Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I would love to win the Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central for multiple reasons.

I have loved Windows phone since owning the Windows 7 and 8 phones.

My current phone is the Lumia 830 and I am still paying it off. Actually I am paying off two phones (one for my wife) at $400 each. That was too much, but my wife's Lumia 820 wasn't working properly so I bought them anyway. A few weeks later AT&T lowered the price, but they wouldn't refund the difference. I still feel the burn from that. Winning a new phone would ease that sting a little.

The Lumia 830 was promoted as an affordable flagship. Well it was less expensive than some phones, but it was priced too high.

The Lumia 830 was promoted as having a great camera feature. But month after month went by and Lumia Camera was not available for use. Is that how you should treat a flagship buyer?

Of course now you can get a Lumia 830 for less than I owe on mine, and they stopped making that flagship.

Mobile First, Cloud First. I guess that is an Eastern way of thinking. How can they both be first? It seems either mobile or cloud or something else will emerge as first. Is it believable that mobile is first when you write off billions of dollars for a recently bought mobile devices company and stop making most of your most mobile hardware platforms, including a recent flagship? Doesn't mobile need a hardware interface or is it just an experience with no interface? And yet cloud seems to depend on building infrastructure. Will Microsoft abandon cloud infrastructure and declare victory? I thought I read that Microsoft sold more Lumias than Surfaces. So why would you abandon Lumia, yet push ahead with Surface? Aren't Lumias more mobile than Surfaces? What is first? I don't know. But I do know that my Lumia moves around with me in my pocket. My Surface is too big for my pocket so it doesn't move around with me near as much. Which device gives me more access to mobile use and cloud? It's not even close.

I bought a Surface 2 for a little more than I paid for my Lumia 830. Oh, but they stopped making that too. Mobile First, Cloud First. It seemed to me that Surface 2 would fit in with making mobile & cloud a priority. As a tablet, it is more mobile than a laptop and with the memory and processing limitations, cloud could make it adequate. But instead of putting power in the cloud (and reneging on supplied cloud capacity), they abandon the Surface 2 (not really upgradeable anymore), and put the power in the Pro series devices. And here I thought mobile was an experience, not a device. Huh? What is first? I don't know. What about the customer?

I was excited, looking forward to the new Lumias. But why overpay and get burned again. It is no surprise that Windows Phone sales have tanked. Why invest in something that even Microsoft has abandoned to the tune of billions of dollars. Because of this, they have lost other sales too. For example, I was going to buy another Nokia wireless charger. But I didn't because I am afraid it will soon be useless. Maybe Microsoft is willing to throw away billions of dollars, but I am not willing to throw away hundreds of dollars.

I am near the end of my trust in this doublespeak of Mobile First, Cloud First. Mobile does not appear to be emerging as first from Microsoft. It is too bad because I generally love the platform and the options seem to be Apple or Google. I don't want to go there, but either way, I get the impression that Microsoft will see my experience as a win. Will that be a victory for Mobile First or Cloud First, or something else?

But focusing more on the phone, I am tired of reading about all the great Windows 10 mobile features, but my flagship phone that is supposed to be upgradeable has not been upgraded. I keep seeing articles about all the things Windows 10 Mobile can do, but why read about them when I can't use them? Even the press has nothing to write about my flagship phone or the platform it is running. And I don't get into the insider programs because I need my phone to be reliable.

In conclusion, I would love to win the Lumia 950 XL because I want to use all the new features and enjoy reading about the progress being made on a platform I am using. Otherwise, I will have to wait until I am finished paying off our Lumia 830s and wait until the current phones come down on price. I want to use mobile and cloud to the fullest and as of now it seems the Lumia 950 XL is the best available platform to do that. Please consider me for winning the phone. If I win, I would be happy to post something about my experience with the phone.

Thank you for your consideration.

By the way, I wrote this using my Surface 2 while sitting on my bed. What an experience!
I would like an upgrade on my L525 which i have had for 2 years now,i fell in love with windows back in 2014 when i joined the windows phone 8.1 preview for developers and i am part of the insider program now. I like windows 10 mobile alot and i want to try out continuum. Also the Snapdragon 810 would be a huge upgrade over the Snapdragon s4 pro so am excited about that too.
I want one because I have never owned a flagship Lumia phone or any other high-end phone for that matter because I can't afford them.
There's also the reason I'm crazy about Lumia Phones.
I really want it, because.., (I need it) a year ago when my Plan had to be renewed there wasn't any flagship from MS in Mexico so I took a iPhone 6 at that time, and i'm basically regretting since, so badly..:amaze:
Reason why i want it? Because i don't need it but would love to have it. Because I'm a Microsoft enthusiast rather than a tech enthusiast. Because i know there are better smartphones out there and still would embrace a windows phone like my Bae. Because i have iPhone 6s plus but still my L920 running w10mobile manages to get all my love.
Great phone, currently not available to any Cellular carrier in Canada. Only options are to buy from the WindowsStore and for too much money I am willing to pay for at the moment. Been on Windows phones for ever thru Wp6, Wp7, Wp8, Wp8.1, And now Wp10 on my Lumina 1020 dated phone. I would love to win this contest to refresh my current device and try out continuum at work... Thanks in advance for your considerations...
I was an early adopter of Lumia 920 when it got launched in my country. But after just a year of use, it was diagnosed with cancer like situation. The service center said the warranty is over and they can't do anything unless I pay a humongous amount of money. I dropped the idea of repairing it and got myself an iPhone 5s. Now I am bored of it. And Lumia 950xl looks like it's gonna make a good company with me :)
En el mes del amor, este 950 merece que yo lo ame!!! gracias por la oportunidad!:winktongue:!
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