Win a Lumia 950 XL from Windows Central!

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I really hope I win this device. I've always wanted to give Windows Phone a shot. And since my Galaxy S4 is broken, I badly need one.
Regardless of what my family or friends or even the news say, Windows Phone/Windows Mobile is still going to be my first choice! :)
i want the 950xl because i already have one and i want to take pictures of 950xl using another 950xl so give me give me give me...
the face of my 1520.3 just shattered in my pocket over the weekend, and I am in limbo waiting for the new Alcatel phone to launch on t-mobile while using the 520 I gave to my kid as my daily driver.. so YES a 950 would be amazing.
well my 2 years old Nokia Lumia 1520 already needs to be replaced, the battery can't stand a day anymore after installing the latest builds. The heating problem is still there so i deserve to experience that 950 XL, also i'm an amateur phonetographer and surely winning the 950XL is a perfect upgrade for me and could make me improve my skills in photography. :) thanks in advance WindowsCentral! :p
Wish luck to all ! This phone with aluminium and leather after market case and Microsoft band 2 will be the best gift for anybody =)
Only way I'm going to get one of the new 950XLs would be to win one. Everything else doesn't seem like much of an upgrade these days from an Ativ S and the 950 XL is about $1000 here. It's hard to justify spending a grand on a phone.
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