Even my friends and friend's friends are all in turmoil.
People don't know if iPhone 5 will be anything as radical as before. Siri did create some interest but died as soon as it was born. And later on becoming nothing but butt of all YouTube jokes.
And with pretty much the whole iPhone leaked in bits and pieces across the net, will it really attract all those non-apple fanboys?
I'm sure the iPhone forums are buzzing just like the MS ones, but in spite of all that, will iPhone 5 really live up to its hype?
Or that will be the time people realize,"Hey Lumia 920 is better..."
Plz bear in mind, I'm talking about new potential buyers and NOT fanboys (they will even buy anything Apple has its logo on).
Sent from my DROID RaZr.
Nope. It will probably sell more than the iPhone 4S easily.
The camera on the Lumia 920 from what I've seen is great, but smartphone cameras have been pretty good since mid-late 2010 so no one but enthusiasts are really raving about that. The camera on my Skyrocket takes pictures about as good as an iPhone 4S, except the iPhone camera is the most "point and shoot" (i.e. barely ever have to mess with settings, cause there are none) on the market right now.
The OS is still simple and works well, and people are still invested in that ecosystem and dragging their friends to it the same way BBM was making people drag their friends to Blackberry back in the day.
Additionally the phone is pretty big. A 4.5" screen is pretty big and Nokia always puts a factorable bezel on their phones compared to some other companies like Apple and Samsung.
A good device, but really they should have launched something like this when they put the Lumia 900 out, and made it upgradeable to Windows Phone 8 - the route Android manufacturers took when they launched their dual core devices on FroYo and upgraded to GB.
There's a difference between buzzing and setting the money aside. Microsoft's forums are buzzing, Apple fans are already partitioning their money and reserving their spots in line. Nothing sells like the iPhone. There will be no comparison. That is why it's good to get the jump on Apple, the way HTC went first and Samsung followed them - months earlier. There's no way Samsung would have sold as many GS3 devices if they had waited until this close to the Apple Launch.
Just like with the WP7 launch, Microsoft/Nokia will lose out on a ton of potential sales just by virtue of being so late. A lot of disgruntled WP7/7.5 users have already jumped back to Android/iOS because they were tired of waiting.