Windows phones cannot render web pages properly

I thought there were three major ones trident which was IE and avant, webkit safari, and firefox Gecko?

Edit: Nevermind I see webkit used by chrome is prevalent I agree most popular browsers with two audience all mac users and all windows users wanting the browser best at handling html5

On the desktop IE and Firefox still have a pretty good share, but in mobile it is overwhelmingly webkit so that's where you might run into compatibility problems.
Must be stable if chrome can run the majority of them so if we base the actual score on chrome its 352 / 509 which is still pretty poor

Google has been trying to hijack html 5 for a while by implementing their interpretation of undecided behavior and leaving it to developers to clean up the mess if the w3c goes a different way.
By stable I am referencing how likely the implementation of a tag is to change. MS is playing it safe with IE and only implementing behavior that has largely been agreed on by w3c.
If IE doesn't support an html5 feature it is usually because the feature is not yet far enough along in the standards body to be sure it's implementation won't change.
Google has been trying to hijack html 5 for a while by implementing their interpretation of undecided behavior and leaving it to developers to clean up the mess if the w3c goes a different way.
By stable I am referencing how likely the implementation of a tag is to change. MS is playing it safe with IE and only implementing behavior that has largely been agreed on by w3c.
If IE doesn't support an html5 feature it is usually because the feature is not yet far enough along in the standards body to be sure it's implementation won't change.

You dont think Google's assumption of how it should be handled will be accepted by w3c? I haven't programmed extensively with html5 but from the basic uses of tables placement, JavaScript, and overall feel chrome seems to have the right feel.
Maybe its just me but IE has me sit and wait til the page is fully rendered until displaying it which gives the feel of being slower than chrome displaying incoming information live
Google implements their assumption to try and force the W3Cs hand. If I were the W3C I wouldn't take Google's attempts to dictate the standard lightly.
The new IE for 8.1 is definitely having troubles rending pages, including text and scaling. I really hope HTML5 catches on faster bc at this point its frustrating.
IE 11 scored 372 out of 555. Quite low compared to other browsers..

Let me guess,

I wouldn't trust that POS site as most of the things it tests for are still in development, which explains the low mark for IE11 as MS have stated that they aren't implementing anything that isn't a ratified standard.
Let me guess,

I wouldn't trust that POS site as most of the things it tests for are still in development, which explains the low mark for IE11 as MS have stated that they aren't implementing anything that isn't a ratified standard.

Isn't future-proofing part of good development?

Like all benchmarks it is just a good guesstimate and not gospel. Real world performance and side by side comparisons are much more useful...
Let me guess,

I wouldn't trust that POS site as most of the things it tests for are still in development, which explains the low mark for IE11 as MS have stated that they aren't implementing anything that isn't a ratified standard.

I would use it to get a general idea on how complete a browser is....better to have some form of working rendering than IE crashing on a site....I think chrome has the right idea even if its not a stable or finished tag, then adjust the engine slightly as opposed to Microsoft waiting for it to be a standard then waiting for them to implement least with chrome we have it working already when it comes time....

Even flash playing in the browser which is stable is buggy in IE especially mobile which is why I use mytube for YouTube videos as opposed to IE....agree to disagree I guess
Even if windows phone has chrome, it has to use the same engine as ie since microsoft are trying to copy apple with the same engine on every browser approach. It's no use guys!
I am not a developer but I don't think you want to use HTML5 test for a way to determine if a browser is good. You get points on that test for things no one gives a crap about. For example Chrome gets two bonus points for Ogg Vorbis support and WebM with Vorbis support.

Sure it is only two points but they have nothing to do with whether the browser renders anything correctly and there are lots of other things on that test that give points that you may never use. As someone else has said I think the issue is webkit, not HTML5.
Well ill stick to the old saying that dates back to the ancient Romans, "All internet explorer is good for is downloading chrome or Firefox" cheers!

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