Will the HTC M8 be upgradable to Windows 10?


New member
Feb 22, 2007
Wanting to purchase, but worried it won't be upgradable to Windows Phone 10. Anyone know???
Hey Matty,

I'm in the opposite camp of most here. I'm willing to bet that either a) It won't get upgraded or b) it will get a cut version of Win 10. I just have absolutely zero faith in Microsoft when it comes to major changes in the OS. I think we will be looking at another 7-8 change up here where it just won't happen. I know people have said that 7-8 was a major kernel change and such, but it's just been to much of a pattern since they started the new system.

That said, GO GET AN M8... you will miss the camera button at first, and probably the ability to zoom with the camera, but once you get over that... You will have the best Windows Phone experience ever. As someone that wasn't thrilled with the 8.1 changes, the M8 has really blown me away. It is the first handset I've used that actually runs Windows Phone instead of just working. Multitasking is buttery smooth and the build is just premium to the max. Even if they discontinued it tomorrow, I would not regret owning one. About the only issue I have is I didn't wait for the T-Mobile version (which isn't a big deal since the VZW one ships unlocked) that may have MMS APN editing available.
My wife has the M8, and yes its the best phone period. I am just wishy washy as far as buying it for myself. I an curious what phones MS is gonna come out with. Hopefully better quality since Nokia is out of the picture now. But, I sure do want the M8......grrrrrr
I can say this though... The M8 is the first phone that the folks at XDA will be able to really manipulate. I'm talking that eventually, the mods for this device could be up there with the HD2...

Just the unlocking of the bootloader to figure out...
waazzupppp, What lack of camera zooming are you referring to? Not enough zoom? Quality of zoom? Mine zooms more than I usually need.
Microsoft is making windows 10 to be used on all windows devices. I see no reason why the HTC One M8 will not get the update as this phone is really over kill on running the windows phone operating system. Also from reports that I have seen windows 10 for phones will probably not be ready for public until late 2015. So I am not to worried about it as 8.1 I am totally happy with. My biggest plus is how well it works with my home computer and laptop.
Wanting to purchase, but worried it won't be upgradable to Windows Phone 10. Anyone know???
Yes it will. Look no further than the fact that its the first Windows Phone to drop the Windows Phone brand name ("M8 for Windows") because there will not be a Windows Phone as of Spring 2015.

As far as Windows 10 is concerned, at VERY WORST you will be able to upgrade with the Preview for Developers, which will be the full OS, so you may be missing some firmware tweaks. That said, HTC doesn't really customize their firmware the way Nokia does, so with the exception of some potentially unoptimized drivers, it will work and I would be surprised to see this be a huge deal as Microsoft kind of needs a successful HTC and will likely provide support
waazzupppp, What lack of camera zooming are you referring to? Not enough zoom? Quality of zoom? Mine zooms more than I usually need.

When you zoom at all, the lower pixel resolution just pixilates the image to an unusable point. That said, I just get closer.
When you zoom at all, the lower pixel resolution just pixilates the image to an unusable point. That said, I just get closer.
LMAO get closer? What if you CANT get closer to an object. If I am taking a picture of a scene or animal perhaps and I can't close, the M8 would be ridiculously useless because zooming in would make it catastrophic.
LMAO get closer? What if you CANT get closer to an object. If I am taking a picture of a scene or animal perhaps and I can't close, the M8 would be ridiculously useless because zooming in would make it catastrophic.

Zooming in with a cellphone taken image sucks anyway. Until we get optical zoom, it sucks regardless.
I came to the M8 from having an icon for about six months. The icon camera does zoom better while maintaining a sharper image. Obviously the more pixels helping out, however The zooming is limited as to how far you can go with it before pixel degradation occurs. I have no issues with the M8 cam and any camera differences between the M8 and lumia is vastly over powered by all the other sweetness on the M8. So to me it really is a non issue. I'm interested to see what microsoft turns out for a flagship device down the road, but for now the M8 is the flagship I'll be carrying for quite awhile I think, I'll be looking ahead to the next incarnation of the M8 for windows. Back on topic, I hope the 10 upgrade is good enough to keep me interested. Not really sure how much I will like it more or less than 8.1.

Sorry, off topic, but maybe we need some kryptonite for the M8 section :)
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I came to the M8 from having an icon for about six months. The icon camera does zoom better while maintaining a sharper image. Obviously the more pixels helping out, however The zooming is limited as to how far you can go with it before pixel degradation occurs. I have no issues with the M8 cam and any camera differences between the M8 and lumia is vastly over powered by all the other sweetness on the M8. So to me it really is a non issue. I'm interested to see what microsoft turns out for a flagship device down the road, but for now the M8 is the flagship I'll be carrying for quite awhile I think, I'll be looking ahead to the next incarnation of the M8 for windows. Back on topic, I hope the 10 upgrade is good enough to keep me interested. Not really sure how much I will like it more or less than 8.1.

Sorry, off topic, but maybe we need some kryptonite for the M8 section :)

Yes it will.

Be careful... HTC has not announced an upgrade plan for the M8 at this point. It is pretty safe to assume that it will get upgraded, but there is no confirmation of it at this point. The only phones that have been confirmed for Win 10 are the non-carrier dependent Lumia's that have WP 8 now. Even the carriers are mum on if they will update their current Lumia phones or not. Hopefully MS will keep the dev program rolling along so at least there will be that option going forward.
Hey Matty,

I'm in the opposite camp of most here. I'm willing to bet that either a) It won't get upgraded or b) it will get a cut version of Win 10. I just have absolutely zero faith in Microsoft when it comes to major changes in the OS. I think we will be looking at another 7-8 change up here where it just won't happen. I know people have said that 7-8 was a major kernel change and such, but it's just been to much of a pattern since they started the new system.
C'mon man. Don't try and scare people away. Microsoft has said already that anything able to run windows phone 8.1 will in fact be able to run win10. So the short answer to the OP's question is that YES, the M8 will get windows phone 10. Download the preview for developers app and once your logged in you'll receive the update once MS releases it so you wont have to worry about carriers not releasing....

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