Windows 10 for Phones will be out TODAY!

ok, so the first update, installs denim onto my 635, i need to go to the preview app again, than back to update your phone to install windows phone 10.. ill keep you posted
I agree with some that this should have been held off a few more days if it meant appeasing a larger group of people waiting (primarily 520, 620, 720, 820, 920, 930, 1520, and M8 owners.)
I agree with some that this should have been held off a few more days if it meant appeasing a larger group of people waiting (primarily 520, 620, 720, 820, 920, 930, 1520, and M8 owners.)

They still have to work on their partition stiching thing for the new no-restarts dynamic update process, although I'm not entirely certain its either that its not yet fully functional or its only been completed for that range of devices that can get it today.
They still have to work on their partition stiching thing for the new no-restarts dynamic update process, although I'm not entirely certain its either that its not yet fully functional or its only been completed for that range of devices that can get it today.

Well they have functional prototype code for it, that's how they were able to run the demo 1520 during the 1/21 event.

As for the problems with it, that's anyone's guess. Hopefully nothing that extends the wait until March.
Well they have functional prototype code for it, that's how they were able to run the demo 1520 during the 1/21 event.

As for the problems with it, that's anyone's guess. Hopefully nothing that extends the wait until March.

I'll give it a week before jumping in. I know the risks, and this is my only phone. But I want to make sure I leave plenty of feedback about what I liked and didn't liked. I want to help make sure this becomes the best OS release ever :P

Or at least till it supports GSM, I can't make calls or texts without that, or get cell data possibly. So the current build is worthless to me... x.x
Here is all:
- start screen is buggy and so slow
- apps are opening very slowly
- action center is buggy too, there is no option to choose quick toggles in expanded view, no data toggle
- store app is the same, outlook and lockscreen too
- there is no way to quickly answer to messages as I can't drag bar from the up
- phone icon is larger
- settngs menu is very nice
- file explorer is new and has new icon

I'll post more later :)
So basically if you are a normal USA smartphone user, (unless you're stuck on verizon/sprint for whatever reason) you can't make any calls or texts basically?

Okay, I know that's because of what you quoted from another user's post, but seriously, I didn't see that particular part in the blog under the currently known issues. Where is the source for the GSM issue?
Here is all:
- start screen is buggy and so slow
- apps are opening very slowly
- action center is buggy too, there is no option to choose quick toggles in expanded view, no data toggle
- store app is the same, outlook and lockscreen too
- there is no way to quickly answer to messages as I can't drag bar from the up
- phone icon is larger
- settngs menu is very nice
- file explorer is new and has new icon

I'll post more later :)
Sounds like its not worth it then anyways. This is the first Preview OS they've released with so many present issues. How they're so slow 🐌
with this is beyond me. Maybe they should be more like Apple and keep things quite until its more ready for consumers
Known issues

?Messaging is currently missing a number of features you might use in Windows Phone 8.1, including dual-SIM support, search, message drafts, sharing voice notes and ringtones, Bi-Di language support, international assisted dialing, spam filter, viewing all group recipients, reminders and quiet hours through Cortana, multiple attachments, and GSM support. If you use these features regularly, you?ll want to wait to install the preview until we get them into a future build.

?Cortana is only available in English (United States) for phones. In other locales, you?ll get the standard search experience.

?The Rooms feature is not available in the preview. You?ll still be able to get to your photo albums, calendars, and notes, either on the web or by using other apps on your phone. You won?t be able to see your chat history or send or receive any new chats. If you have important info in your Rooms chats that you want to keep, save a copy to a different device before updating your phone to Technical Preview. For more info, take a look at the Rooms FAQ.

?Some text in the preview will not yet have been translated into all available languages and will only appear in English. This text will be translated into all available languages by the time the final product is available.

?The Phone app doesn?t have Dual SIM support or spam filtering in the preview.

?Accessibility features are still being developed for Windows 10, so they aren?t fully functional in Technical Preview. If you depend on features like Narrator while browsing the web, you may want to wait to update your phone

My God, start screen is opening around 4-5 secs after I press start button..It's very buggy but I still love it!!! I'm glad I've installed it :D
File explorer, phone app..there is no option to make transparent tiles as on WP 8.1..I think as I checked everything..
any 730 owner, please confirm if you can access both SIM cards (for making calls, sending messages and data connection) after installing W10.
No ETA for partition stitching, fantastic. That means end of Feb/beginning of March most likely.

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