Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

take your own time fow windows 10 mobile..But please make it awesome..We are ready to wait. Please dont make us dissappinted
There are a few features I would like to see in Windows 10 mobile and some of them we had in previous versions of Windows Phone.
1. Artist showing up on lock screen while playing music (or Zune like animations)
2. Playback controls on lock screen we had in WP7
3. Social integration with People hub (ability to comment, like, tweet from hub directly)
4. Double wide live tiles
5. Interactive live tiles
6. Bing search we had before Cortana came up (*without disabling Cortana)
7. Lock screen improvements (like adding some animations, live images etc)
8. Background themes (changing images periodically, like on desktop)
9. Rooms and groups in People hub/app
10. Maybe landscape support
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Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

I'd like to see a native video calling feature without MS opting for Skype or any other 3rd party apps.
a toggle to switch between 2g,3g & 4g would be great ! (and the option to make it only 2g/3g or 2g/4g depending on available network)
and usb tethring !!! it's much much better then sharing connexion through wifi , consume less battery (after all it's charging the phone instead of discharging it :D) & more secured
I just can't believe that one of my (not telling that it is request only by me) is accepted, feeling so happy :cool: in the latest leaked but unnumbered build we got direct access to hub shortcuts right above the url field...

Robust navigation (that does NOT involve Cortana).

1. No forward button. Unforgivable. I don't care about what's "planned". It's functional element 101.
2. Set default start screen - easily. (Can it be done now?)
3. Two tap MAX to History or Favorites. History should not take "a while" to load.

"Sparse Design" is wonderful, but not if it's a "we removed controls because they looked messy" kind of "sparse".
Please make the navigation bar to "float".
A lot of apps, games and videos that run full screen they hide the navigation bar but they don't use that extra space.
I understand some people might want to have the navigation bar to always show but there should be an option to make the navigation bar to always float.
A way to set multiple start screens and flip between them. Maybe this could be the function of the now-unused right swipe on the start screen.
Need the Calendar livetile
to show more info
same as
One calendar,Simple calendar,Chronos calendar ,Super calendar
If other calendars can do it
why can the build in one not able to do it
FREE 500GB OneDrive permanent storage for life for as long as we own any registered Windows Phone. So 2 Windows Phones would be 1TB...and so on.

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