Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I currently own a lumia 635, great phone for what it was purchased for as a replacement when my Ativ died. But it is a little slow and running windows 10 apps crash a lot. I'd love a 950 XL since A) Canada will not be getting them through carriers so I wouldn't be able to finance one easily. B) all the specs for this phone are awesome, Beauty of a screen, lots of ram, hexacore cpu man. I'd use this phone as my portable camera for when I need to snap a quick shot and can't get my DSLR out at Conventions.
The phone is awesome and I would take pleasure highlighting its brilliances over the offerings from Apple and Android. Besides, I need it to use Cortana on my Microsoft band to further highlight the integration that Android can't seem to comprehend. PLEASE PICK ME!!!
I would love a Lumia 950 XL. With Windows 10 and synchronisation with my desktop, as well as satnav, superb camera, and loads of other features, life would never be the same again!
This phone is awesome! I'd love to have one, it would be super helpful to my webdesign job. And in the end, it could be the next one over my iPhone (; :winktongue::winktongue::winktongue:
Hello.l would be be so gifted and appreciative to win the Lumia 950XL.I have a Lumia 1020 which l love but unfortunately I dropped it a few months ago and the screen cracked severely.The phone still works but it is difficult to see what you are doing.Every repairer has quoted me $240 to replace the screen as the 1020 has two screens.I purchased the Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE to replace it.l will not get into detail as everyone who owns a 640 knows all of the problems associated with that handset.Anyway,back to the Lumia 950 XL.I did alot of reading about it months before it was released.l was overwhelmed at it's capabilities,but l cannot afford it as it is very expensive.Saying that though,l believe it is worth every cent.l would be blessed to win what I believe is the best handset on the market today.Thank you sincerely for giving me the opportunity to take part in such a fantastic competition.
I want to experience the new Lumia 950xl and share this amazing experience to all my friends co- worker and family. # its time to switch to Lumia#
I want a bigger phone (than the 640 I have) and been wanting the 950 XL for a while but I can't afford a phone unlocked.
I want the device because its the first new flag ship phone they have put out in a long time. Which is something they have been needing for a long time. I would replace my 1020 with it. Love the 1020 but its getting old and starting to show its age. Plus I think I would get a lot of use out of Continuum.
I'd love a new 950xl. Mic on mine completely broke and Microsoft says they "don't have any" warranty replacements.
Eu sou f? da Microsoft sempre quis um aparelho top de linha da fabricante, por?m s? tive um aparelho at? agora que foi o Nokia Lumia 720, tinha ficado triste por nao ter o windows 10 disponivel para ele, ai eu queria ter um que pudesse obter o windows 10, eu amo esse sistema, ja tentei usar android, ja tentei ios, mais nada se compara com a establidade do Windows, e sempre que posso recomendo esses aparelhos para todos sos meus amigos
I want it because my 920 is just dying, it recently took a plunge into the toilet (don't ask), I can't purchase a 950 or 950XL with my carrier and the cost of it unblocked in my country is just to high for me right now! Please take me out of this misery!
- first I'm writing this because I love windows and I wish to win this phone(I've been on windows since WP 7.5).
- second I wish that Microsoft finish windows 10 mobile so its smooth and bugs free as wp8 was.
- third I wish that Microsoft keep those feature and integration back in wp8 even in wp7.5, it was great how social media is integrated (it was about people, not about apps).
- fourth I wish Microsoft rethink about its windows 10 mobile design language, because its inconsistent, wp7.5 was better, m not saying w10m in not good, or the design is too bad, its just too cluttered, u don't feel u r in the same OS anymore they r following android crappy design language, please keep it clean and conceptual please.
- fifth I wish that some app get better apps and support (like Facebook and many more...) when u switch to android u will be pleased with the app quality and support, but not with the OS it self, the contrary is with w10m (or windows phone in general) great OS (best IMO) but verry little support from developers.

anw I wish the best for this OS i loved it so much, and I hope it will make it soon.
I busted my 920 a while back and this HTC M8 is terrible. I need a new phone that actually works with the Bluetooth in my car.
As I researched, and after sharing this product (and giveaway) for 3 hours, I found that this would offer me something I never had or might ever own. Above all, the reason I would like to be selected is I could bring this with me to the hospital / doctors offices... having this would be a benefit with that of -Office documents and photos - helping to keep my results and upcoming appointments! Moreover it'll deliver my favorite apps, games, music, and videos all in one place. Most important was I can use the reminder that will arrive on my Lumia storing important data that I otherwise would often forget because of a disability.

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