Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it, what could the issue be?

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Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

While i am doing Win10 upgrade from Win8.1, for last 30 minutes it is stuck at "Working on it" on flash window screen. Nothing moving. Internet connection is good (am writing through that only). What could be the issue. Files were downloaded last night (6.07GB total, 4.64GB on disk). What could be the issue?>
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

I tried for 8 hrs yesterday to load Windows 10 on my Windows 7 64 bit. And of course, there's no progress report, just that group of circles moving around and the message working on it. Obviously it's not working on it!
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

Windows Key + R > Start typing the word update > hit ENTER > click "CHECK FOR UPDATES" > Click "Proceed with Windows 10 Update" > follow Windows 10 upgrade instructions > Receive Bacon!
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

Went to windows updates clicked check for updates and Install for Windows10 appeared. Started from there and it installed just fine.
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

So what I hear is that one of the richest companies in the world with pretty much unlimited funds says about its new fantastic updated software to ignore the original notification link that it emailed voluntarily and with much promotion, and instead manually select a command that is normally used for decimal point updates and bug fixes. Great start. At least it didn't crash and delete all of my information or destroy the map of where things are located because it doesn't keep one like Mac or even the old Amiga. Seriously? You bet I'm already disappointed. When are you clowns going to get some users and use modern testing methods? Is anyone in this banana republic that poses as a "meritocracy" going to have consequences for this?

Then I suppose my quite truthful and accurate comments will be removed as I will be considered a troll. Good Greif!
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

Hello people, I had the same issue and i was able to install windows 10 using Microsoft Mediacreationtool.exe
search it on google, as its my first post it does not let me share link

Use this tool to upgrade now! ENJOY...
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

My desk top has been working on it for almost an hour. I just want to schedule the upgrade at this time due to the fact that upgraded my laptop earlier today and found it to be unstable. Got a black screen several times after the upgrade requiring a couple hard reboots. Also the touch pad is not working properly. No scroll and erratic behavior.
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

I had the same problem. Except I was dumb enough to wait 5 hours before checking the web. I finally shut down my system and used the control panel to start windows update. Now all is working well. Don't use the pop up windows upgrade!
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

MS told that w7 users will require more time more than an hour so wait till it finishes everything
And the update is coming through waves so sont worry

Mine started working on it at 4:30 P.M. this afternoon. Came back to the office at *;40 P.M. It was still working on it HP Pavilion g series 7 Home Premium.
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

I am currently on "Working on it"...

Under Windows Updates I currently have just a "Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64" update waiting to be installed.
I will install this update, reboot, and try again.
​I will post my results.

-I'm back.
After installing the "Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64" update that was waiting, I rebooted, then did Check for Updates and now I'm presented with "Upgrade to Windows 10".

Don't use the "Get Windows 10" notification icon on the bottom right; do the following instead:
A) Go to Windows Updates, if Windows 10 is not listed, click Check for Updates
B) Install all Important pending updates 1st, then go to step A

Thanks, 1 laptop upgraded OK but the 2nd win 7 laptop was stuck for 45 min. I stopped the antivirus for the 1st laptop but not the 2nd. Force reboot and went to control panel ->windows update and started from there. It's now at 17% and so far so good. Could be the anti virus was not stopped before starting the process?
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

I left over night and still stuck on "working on it".

Googled the problem, found this forum, followed the guy who said "DO NOT use bottom right windows10 icon, USE control panel"

There you go, WINDOWS 10, AWESOME!
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

Thank you forum members. I too went the route of using the Get Windows 10 utility from the System Tray and got stuck with "Working on it" for an hour. After reading this forum post, decided to simply close the window. It closed cleanly. Opening it back up again, shows the ready message again. So it seems like it was not doing anything.

Then went to Windows Update, did a Check for Updates, and started the process from there. Progressing through it now.

FYI, I was going from Win 7 Pro 32-bit to Win 10.

Thank you, everyone!
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Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

Open Windows Update while the Windows 10 App is still running. The Windows 10 Update will show in the Windows Update Box. Click on Install and the Windows 10 Upgrade will start. Best Luck All
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

Mine was left with this screen for 36 hours (yes 36) so I closed the box and it said "your download is now complete- Click here to move to the next stage" (+ stuff about timing when the upgrade happened etc......words to that effect anyhow),

So I clicked here, and went to bed. This morning..... still got the "working on it" screen.

Upgrading from long should it take??????
Re: Windows 10 upgrade from Win8.1 stuck at Working on it

Hey, this happened to me too! It was stuck for like 14 hours, but just recently I exited out of it and started it up again. It worked perfectly! Hope this helps!

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