Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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My 1020 has a cracked screen and an amazing camera that takes quite a bit of time to do its magical thing. A Lumia 950/XL sounds like the obvious remedy! All my fingers crossed to win!
My lumia 535 just got spoilt and looking to replace it with a flagship and lumia 950 xl perfectly fits the picture but no cash. windows central, fulfill my dreams
I,m a huge windowsphone fan and love this flagship from Microsoft. The 950 XL will replace my 2 years old Lumia1020 unless my son will claim the 950 XL. :smile:
Hey, I would want this phone, Lumia 950 xl, because I like the idea of a continuous experience between 1 platform and because I have a laptop with windows 10 I would love to own a phone with the same OS.
It's not about why I want a Lumia 950 XL, but it's about how the Lumia 950 XL requires me as an intelligent user. Really arrogant. I am just kidding, Microsoft. Good luck all. : D
because i'm a big fan of Microsoft and although the reviews aren't great it's the brand's flagship afterall.
I want to win Lumiа 950 xl because the Lumiа love and dream to have it from the moment I saw him for the first time.I hope to have luck.
I owned one of the badass Windows Phone, a phone that was clearly a champion of its time. It was the Nokia Lumia 1520. It was the best phone I had ever owned but sadly the phone has stopped working recently. That is to say it keeps restarting non stop until the battery dies and just booting it wouldn't solve the problem. That's why my phone deserve a true successor. That's why I deserve the best, The silent underdog, the Lumia 950XL
i want to prove and to show to my friends how great and how cool the windows OS and its mobile devices. i want to prove to them and to the people sorrounding me that windows and lumia are the most unique phone and OS, and the greatest phone that must be in all of peoples hands with the future of all OSes Windows.
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