This is a massive thread. Anyone got any links to where will this launch event be streamed live?
Also there's this: on launch day anyone who wants a device will get it. Long lines at the Apple store will not shorten because WP8 is now in play. Anyone who will wait in a lineup for hours for a product will not be dissuaded by a different product. It doesn't work that way.
MSFT will go for the customers that upgrade after the iPhone 5 launch. Pretty smart - at this point they know they can't compete with Apple head to head if they both released along the same time, so they'll grab customers along the way afterwards. By the time WP8 launches, perhaps (maybe) they can get some disenchanted iPhone 5 users.
That is still a terrible way to play it because:
1. 8GB iPhone 4S @ $99
2. 8GB iPhone 4 @ Free on Contract
3. Tons of Heavily Discounted decent Android Handsets - You can get a GS3 on Amazon for a limited tiem for $99 on Contract, IIRC. The One X is already $99 on Contract on AT&T and in a few months I expect to see decent devices like the ion and Atrix HD go down to $79-49 on contract, but even at $99 they will be competitive even with newer flagships for people looking for a good deal.
They aren't just dealing with iPhone upgrades and Activations, they're dealing with the potential customer base being whittled down heavily by a ton fo Android handset releases as well. That is the issue they had to deal with when they first launched WP7, because they waited until late September-October to roll the devices out.
By then the Galaxy S, iPhones, and HTC/Motorola handsets (Droid X, Incredible, etc.) had stolen a ton of upgrades and activations from them. Most people here buy their phones on contract, and won't pay off-contract prices for new phones. And most of them don't really pay attention to the market the was we forum perusers do. They go in buy a phone and then stop paying attention until either they really want a new one or it's time to upgrade again.
Engadget's iPhone 5 pre-event broadcast: live from San Francisco! -- Engadget
Sent from my DROID RaZr.
Isn't this a live blog? Is there any live video feeds around?
iPhone 5 CRUSHED by the Lumia 920. Simple as THAT.
My decision is final. I will OWN the 920 by the holidays. Apple's own sheep are bored!**** YEA!!
Just read this to believe it:
Apple announces the iPhone 5 with LTE and 4-inch display | The Verge
Sent from my DROID RaZr.
I cannot wait for a Lumia 920 vs iPhone 5 camera comparison
Browser speeds and battery comparison.
One thing is sure. All iSheeps have plenty of reason to stick to another iPhone. What they've done is taken user feedback into account and retained iSheeps. That is what WP7 failed to do. Its own customers might not be retained.
Haven't had time to fully catch up with the Apple show, but I'm feeling a lot of underwhelming energy surrounding it.
Had a feeling this would be the start of the end...
iPhone 5 CRUSHED by the Lumia 920. Simple as THAT.