Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I am a 950XL man but I would love to give a 950XL to my wife; she is using a Iphone 6 Plus and what could be more nice than giving her a better phone?
the main reason why i need the phone is i love Windows OS that much. Now I'm owning a Lumia 640,. but the main attraction with the new 950xl is the continuum and "hello".
I need this badly to keep me as a Windows phone user (I still own a 3-year-old Lumia 920). I want it to replace my iPad, as productive as possible on the road and as cool as other iPhones/Android devices.
I really would like to get the new Lumia to fully explore and enjoy the Microsoft mobile environment. To fully extend my productivity and simplify my life. :cool:
If I win this , I can finish my tasks in the office with ease . all I need is on Lumia 950 XL , features such continuum , photographing , and this is what I envisioned. I have waited a long Lumia 950 XL . I also lovers of microsoft products .
Good luck with Windows Central :-)
i want this phone please ...............................
because i love windows phone very much and Win a Lumia 950 XL is a great phone:confused::straight:
Wow, a 950XL contest. Cool. I would very much like to win, because then my 640 could go to my son instead. Here is hoping to win.
Btw thanks for some interesting articles.
With Lumia 950 XL i can phone, chat with friends, making photos and videos of my child. With continnum and lumia i can take my work at home to work there. :grin:
I participate here because I have a 735 since 2014 but which however was very slow, I set the screen and tactile does not work well and because I have no way to buy another. Good luck to everyone! :amaze:
Microsoft Lumia 950 XL is the biggest of the Windows Phones compared to all devices present in the market. The candidate which made the use of one of the advanced biometric device, Iris scanner, that everyone would have saw it in science fiction films and dreamt of using it atleast once in their lifetime. Lumia 950 XL made it a reality to general public. Moreover with the launch of the state-of-art operating system, Windows 10 for mobile, it is an awesome feeling to use it to all Windows Phone fans.
Though there are some known bugs, using it on a emulator on PC was like driving a brand new Jaguar, with the new interface and smoothness of the OS. I had been a Windows Phone fan for a long time since the arrival of Windows Mobile 6.5 (I was studying 8th standard at that time). There were only a handful of people using mobile phones at that time. I saw a smartphone (Windows Mobile 6.5) for the first time which looked exactly like a PC. Still now i could afford only a Lumia 530 because am still studying.
The excitation when i saw Windows Mobile 6.5 is the same when i had a first look on Lumia 950 XL. The Continuum feature is the one which was a dream come true moment for most people. This feature is not only going to help business customers but also to students like me to do all the presentations and documenting work. I would be much happy if i get this device. This device has set a milestone for all smartphones.
Hoping that i could get this device. Good luck to everyone... :)
in past i have lumia 820 and i love the phone....but beacuse of many reason i loss my phone when i have lumia 820 i connected to the windows world and beacuse of my need i regular cheak windows central...but i loss my phne...i also have and andriod phone but its my boring..and hang most of the time..beacuse of all this i want new phone but i am an student i dont have money for buying and expensive phone...but i love windows phone and windows have office installed in it...i becasue i am an student i regular need microsoft officce...and there are many more reson for buying and lumia i love lumia.......sorry for my bad english....:D :)
This is sooo Awesome!

I would like to win the 960 XL because it's not just a beautiful phone... but it's an amazing iteration towards the future.... AND I'm the biggest Microsoft fan you'll find in Suriname... no.. In South America.... no no in the Southern hemisphere.... :D

What would i do... at 4.35 AM i'd wake up by the soft vibrations my MS band 2.... and use the brand new Lumia 950 XL to set up my training routine....since that's done so easily, i now have... sitting on my Ivory Throne, enough time to start reading some mails, going through powerpoint presentations and excell sheets. easily swithing between those apps and onenote to make notes for later on the day.

At 05.00 io go for a 5km run and other exercise on the band, shower and can finaly start my work day at 7.00am. On my drive to clients and partners, the maps will easily navigate me to every where i need to go, and with the right accessories.. I wowe my clients withawesome presentation right of my brand new 950 XL.

Since i'm with clients a lot doing strategic development and strategic facilitations, this beauty of a machine will not only be great in work use, but the camera will allow me to make pictures, videos and notes on the fly... and integrate them in my final reporting.

Remote desktops and VPN help me connect to my worklaptop and the company server so i can offer quotations or invoices right there when the customer asks for them.

After a great lunch with the Mrs, captured eternally by the magnificent camera and instantly liked by friends i finish some work at the office. this is now extremely easy because the beautiful beast of machinery which did most of the work for me.

After a great day i can finally indulge myself into the finer things in life and use the smartglass app to either watch TV via my XBO or startplaying Titanfall or SW battlefront.

My days ussually end with me instructing Krav Maga our Gym, where the Ms Band gives great control over time, with tabatha and other High intensity training intervals. the camera again comes in to play by making fast pictures and beautifully crisp videos of my students hustling through a tough training and yelling KIDA when they finish. Afterwards the 950 XL helps me keep my registration and administration of the gym up to date. Easily editing excel sheets and providing track & trace of incoming gear and padding.

On my way home i listen to some relaxing music... and after a nice shower i can either watch videos or enjoy reading e-books on the brilliant big screen.

to fall a sleep... and enjoy the 950 XL another day! :)

Thank you for your consideration... and good look to everyone... eventhough i'd really like to win this!
Been a huge fan of windows and windows phones for a long time and would love to have this awesome piece of hardware.
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