what a shame." I even had a boss ding me on my review at one point because I used a Mac and was "resisting the migration to modern computers, hampering productivity." (Not really... I really was avoiding using Windows 98 because it was GARBAGE! Even worse than Mac OS 9).

Today, many of the same people look at me with phony-sad eyes and say "oh, you don't have an iPhone, what a shame." And that ex-boss is now a huge Apple ****** (Macs and iOS) who claims he doesn't remember dinging me for using a Mac back then, and who says I should "get into the 21st century and go iOS."

A lot of it is "what's cool" and "in" at the moment -- what makes a person seem "hip" and "with it." In the 1990s and early 2000s, that was Microsoft. Now it's Apple.

Specs, performance and cost-benefit have little to do with it. The Macs of the late 1990s were far superior to Windows 9X PCs in most regards, yet few cared. And the Windows Phones of early 2012 are far superior to their iPhone competitors in many regards, yet few care. They stick with what they know and with what's "cool."
Ah, who cares about Apple vs. Nokia? If you prefer Nokia then so be it. Same for Apple. All I care about is that there is an alternative to Apple (no keyboards) and Google (spyware). Right now that's WP. If Apple released a slider I'd consider it, but probably stay with WP. Google is off limits.

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