Will people say "LOL" at the iPhone 5 and "WHOA" at the Lumia920?

And yet you don't know if the Lumia is better? seriously... the only thing we know is the aluminum design which once again looks very good and that the display is larger... it might have killer specs...
@jaxstate ... Know thy enemy. ;)

I've been watching Apple for 28 years... they are a company doomed by their own history.
Can't we just wait until Wednesday and see if the iPhone 5 is just a rehash or revolutionary again?
Can't we just wait until Wednesday and see if the iPhone 5 is just a rehash or revolutionary again?
Apple will come up with a good product once again. but I doubt it will be revolutionary, maybe in terms of specs vs size, who knows, it's too soon to know.
Comparing Lumia 920 to iPhone 5 is pointless.

For one thing, iPhone 5 will have pricing and availability information when it is announced, while 920 remains elusive vaporware. Only Nokia has the power to change that.
Here's the reality of the iPhone 5 announcement based on rumors leaked:

3) NFC is looking like a possibility*, so that'll be a catch-up feature, even though they'll claim how simple and magical it is (well duh, you tap and TADA, something happens). People will fall in love with this one, even though it's the same as everyone else. This will be the new Siri.

^This! A perfect example of skill of the Apple PR machine. Now NFC isn't exactly widespread but it's not cutting edge, however the non-techie news vendors (e.g. the tabloid press in the UK) will be falling over themselves in praise for this 'amazing' ability. And people will just lap it up as always. If NFC isn't in the new iPhone they'll just put the same spin on something else...

It shouldn't bother me so much but I'm afraid it does...:confused:
The interesting thing to me is that I've heard no talk of the iPhone 5 from any of the usual suspects that I know. I've not heard anything about WP or Android either, at least not until they see me using my phone and start asking questions.

A key here is the carriers. AT&T saw success with the Lumia 900 and will likely be pushing their WP8 devices hard. I know that Verizon will also be pushing multiple devices for WP8 and may not carrier the iPhone 5. My VZW contact has said that the word in Verizonland is that Apple is demanding more money from VZW for the LTE support of the iPhone 5 and that Verizon is less and less interested in handing over more cash to Apple. They've also been trying to use the iPhone to try to force access to FiOs and are trying to demand a portion of their fees to have an Apple branded device.

People may like the iPhone, but if the carriers revolt then Apple will be in trouble. T-Mobile can't really afford iPhone. Sprint is a willing partner now, but I don't see people bailing on AT&T and VZW en masse.

There's also the large dropoff in sales from the prior reported quarter. Analysts have said that the sales backed way off due to iPhone 5 anticipation, but we had that last year too and sales did not back off by as large of a percentage.

Yet the dip last quarter was huge. A 26% decline quarter to quarter. The prior year it was a 15% drop before a very large surge due to the 4S.

The problem Apple has as they expand is that they have fewer Apple savvy users that have to have the latest and greatest. Apple's plus is that they have people locked in their ecosystem, so those with large investments in apps are stuck with them by and large unless they move. Frankly, a $10-20 giftcard to the Windows Phone Store to get new users started might be a good lure for any switchers.

From what I understand, VZW is not going to be doing much pushing of the iPhone, even if they get the iPhone 5. In fact, they plan on putting higher pay outs on WP8 devices and Android devices. I know Moto already spiffs out their phones on VZW. MS, HTC, Samsung, and Nokia will also be doing that for WP8. I have been told that WP8 is VZW's big Christmas push this year.

I don't think there's as much enthusiasm for iPhone 5. They've had to wait a long time for LTE and, frankly, only Verizon can really deliver a good experience in that area right now. And VZW is not all that keen on iPhone users hijacking their network. They've been pushing for a $30 additional monthly surcharge for iPhone users above and beyond the normal data package costs. Apple, of course, is against it even though VZW has offered to split the fee with them.

But if VZW is not a willing iPhone 5 participant then the most significant rumored upgrade for the device, LTE, will not really be a big deal in the US.
The iPhone will do fine. It will be less "magical" than previous versions, but they'll still blow everyone else away in sales.

I don't believe that there will be a big "Aha!" moment for WP in general. It will have slow, but solid growth. As people are disenchanted with iOS or Android, and get uses to seeing Windows8, they'll be more willing to take a look at WP. And of those that take a look, a decent enough will decide that they like what they see.

No need to "LOL" at Apple for WP to grow.
The iPhone will do fine. It will be less "magical" than previous versions, but they'll still blow everyone else away in sales.

I don't believe that there will be a big "Aha!" moment for WP in general. It will have slow, but solid growth. As people are disenchanted with iOS or Android, and get uses to seeing Windows8, they'll be more willing to take a look at WP. And of those that take a look, a decent enough will decide that they like what they see.

No need to "LOL" at Apple for WP to grow.
This is actually a very good comment haha, but I expect to iPhone 5 to have the WOW factor like it's predecessors, Apple is very good at raising the bar, they made retina displays, now the competition do better, they always raise the bar a little bit more.
Launch day there will be lineups outside Apple stores all over. Just like there was for the release of the 4 and 4S - that much is certain. Will the lineups be as long as they were in the past? I thinking they may not be - the buzz is not as loud as it has been.

The real test will be the comments that follow in the week after. There doesn't seem to a killer feature this time around.

Having said that, I don't think that people will trade their newly purchased 5's for a WP8 device. Look around holiday time to see trends emerging if they will.
Launch day there will be lineups outside Apple stores all over. Just like there was for the release of the 4 and 4S - that much is certain. Will the lineups be as long as they were in the past? I thinking they may not be - the buzz is not as loud as it has been.

The real test will be the comments that follow in the week after. There doesn't seem to a killer feature this time around.

Having said that, I don't think that people will trade their newly purchased 5's for a WP8 device. Look around holiday time to see trends emerging if they will.
There might be killer features, a good thing about Apple is the element of surprise and even if there is some leaks before every Apple events, there is always something cool that get's you excited in a way. I don't buy the iPhones but they push other companies to do better.
The iPhone won't have better specs but that has never been the big selling point outside of the display. People will say whoa to iPhone cause Apple knows how to market and make their products attractive
I think at this point no one will laugh at iphone5 as much as they will with WP8. It already seems to be considered a fial OS. Was looking forward to the new phones but will be looking at another OS.

A "fial" indeed
The iPhone 5 will still sell ridiculous amounts, but more and more people are getting 'bored' of iOS in general as Apple tends to make very small amounts of progress on the OS itself with each release. Now even the hardware is getting stale and people are taking notice.

Its a process, but I see more people looking to move from the iPhone this year than any prior year, and many of those are truly looking at WP8 since its bringing such a large amount of new features and hardware support. Plus the great designs and photography enhancements from Nokia ect.

The next 1-2 years you will see an overall slowing and eventual decline of interest in the iPhone as WP moves upward in both consumer & enterprise markets.

Amen to that word-to-word!
The iPhone will do fine. It will be less "magical" than previous versions, but they'll still blow everyone else away in sales.

I don't believe that there will be a big "Aha!" moment for WP in general. It will have slow, but solid growth. As people are disenchanted with iOS or Android, and get uses to seeing Windows8, they'll be more willing to take a look at WP. And of those that take a look, a decent enough will decide that they like what they see.

No need to "LOL" at Apple for WP to grow.

As an individual phone, yes it will be the best seller. But Samsung is likely to continue to outsell Apple in the smartphone sphere.

A huge negative will be the new Dock connecter. I expect a lot of bad press for Apple on that as they make every peripheral millions of users have purchased to be obsolete. That could cause a slip in sales as people decide if they wish to take the dive.

It's not going to tank, but it's important to see if it recovers to the heights the iPhone 4S got to last year. If year-to-year sales decline with a new iPhone, even slightly, that will indicate a downward trend.

I don't think the same enthusiasm is there this year. The Galaxy S3 has turned a lot of heads just as I think a similar ATIV handset will for WP8. And, ultimately, the marketplace of Android and WP8 will offer far more options and variability.

I also suspect the iPhone 5 will launch will issues. A higher res screen could impact the battery. I'll wager that any LTE functionality won't work quite right at the start. Apple has been putting out a lot of "not ready for primetime" stuff lately, from the hot iPad to the iPhone's with antennas that don't like to be squeezed. Poor engineering is a hallmark of Apple's design and has been for a long time. I ran into it when I had an iBook a decade ago.
Anyone who thinks the iPhone won't be better than everything on wp8 on spec is fooling themselves.

The 920 may well end up with a better camera, but the economies of scale mean the iPhone 5 will be an awesome piece of hardware, and probably better spec than anything on android too, at least at the moment.

The interesting bit will be what apple have in store software wise. Especially with microsofts whole Eco system changes.
lolwut. iphone has always been 6-12 months behind on technology. Why would that change now? omg 4" screen. Honestly, if 4" is all your going to do you might as well keep it at 3.6.
Interesting subject. My thoughts:

- There will be lines for the new iPhone. Like always. People in the lines are the enthusiasts, not the ones that just happen to need a new phone and prefer iOS. Like always. I haven't seen any lines for, say, Samsung Galaxy S3 (at least not where I live). Samsung still sold ****loads of them. My conclusion: The lines are good for Marketing as in "Look! All those people queueing up for a phone! It must be SO good!". But regarding to how many devices are sold over a longer term: Meaningless.

- Apple might have more up their sleeves than the things that have leaked. If they have some real innovation and/or some real improvements up their sleeves, they will market the **** out of it, they're good at that. This would help the company to carry their good reputation further into the future.

- Apple might have no real innovation up their sleeves, they will market the **** out of it, they're good at that. People (Non-****** ones) would notice, though, and this could be another step to make Apple go back to "average" into peoples' minds. It will be baby steps until Apple is seen as "Just another company", though - they have cemented their rerpuation well enough to be future proof for another while.

So ... to be honest, I can't come to any conclusion until I really can compare the new iPhone to the new WP8 phones. It will certainly be interesting, though.
Even my friends and friend's friends are all in turmoil.

People don't know if iPhone 5 will be anything as radical as before. Siri did create some interest but died as soon as it was born. And later on becoming nothing but butt of all YouTube jokes.

And with pretty much the whole iPhone leaked in bits and pieces across the net, will it really attract all those non-apple fanboys?

I'm sure the iPhone forums are buzzing just like the MS ones, but in spite of all that, will iPhone 5 really live up to its hype?
Or that will be the time people realize,"Hey Lumia 920 is better..."

Plz bear in mind, I'm talking about new potential buyers and NOT fanboys (they will even buy anything Apple has its logo on).

Sent from my DROID RaZr.
Nope. It will probably sell more than the iPhone 4S easily.

The camera on the Lumia 920 from what I've seen is great, but smartphone cameras have been pretty good since mid-late 2010 so no one but enthusiasts are really raving about that. The camera on my Skyrocket takes pictures about as good as an iPhone 4S, except the iPhone camera is the most "point and shoot" (i.e. barely ever have to mess with settings, cause there are none) on the market right now.

The OS is still simple and works well, and people are still invested in that ecosystem and dragging their friends to it the same way BBM was making people drag their friends to Blackberry back in the day.

Additionally the phone is pretty big. A 4.5" screen is pretty big and Nokia always puts a factorable bezel on their phones compared to some other companies like Apple and Samsung.

A good device, but really they should have launched something like this when they put the Lumia 900 out, and made it upgradeable to Windows Phone 8 - the route Android manufacturers took when they launched their dual core devices on FroYo and upgraded to GB.

There's a difference between buzzing and setting the money aside. Microsoft's forums are buzzing, Apple fans are already partitioning their money and reserving their spots in line. Nothing sells like the iPhone. There will be no comparison. That is why it's good to get the jump on Apple, the way HTC went first and Samsung followed them - months earlier. There's no way Samsung would have sold as many GS3 devices if they had waited until this close to the Apple Launch.

Just like with the WP7 launch, Microsoft/Nokia will lose out on a ton of potential sales just by virtue of being so late. A lot of disgruntled WP7/7.5 users have already jumped back to Android/iOS because they were tired of waiting.

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