Windows 10 for Phones will be out TODAY!

Hey! My Windows Insider app on my phone says, "no builds". What's that mean? Did Microsoft mess up and miss another deadline? I expect all arbitrary deadlines set by anonymous users to be strictly held by Microsoft! Now! Or... or... or else I'll blow raspberries!

Bring on the whiners and complainers. It didn't come at 9:00am PST.
Why you don't make a thread to ask Microsoft for features to add to the OS instead of waiting for something maybe too far from the expected
Sorry for off-topic guys I have just some questions :

I was a a**h*le because I said what I think? And because I try to know more than ”soon”? And especially because I learned something more about the release date? I saw a lot of comments to me as "a**h*le" for it and are curious if it's true. If I gave the impression of a ”hater”, sorry no those are my reasons.
Yeah, it PROBABLY will not happen tomorrow, as I (and many others) believed.
Seems like the perfect date (Patch Tuesday + 10th), but I think we should be lucky if it hits us by the end of the week.

I sent out a tweet, and the response doesn't sound as if the TP will be released tomorrow.

My moneys on Thursday, but you never know! It could be any day during the week, that's the fun part. 😉
Hey! My Windows Insider app on my phone says, "no builds". What's that mean? Did Microsoft mess up and miss another deadline? I expect all arbitrary deadlines set by anonymous users to be strictly held by Microsoft! Now! Or... or... or else I'll blow raspberries!

Bring on the whiners and complainers. It didn't come at 9:00am PST.

Same as on my 920, and the link to the requirements page doesn't exist.
Sorry for off-topic guys I have just some questions :

I was a a**h*le because I said what I think? And because I try to know more than ?soon??

It's because of the way you said it, that's it. Yes, you did come off as an a**h*le. Read it again:
26 - 2 - 9 , 2 weeks , but no video.. maybe, just maybe this is reasone why wp have just 4% market.
Didn't Gabe make it obvious with the snarky reply he gave you? But hey, at least you got us some news. (Of course, it was news anyone with half a brain already knew)

Back on topic: I'm excited for the next build!
It will be a good date. That's the night of the Princess Ball where I live. It's Daddy and Daughter date night, and my 5 year old girl is wearing a formal gown with a costume jewelry tiara (not plastic, it really looks nice), and I'm wearing a black tuxedo with a red bow tie. Should be a lot of fun that night. Definitely a "good date!"

Oh, wait... that's not what you meant by good date?

Wow!! Beautiful! And good to know that at least one persona will be happy tonight regardless of Microsoft releases Windows 10 TP for phones or not! Have a good time man! :)

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