Have you ran the malware scans post #17? They are excellent programs from malwarebytes. Be nice to know if you are clear of malware!:wink:
I'll hang here until you finish the malware scan!:wink:
Hi @EspHack! Thanks for your help. It is appreciated. Not sure I would stop windows updates however. Updates are created for your protection. Post #2 has information about windows update catalog. It would be a good idea to try the manual update if the OP didn't try it. It was suggested in post #2, but I don't know if it was tried. Thanks for helping. Team work is always good!:wink: You are appreciated!in case you want a permanent solution and don't want to deal with this again, press Start, type services, hit enter key, find "Windowsupdate" double click on it, set it to disabled, click apply and click on the stop button, done
if you want updates for some reason, go to windowsupdate catalog site where you can find and download the packages to install them whenever you want
Hey friend! Here's a link! I don't have a lot of faith in it; but what the hay, give it a shot!:wink:
Yes It's fairly large! I have my fingers crossed for you! Are you doing the 64 bit one??Running the manual update to see if it makes any difference. It seems that it might take awhile before it's done
Yes It's fairly large! I have my fingers crossed for you! Are you doing the 64 bit one??
Also think about the in-place repair. I think you need this up date. Here's a read about it and what all it's patching!I wonder if I really need that update?
If the manual update doesn't work then I'll do what the other said. Cancelled it.
Also think about the in-place repair. I think you need this up date. Here's a read about it and what all it's patching!
Microsoft has released a new cumulative update KB3197954 via Windows Update to Windows 10 PC and Mob | Windows 10 Forums
Good luck! That will take awhile! It took me (2 hours+) Check back here later! It's been fun!:wink: I've done it a couple of times!Manual update has not gone through. Computer is rolling back again.
Now time for in-place repair to see if that would do something
Good luck! That will take awhile! It took me (2 hours+) Check back here later! It's been fun!:wink: I've done it a couple of times!
in case you want a permanent solution and don't want to deal with this again