Windows 10 for Lumia Icon

Two weeks update
1. Battery usage hasn't really approved. I've tried to isolate it by installing/uninstalling most used apps. Nothing helps. It just seems to be a device problem. I've switched off the background activity for most of the apps. Just getting 12 hours worth of juice right now at a very moderate use.
Haven't had the courage to do a hard reset as there is some data associated with apps that i just can't lose.
2. Mail app does not allow me to send an email. Send arrow effectively has no response.
3. There is this funny issue with Music. Sometimes i just can't start any music app to play/stream. be it groove or Spotify or Iheartradio, it opens but a song never starts. A restart of phone fixes this issue. I can live with it but it is annoying,
4. Facebook app is crap plus it uses a ton of data. It tries to sync contact and calendar 5 times a day. Mobile Facebook is much better.
1. Battery usage hasn't really approved. I've tried to isolate it by installing/uninstalling most used apps. Nothing helps. It just seems to be a device problem. I've switched off the background activity for most of the apps. Just getting 12 hours worth of juice right now at a very moderate use.

I know you're not on the insider fast ring - But the latest insider update from last night seems to be running much better. I can't say that the battery is totally fixed - but I can say it's running much cooler. Which is typically an indication that the phone isn't working as hard and the battery will be more efficient.

2. Mail app does not allow me to send an email. Send arrow effectively has no response.
3. There is this funny issue with Music. Sometimes i just can't start any music app to play/stream. be it groove or Spotify or Iheartradio, it opens but a song never starts. A restart of phone fixes this issue. I can live with it but it is annoying,

These are odd issues. It does sound like a hard reset would be helpful.

Haven't had the courage to do a hard reset as there is some data associated with apps that i just can't lose

Which apps are you afraid to lose data for? Many of the crucial apps will already have data backed up.
I'm still having issues where Outlook mail live tile never updates. It's been like this on SEVERAL builds. No issues with Lumia 950. Resizing the tile fixes it every time but it doesn't update again until I resize. I've done a soft and hard reset. No app updates available. Really getting tired of the issues. I've actually been using my iPhone again because of this one problem.
Outlook live tile has been working on my Icon for the last couple of Redstone builds. Wish I could say the same for the MS Health live tile, its been busted forever.
Noticed yesterday that if you enable car mode, maps won't show traffic since data is disabled. That bug needs to be fixed... Also, stopped by a store to get something and needed an online coupon in an email. Wouldn't download the images in the email since data (LTE icon by the bars) was off. This is with car mode disabled but I was out of the car and in the store, anyways. I've also had it drop the hotspot connection for no apparent reason. Very annoying bugs. Anyone know if putting a case on the Icon affects the antennas? This is just a rubberized case so it won't slip out of my hand as easy.
Outlook live tile has been working on my Icon for the last couple of Redstone builds. Wish I could say the same for the MS Health live tile, its been busted forever.

It's odd. One of my co workers said if they restore back to 8.1, upgrade to win10 via upgrade advisor and set everything up THEN upgrade to fast ring it works fine. But if he hard resets he's screwed again unless that process is repeated.
Noticed yesterday that if you enable car mode, maps won't show traffic since data is disabled. That bug needs to be fixed... Also, stopped by a store to get something and needed an online coupon in an email. Wouldn't download the images in the email since data (LTE icon by the bars) was off. This is with car mode disabled but I was out of the car and in the store, anyways. I've also had it drop the hotspot connection for no apparent reason. Very annoying bugs. Anyone know if putting a case on the Icon affects the antennas? This is just a rubberized case so it won't slip out of my hand as easy.

I'm having this same problem, the LTE is gone and I have no data, were did you find the setting for car mode?
Go into settings>System>Driving mode. Mine prompts me when I get in the car and it connects to bluetooth. I just say "no" now since I need traffic on the maps.
My biggest problems are the Wifi, 'no internet' bug and bluetooth.

My phone connects to my home wifi about 50% of the time but I haven't had a working wifi connection at work for weeks. It works if I restart the phone and stay at my desk. If I move around the building at all it drops the connection and says no internet and that doesn't change until I reboot. Even worse is that it doesn't fall back to using my cellular data when this happens so I don't get any emails, etc. So I just leave my wifi off now.

Bluetooth in my car is mostly unusable now. I can occasionally get Cortana to send a text but responding to one doesn't work. Calls over bluetooth rarely work and the person on the other end can't hear me, or I am distorted. When calls do work, bluetooth on the phone crashes when hanging up the call. Then there is the problem with bluetooth hanging when you try to turn it off in the action center.

I may try a hard reset if it doesn't get fixed soon but given how frequently fast ring patches have been coming I hate to go through the hassle of a hard reset if I don't have to or the next build will break things again.
I'm having the same issues and I got my W10 directly from Verizon. Last night I couldn't send a text with a picture attached. That did it for me, I'm really pissed. Most of the time wifi connects to home. or work. but sometimes it just doesn't. Oddly, the bluetooth in my car was working with my Icon and now it's not. I love Pandora and now it's just not working. I did a hard reset, but not a clean one. Tonight I'm going to do a clean hard reset and see if it helps. I just spent nearly an hour on the phone with Verizon. We covered a lot of things, they're solution is getting a different phone. I'm not willing to do that yet. I still have my 928 which I used daily as a wifi device. I may go back to it. I thought W10 would be great to have, but until they figure out what's up I may just give it up.
Mine also sucks at connecting to Wi-Fi I'm on insiders slow ring.. ugh I have to reset every day at work then again when I get home..
You're correct, Spicy, it's an option given when you wipe your phone. Now here's something, I was looking to back up my texts and pix and low and behold, while I was looking through my settings I came across cellular data........and it was off!!!!! WTF?? It just turned itself off? I don't remember doing it. So to that I'll say whatever, because Pandora works again in my car:) So now no pain in the butt reset, YAY!
I am back to production ring. On the fast ring I dropped calls going to work too many times to count..Slow ring does the same thing. My phone shows "no Service" then suddenly I have some bars and try to make a phone call and nothing. Need at least 4 bars of service to make a phone call.. This does not work for me.. I was almost ready to get rid of the phone. But I went back to 8.1 then production ring and my phone works great again. No wifi issues and no bluetooth issues. I guess thats where I am staying because it works. I did buy a Samsung Ativ SE and put 10 on that and it works great just not a solid feeling phone like my Icon. I missed the camera and the ability to track steps. So I am Staying with the Icon.
TODAY is Friday July 29, 2016 and MONDAY is August 2, 2016 = what is supposed to happen next with the Icons on Verizon?

YES, we have been - AWESOME experience - on the "Microsoft SUPPORTED Icon RING" since early June 2016 !!!

I am assuming a OTA "UPDATE to Anniversary Edition"???
Hey all, it's one of the thing we don't want to talk about but like all the problem's above including my last post I took the hit and RESET my phone and than did a restore WITHOUT using backup. It's a little more work but ALL my problems are solved. WiFi, Data, Bluetooth, Cortana, everything seems ok now, one note battery is less.

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