Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

No way - Outlook calendar is way better than 8.1...........Only thing they need to do is make the Live tile better - Cal app has it right, needs big number for the day of the week, and it needs to show up to 3 or 4 appts. on the large tile.
No way - Outlook calendar is way better than 8.1...........Only thing they need to do is make the Live tile better - Cal app has it right, needs big number for the day of the week, and it needs to show up to 3 or 4 appts. on the large tile.

I miss the "month" view from the 8.1 calendar. But yeah outlook calendar is great.

And yeah. Cal's live tile is the best calendar live tile i've seen so far. Actually that's why I'm pinning it instead of the outlook's one.
Tbh, we really need custom themes. Dark theme and light theme just doesn't cut it (even though they both look really nice. We should be able to choose our own colours and even get to design our own them with images.
You can create as custom a background you want, use transparent tiles, divider tiles, heading tiles, add images to tiles of any size, customize the transparency of tiles, etc..........light theme, dark theme, you can even make your own image in Photoshop (or any editing software), and set it as the background. What else is there to customize? Its already exponentially more customizable than IOS, and Android is a whole different beast, but to a point, its detrimential.

What I would add: We should be able to save our start screen setups, and restore them at our leisure. Almost like having multiple desktops, I should be able to have multiple start screens.
This is kind of a question but if this happened I would like to see it happen. But anyways, if the new Windows 10 phones were to replace the search hardkey with a Cortana key would it be feasible for a phone like the 640 to have their softkeys changed with the OS to be the same?
Can we get the notification bar to rotate with apps that can switch to landscape? it awkward having to swipe from left to pull it down when holding the phone sideways
This one is easy, for WP10, I want a 1020 successor, and APPS! And no, not fart apps, but it's time for the store apps, bank apps, etc, stuff you use (well, would use if we had it), to come to Windows. Sirius XM app, Theres a load of apps that I have currently on my galaxy that are no where to be found in the MS ecosystem. Which is a real bummer because as far as I am concerned, the WP OS is the best of the bunch. Just hampered by NO APPs, poor marketing (even though it's getting better), and lack of celeb support to draw in all the wannabe's. I think everyone here should get together and have a national goto starbucks day with your windows gear, that should work. All the hipsters would want it then if its all they see at the local 'bucks.
I have the Windows Trifecta - Windows 8.1 desktop, Surface 2 (RT),and a Nokia 635 running 10166 (I think that's the number...)

My biggest disappointment with the Surface series is the lack of GPS sensors. So for my wishlist item, I'd like a feature in Windows 10 Mobile and the upcoming Windows 10 for RT to include a feature that lets you tether a Windows 10 Phone to a Windows 10 Surface to provide GPS services to the Surface:

  • Tether via USB or Bluetooth
  • Apps see GPS support as 'native' and require no special coding - access it the way you normally would an on-board sensor

I'd love to be able to use my Surface as a GPS navigation tool, and I have a feature set I'm dying to build into a nav system specifically for the Surface line. If MS would include the Surface with support for multiple live cameras feeds, I could build a nav system that no other platform has.

Anyway, that's my wishlist item for Windows 10 mobile - provide the Surface with a realtime GPS feed that the Surface will support as if it was a native hardware device.

If you're gonna wish, wish big.

Calendar reminder and snooze times.

There needs to be a way to set reminders other than the "canned" choices. I'd like to see options to select Minutes-Hours-Days, then, with a long-press number pad, or a scroll wheel so you could set any length of time you want. Sometimes I make a calendar entry a month or so in advance and set a reminder for a week before to keep the appointment in mind, then as it gets closer I could shorten the reminder time.

Same thing with snooze times........I'd like to set any length of minutes I want, instead of editing the event because the canned choices aren't what you want. I do this with Outlook at the office.
Better facebook app as microsoft cooperate with FACEBOOK to made it !! And stop providing ANDROID until google provides us with their apps
Some widget in the start menu shown while playing music instead of tile of music player and in the lock screen too
I miss the "month" view from the 8.1 calendar. But yeah outlook calendar is great.

And yeah. Cal's live tile is the best calendar live tile i've seen so far. Actually that's why I'm pinning it instead of the outlook's one.

You can get month view by dragging down the week numbers, it displays the whole month. Pretty intuitive actually..... That lives tile tho

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