No, it does not.Tell me, if the start screen has landscape mode in Windows 10 for Phones?
Actually, I would love the option to set 2 different photos for the start screen. One for Landscape and one for Portrait. Tiles should rotate for landscape mode. This is how I keep my phone in a stand on my desk while working during the day. Start Screen in Landscape mode makes perfect sense to me, as I have longed for it ever since I started using Windows Phone 8.That doesn't make the remotest sense mate. Landscape? Really? -_-
Same here. Another post here says uninstalling and reinstalling any problem apps should fix it. I'm going to try that. If I don't post back, assume it worked. If it doesn't work, I'll come back later to complain (like everyone else seems to be doing.)in my 730 neither twitter worked nor facebook so i had to roll back.. Wat did u all choose?? slow or fast build??
Well, there already one BUG that this preview has: it installed Facebook and I didn't had facebook, nor I use fakebook nor I want that ****.
If I don't find how to remove battery saver and install again, so it may work, I'm going back to 8.1, because something is draining my battery and this way, I don't know what it is. I suspect it is the system, but without battery saver, can't tell for sure.
Thinking about picking up a Lumia 635 to try the preview. How's it running for everyone.
This kind of comment is a testament to our enthusiasm and the degree to which MS has driven down the price of handsets.![]()
I'm pretty pissed off now to answer that question. So... you can read what I wrote before.
I'm gonna assume you're PO'd at yourself, expecting a first beta software to perform like RTM software or a final build.