Windows Phone it's not the right choice for the people after all.

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WP is for people who want a good phone with a nice OS that is a little different. Sure that's not everyone, but if the app gap wasn't there I'm sure it would be for more.

If WP had SnapChat and Google Maps, there would be virtually no excuse not to use it. Do some of the official apps suck? Yes. Are we missing many/most local/smaller brand name apps? Sure. Are there popular games missing from the store? Yes. But really, most of those are relatively easy to live without. In a world where teens dictate much of the tech purchases in their households - snapchat is a gaping black hole in the app store. Until I see different, google maps is the gold standard (in the US) and without it, WP is at a huge disadvantage.

If those two apps ever make their appearance - I would feel much better about suggesting it to a friend/colleague. As it is now, I always have to give those two caveats - and trust me I've had enough iOS and Android users look at my old 920 and really like what they see to know MS has something here. They are just at a discernible disadvantage right now - and probably always.
As everyone is saying it's all about what you want. Personally, I don't like iPhone. I've always hated the look and feel of it. When I bought my first smart phone the iPhone was the smallest thing ever with large space around the buttons. Typing would have been difficult, so I went with something different. I also had an iTouch and really didn't care for it.

I owned an android tablet. Widgets were my favorite part, but they were a miserable failure at the time. Android users hear that I'm good with computers and the first thing they ask, "How do I stop Facebook from eating up all of my batter?" Updating android has a 50/50 chance of breaking your phone in my opinion.

I love live tiles. I like the feel of Windows Phone. When I'm in my car with Ford Sync, Cortana will not only read an incoming text to me, but I can reply to that text with my voice. I've never had a battery problem on Windows Phone. I've found a substitute for every app that I've wanted, except snapchat (there are substitutes, but your friends have to have that app as well). Two months after I stopped using snapchat all of my friends stopped using it anyway, because it was just a fad to them. Yes, I hope that windows 10 can solve the app gap, but I don't feel like I'm missing out just because I don't have the app of the month.

I am also really looking forward to Continuum ... and the bragging rights. I don't have a laptop, and I'm always on the road. So for my situation Continuum is awesome!
No OS is for everyone or should be. Nothing in life that's good should be "for everyone". Things being "for everyone" is a lie from marketing.

Some people will like some features, and others won't. As some people don't like iOS or Android and prefer Windows Mobile. In the end, I think it's better that there's variety to choose from.

That said, Windows Mobile is an outstanding OS, on par with its competitors, which is just starting in a very competitive field where its stifled from growing because they know if allowed to, it can turn into a very solid competitor. So it's basically just marketing and having people won over with shiny stuff instead of allowing them to think what they really like.

So your friend likes Android better, or maybe, like a lot of people, just doesn't care. And there are more Android devices to choose from. It's perfectly ok. I hope this changes and WM increases in popularity, but in the end, exercising personal choice, and the availability of options from which to choose from, is what's good and healthy. Different from having a perfect, unique OS that is pushed to the people who don't think.
I think Windows Phone's UI is the most readable. Visited someone who's vision deteriorated because of exposure on the battle field, said he could read the text on the Windows Phone Hamburger Menu just fine without me having to hand it over.
It will be the right choice for me if MS fix the Resuming and Reloading nonsense as well as getting the new Universal Facebook and Messenger apps out ASAP.
If MS gets the Google apps + Surface Phone + Microsoft Pay + an equivalent of HomeKit... then they have something.
LOL, consistency? Did you ACTUALLY say that? Let's see. I started with WP7 (Samsung Focus followed by Lumia 900). Then Microsoft started all over with WP8. I got the 920 and then a 1020. When they went from WP7 to WP8 we LOST features, important ones. Then we went from WP8 to WP8.1 and lost MORE. Now Microsoft has started over AGAIN we we've pretty much lost everything that was great about the operating system. If W10M had been the system they launched with instead of WP7 I'd have never given up my feature phone for a smartphone. There's been nothing consistent. And now there's really nothing LEFT of the phone anymore.
I totally disagree. The loss of the pivot interface just angered me completely. I nearly puked when you said the settings interface is the best. It's horrible, far worse than 8.1.
I totally disagree. The loss of the pivot interface just angered me completely. I nearly puked when you said the settings interface is the best. It's horrible, far worse than 8.1.

1. Could you please use the QUOTE button, so we know what you're replying to? Thanks.

2. The only thing I hated about Windows Phone is/was the settings menu. It's supposed to be in the order of which settings are most commonly used, but really just causes a headache and makes you look like an ***** when you're trying to find a setting. The new menu isn't perfect but is such an improvement and is more consistent with Windows 10.

3. The W10TP is getting more smoother, more consistent and polished. Have a little patience, it's still a work in progress.
Hardware is there now with the 950 and 950 XL. The os is getting there, slowly but surely. Now if the developers will start creating/porting apps, that will be the last thing that is needed for wp to break out.
Hardware is there now with the 950 and 950 XL. The os is getting there, slowly but surely. Now if the developers will start creating/porting apps, that will be the last thing that is needed for wp to break out.

Soo true.
For me, wp is about smoothness, ease of operation, consistency, and ecosystem. Wp initially was the best in 3 out 4 categories. I was amazed by the different ui and how fast it was.

Cherry on top was MS office and Xbox integration, even tho I knew it needed lots of work and updating. Wp caters to every facet of my life and I love it!

Exactly how I feel.

I guess i am fortunate enough that everything I am looking for is on the windows platform.

love my 1020 but im considering getting the 950 XL :)
LOL, consistency? Did you ACTUALLY say that? Let's see. I started with WP7 (Samsung Focus followed by Lumia 900). Then Microsoft started all over with WP8. I got the 920 and then a 1020. When they went from WP7 to WP8 we LOST features, important ones. Then we went from WP8 to WP8.1 and lost MORE. Now Microsoft has started over AGAIN we we've pretty much lost everything that was great about the operating system. If W10M had been the system they launched with instead of WP7 I'd have never given up my feature phone for a smartphone. There's been nothing consistent. And now there's really nothing LEFT of the phone anymore.

For some of us who got framed by MS many times it's very natural to be against their new OS. I have also been nailed down with WP7.8 trash fiasco, Windows RT ditch and run. and now windows 10 on mobile which runs like and old rugged car. social integration is a total mess! ever since 8.1, it takes you over 10 seconds to post a simple photo to facebook, all apps are either outdated or missing important features, skype client is a bad joke, facebook messenger lacks audio hd and video call etc etc. So yeap, no thanks MS, I cannot trust them anymore.
WP is for nerds like us who are very involved and basically fan boys of a different OS. 8.1 is perfect, as far as I am concerned, but am afraid that an iphone/android user would not like to move if they are used to a ton of apps. 10 mobile is thus far a disappointment, it seems like its just trying to be android - therefore may no longer be a good option, I'm not looking forward to giving my my 1520 yet; whereas when I was on 7, I couldn't wait for 8.
It's not for regular people.
Regular people use Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat and WhatsApp. They also jump into the latest fads: Flappy Bird, Candy Crush, Tindr etc.

This is an excellent point - and why Windows Phone works for me. I literally use ONE thing on that list - YouTube. And the third party apps for that are fine.
The first thing we should do to solve a problem is to identify it's cause. Yes the app ecosystem is badly tainted in windows phone and I believe its only Microsoft's fault that things have gone so bad !! Hardly a 100 or so crucial apps are needed for 99% of users to be satisfied with their phones and have a good experience and Microsoft should have had blindly pursued those said developers to make and update apps for their platform. I'm talking about the early wp7.5 to wp8 era where suddenly social networking expanded from a handful of websites to app social networks such as snapchat and instagram. Had MS capitalized at that time on getting the developers of such apps on board things might have been different. I'm only happy with windows phone right now because I have a secondary device (nexus 5) with me and I've installed almost every single trending app on it and keep it with me most days and almost always use that when i am at home. For me windows phone has become a glorified feature phone that does smart things. Nowadays the modern smartphone is defined by the latest software features it can pull off and these are defined by apps. Even if MS right now concentrates whole heartily in providing a good experience for atleast those 100 or so apps which appear on top free/paid app lists on the google play store, it may catch up because like i said 99% of users only install and use these apps.
I love my WP. But I am worried how apps are disappearing from the store and I cannot do what I could a year ago. I'm giving it one more year before I make a decision. I'm going to buy a 950. But I don't recommend a WP to my friends and family anymore. It's just not competitive if you want to use the "smart" part of a smartphone because access to thirdparty services and apps is limited and dwindling
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