Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

Tbh, we really need custom themes. Dark theme and light theme just doesn't cut it (even though they both look really nice. We should be able to choose our own colours and even get to design our own them with images.
I'm kinda new to all Microsoft and Windows stuffs, but there is something I need to say before the final build of Windows 10 Mobile, which is the most unconvenient thing ever to me in Windows Phone experience, the keyboard.
I have to say that Windows Phone has the best prediction system of all time. I've had chance to try all keyboards (default ones, of course), and WP one makes me sastified most.
And there is the thing I want it to be improved from WP, the distance between 2 letters in Windows keyboard.
Please spend some seconds to look at this picture below:
As you can see that the distance between 2 letters in WP10 keyboard is pretty close, which is the first reason to cause mistyping in WP, especially when you are typing fast.
After 1 year since I switched from WP to iOS (iPhone 5S), I could say that they have the best keyboard ever. The accuracy is very great. The way how the keyboard repsonses is outstanding.
Look at the picture above, you can see that the distance between 2 letters in iOS keyboard is not really large, but it's completely perfect for typing that the rate you mistype is really low.
One more thing, iOS keyboard look completely well-designed. The letter-button is not really a retangle, but WP10 is, which is also the reason of mis-typing, and now in the crossline, every corner has been curved to give the best in the look and also the best in accuracy.
And I do not want to say about Android ones, many brands, many kinds of keyboard, I could not say anything, but Samsung has made it, and HTC has ruined it (almost threw my One away).
I did not say that they should do a completely iOS-look-alike keyboard, but at least do something to improve it. The prediction system is great but it cannot help you to correct with the rate of 100%.
I do not know how to create threat in Microsoft forum, or even the link. If you agree with me, please help me to send this suggestion to them.
Thank you in advance.
- choosing default apps for different file types
- action center: pinning a custom app, translucent design
- startscreen: tapping on a tile should resume the app if it's already open in background, not start all over again
- startscreen: pinching out gesture should show a overview of all tiles similar to 8/8.1 desktop
- enhanced battery saver options should include lower refreshrate and/or CPU perf limiter
- ability to save personalization settings as a "theme" and share it. themes could contain background/lockscreen/accent color and transparency settings
- file explorer app: show network shared folders just like on PC
This icon is supposed to be customizable just like with IE on WP8

For example I would rather see Hub shortcut here or maybe even direct access to favorites/phone/ folder...
As a matter of fact there must be an option to make Volume/Music control semi transparent, it takes a lot of space on WP10 which is quite annoying issue if you are looking video and want to change volume because in landscape orientation nearly entire screen is covered with volume sliders...
As a matter of fact there must be an option to make Volume/Music control semi transparent, it takes a lot of space on WP10 which is quite annoying issue if you are looking video and want to change volume because nearly entire video is covered with volume sliders...
True story. Also the notifications!!!
I really want my phones to work with my family's vehicles correctly. We have a 2013 Ford Expedition and 2014 Dodge Ram and neither really works that well with wp. In our Ford voice commands don't work, and in the Dodge it doesn't support voice or text reading or replying. Weird thing is our old 1020 shows text messages on screen in Dodge. I think this is contributing factor in peoples decisions as well because you have a car usually longer than 2yrs, so having a device that works correctly with your automobile is very important.
I want to have a brightness slider on all of the phones. I've heard that only higher-end Lumias has this feature.

Dear Microsoft,

PLEASE implement repeating audible alerts for received SMS messages, missed calls, diary alerts, etc. For example, if an SMS comes in and I don't hear it for any reason, I want the phone to bleep every few minutes until I respond. (Every dumbphone I've owned will do this, plus my Palm smartphones, plus all Android phones ever made will do it via an app; I believe Windows Phone is the ONLY phone OS not to support it.)

The flashing LED, or an on-screen prompt, is NOT an adequate alternative because it requires the user to get the phone out of their pocket or bag to check it. I forget.

Note that the repeating audible alerts should come back after the phone has been temporarily silenced and then unsilenced by a diary appointment, or if the alert is initiated during a silent period.

Clearly repeats should be optional, and the alert tone and frequency should be user-selectable (just as it is on Android).
For me, these are two of the things that I would like:

- Don't restrict Cortana to language of the OS. What I mean is that if I am using for e.g. French as the system language, I should be able to change the speech language to English (US) so that I can use Cortana in English, while not having to change system language.

- More keyboards. Windows 8.1 (and presumably 10) have a lot of keyboards to cover thousands of languages (even those rather obscure ones like Latin, Gothic, Ethnic languages of Burma, etc). I want to see those keyboards put into Windows 10 Mobile too.

For the camera:

- Flexible Color Temp. / White balance control. Instead of 4-5 options like Cloudy, Sunny, Fluorescent, Tungsten, etc., let us adjust it down to Kelvins (e.g. 4000 K, 5738 K). I've seen this in Android phones, so introducing it to Lumias will be great especially with the cameras we have.
Indeed it's a great build.

There s one feature that MS should add, connecting to the internet via usb through laptop or pc. Nice feature for those without WiFi I think android had it. Just a suggestion.
I would really want the notification icons to be of the actual app instead of a single universal icon represented for any and all notifications that appears on the status bar where the network battery time appears. Hope I made my point clear..
I would really want the notification icons to be of the actual app instead of a single universal icon represented for any and all notifications that appears on the status bar where the network battery time appears. Hope I made my point clear..
To be really honest I like it as is, and it will be kind difficult to implement, most of times when I pull my notification center I see there bunch of notifications from various different apps so how to decide which icon to show? The last one? Ah no....
After messing around with 10166 for a the weekend on my Icon.......

Please get rid of all the hamburgers where swipe to right and left work 1000 times quicker and easier with one handed operation.

Also, at the very least....bring back the Calendar from 8.1. My goodness that Outlook Calendar is plan bad.......

Other than the scaling problems in different areas of the OS...and many apps. Win10 mobile is not too bad I would say. Love the hold down home button for one hand use!
All I want.. and this may have been mentioned, hope so, is.... a graphic equalizer that works over Bluetooth

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