Windows 10 for Phones will be out TODAY!

IMO I think the title of this post should be changed to Windows 10 for Phones has been out for some phones and other LATER!
Tell me, if the start screen has landscape mode in Windows 10 for Phones?
No, it does not.
That doesn't make the remotest sense mate. Landscape? Really? -_-
Actually, I would love the option to set 2 different photos for the start screen. One for Landscape and one for Portrait. Tiles should rotate for landscape mode. This is how I keep my phone in a stand on my desk while working during the day. Start Screen in Landscape mode makes perfect sense to me, as I have longed for it ever since I started using Windows Phone 8.

in my 730 neither twitter worked nor facebook so i had to roll back.. Wat did u all choose?? slow or fast build??
Same here. Another post here says uninstalling and reinstalling any problem apps should fix it. I'm going to try that. If I don't post back, assume it worked. If it doesn't work, I'll come back later to complain (like everyone else seems to be doing.)
Update sucessfull.
Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones
(9941.12498) is installed.


Well, there already one BUG that this preview has: it installed Facebook and I didn't had facebook, nor I use fakebook nor I want that ****.

But other than that, first thing is let if finish the "pending" update applications and then restart and then benchmark and try it out.
Well, it looks like everything is ok. It took 1 hour from the time I started to download.

Download was like 5 minutes maximum. Install went in 20 minutes and then restart and get things done, took another 30 minutes.

It installs a virus and spyware called Fakebook, already removed. It installs Money, News and Sports apps too, and those I don't use. Will remove after this updates.

Overall is fast not slow as I read before. It takes a bit of time to update all apps, so you have to be patience for a while and restart the phone and then see it in action.

I will see more of it but I found out that the "battery saver" is not showing the apps information. Before update, I always checked this for battery consumption and now, it show's nothing.

I still see the battery level going down but I have the phone on USB charging. Kinda weird... so, let me check it better.
I think that is has stuff going on and updating **** because it took a few minutes to start charging again. It looks normal now.

But battery saver show no app now. Anyone with same problem? I use this to keep an eye on battery consumption and always check which apps can run in background. So, I'm stuck now...
I hope Microsoft updates the other settings for the new fonts. I like the new settings menu but most of options are just like the 8.1. Picture management is better and video playback and seek is nice. The file information is pretty handy too. Just saw some videos with +200 mb! Ai ai ai! Somethings are gonna be deleted today.
Sometimes pressing things takes a bit longer or have to repeat but that is ok with me. When the screen is off and you press the power it shows first the screen before the screen saver and that is weird, but it is pretty fast. Let's see it after being locked.

Let me just uninstall some stuff I don't use anymore, like Sims 3 with 1.37 GB used space. HOLLY WHAT???

This not-so-smartphone will be pretty clean in a few minutes. Almost new. Nothing like the smell of an empty sd card.
Anyone knows how to uninstall battery saver?

I've already set the date to 2022, 2099, 2100, 2300,etc and in the later, it does not even open nor pop up to uninstall.
If I don't find how to remove battery saver and install again, so it may work, I'm going back to 8.1, because something is draining my battery and this way, I don't know what it is. I suspect it is the system, but without battery saver, can't tell for sure.
If I don't find how to remove battery saver and install again, so it may work, I'm going back to 8.1, because something is draining my battery and this way, I don't know what it is. I suspect it is the system, but without battery saver, can't tell for sure.

You have to set the date 300 years into the future so the certificate expires, then find it in the Store
No need for that now. I have reinstalled Windows Phone 8.1 now. Why? Well, because.

Because it turns my wifi on and uses my 4G data. I turn wifi off all the time and only turn it on, when I need. I do not allow wifi or 4g connections when I don't want. So why da **** is it turning on when I don't want?

This is too dangerous. It will use my 4G data and connect to wifi when I'm around town. I don't want it. I turn wifi/4g on WHEN I WANT IT. And I don't want to let the phone decide when he want wifi or any other ****.

I love betas. I used WP8 previews and I loved it. WP10 is slow compared to 8.1 and that is not problem for me. But when I see the phone doing things that really upset me, no thanks.

There are a few programs that don't work, like battery saver, where I always check which programs are running in background and those who I don't allow to.

So battery sense is a major problem. But when I turn wifi off and find it is on again, that is a ******* disrespect of the user. Me.

Hurray for Windows Phone 8.1. Fast, reliable, it just works.
Oh, when I turn WIFI or anything else on Windows Phone 8.1, it stays off until I choose to turn it on. This is the behavior I expect.

Another thing that I would love to see on WP10 is something other phone OS have: a good control on apps permissions.

Why? Because almost any app I install tries to run in the background, use stuff I don't want, like net connections and other access that It does not need to.

WP10 should have a manual approve of things the app is allowed. This is why I keep an EYE on connections (wifi/4g) and what runs in background.
This kind of comment is a testament to our enthusiasm and the degree to which MS has driven down the price of handsets. :)

I agree. WP10 is going to be a big change, for the better I hope, on the smartphone world. WP8.1 is funtastic and it is really amazing what Microsoft did in a short period of time. So today, there are youtube videos comparing the 830 with the iGaypple 6. This is the proof of the Lumia and WP quality.

In the desktop world, Windows 10 preview (beta) is (almost) rock solid and it is a great and usable preview of the next OS. Let's see if the next WP10 beta will be polished and be ready for the everyday use.

And oh, when I turn the wifi and 4G data off, it's meant to be off, not turned on by the OS, ok Microsoft?
I'm pretty pissed off now to answer that question. So... you can read what I wrote before.

WHY are you ' ... pretty pissed off now ... '?

Did you not read what this was all about, in your eagerness to have the latest & greatest. Microsoft said it'll be buggy, things won't work, it could break your phone. What part of that did you NOT understand?
You did read about it, before you installed it ...

I'm gonna assume you're PO'd at yourself, expecting a first beta software to perform like RTM software or a final build.
UNLESS, MS forced you to install it !
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I'm gonna assume you're PO'd at yourself, expecting a first beta software to perform like RTM software or a final build.

Technically, it's an early build, and not even Alpha or Beta yet. But I understand what you meant. People assume it will be as stable as a beta. Betas aren't generally released until the developer is fairly certain that most bugs are squashed already. The build Microsoft has released to us they have said is full of bugs, and it may break your phone (as you said.) They said it could be completely unpredictable, and that it could even prevent you in some situations from doing basic things like making or receiving phone calls. <gasp!>

Yeah, it was released way early so that people could help report the bugs and get it fine tuned to fix all the issues.

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