Well, I reset my phone again on this build this morning. It has literally been charging, both on Qi and wire, all day long, and it now sits at 89%, with my hardly using it at all. I will be leaving the house in a little bit, so I don't have time now to do it, but tomorrow, I will be using the device recovery tool, and taking it back to 8.1 and then putting it on the production ring (the 10586 builds). This is just not acceptable, and I will be out of town on Saturday, so I need my phone to work correctly while I'm gone.
I hope others have better experience with this build on Icon than I've had, but I cannot recommend letting this build install.
EDIT: I just saw a tip on the insider hub, suggesting to let the phone go all the way dead, let it sit an hour, then charge it, and his 930 worked fine after that. I'll give it a shot, I guess. I'm thinking the battery should be dead in less than an hour.