This one is easy, for WP10, I want a 1020 successor, and APPS! And no, not fart apps, but it's time for the store apps, bank apps, etc, stuff you use (well, would use if we had it), to come to Windows. Sirius XM app, Theres a load of apps that I have currently on my galaxy that are no where to be found in the MS ecosystem. Which is a real bummer because as far as I am concerned, the WP OS is the best of the bunch. Just hampered by NO APPs, poor marketing (even though it's getting better), and lack of celeb support to draw in all the wannabe's. I think everyone here should get together and have a national goto starbucks day with your windows gear, that should work. All the hipsters would want it then if its all they see at the local 'bucks.