WM10 release build (10584.164) issues and solutions

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I'm in the exact same boat. Three factory resets haven't fixed the issue. Tell me: is your ability to access 5ghz wifi affected as well?

I finally got it working. I went back to windows 8.1 and installed upgrade advisor app then...now i am on windows 10 mobile .164 and phone is recognized via usb again... well now hard reset for me anymore

If you are in .107 then you are an Insider, (because the OTA is .164) , and you didn't red the update notes and warnings: all Windows10 born phones are Fast Ring reserved, all the others must stay in Slow on Release for updating to 164 and next.

If you ARE NOT insider, I guess you are At&T or T-Mobile branded: then blame them, not MS, and ask their customer care, they're making everything to delay updates

I actually opt out of the insider program a couple months ago as it was a disaster (when I rolled back to 8.1). I simply used the upgrade advisor app to get the update. Windows Insider wasn't even installed on my phone...

No T-mobile nor AT&T, unlocked european phone here.
I actually opt out of the insider program a couple months ago as it was a disaster (when I rolled back to 8.1). I simply used the upgrade advisor app to get the update. Windows Insider wasn't even installed on my phone...

No T-mobile nor AT&T, unlocked european phone here.

Make yourself a favor: reinstall Insider app, and choose Production ring. First you'll find a update configuration, then the BIG update. Same as the Official OTA.
I finally got it working. I went back to windows 8.1 and installed upgrade advisor app then...now i am on windows 10 mobile .164 and phone is recognized via usb again... well now hard reset for me anymore

No such luck for me, as I run a Mac at home, so no Upgrade Advisor for me.

I'm going to jump to Redstone, now that it's available for the 930, and hope that resolves my issue.
And: SUCCESS! I got both my USB connection and my 5ghz wifi back! Here's hoping any of the Redstone bugs aren't too heartstopping.
I have Lumia 640LTE WIN 10. On my lock screen I had weather. After I changed background to my picture cant choose weather app. Only thing that I can choose is My picture ,Bing, Instagram and Health an fitness - no weather app on list. Is this known issue?

I have the exact same problem.
Make yourself a favor: reinstall Insider app, and choose Production ring. First you'll find a update configuration, then the BIG update. Same as the Official OTA.

I did re-install the insider app. Of course, I had to re-join the program. Chose Production and checked for update... nothing.

I had to actually select Fast Ring first and then choose Production to trigger the update. The update however was fairly lightweight, about 280Mo so not sure if something is still missing. I'm now on .164 though. Of course, improvements are not visible yet. I'll wait a few days to see if anything got better or not. Already had a to do a few reboots which is not a good sign. Looking forward to get my S6 ready so that I can hard reset the 930.
I did re-install the insider app. Of course, I had to re-join the program. Chose Production and checked for update... nothing.

I had to actually select Fast Ring first and then choose Production to trigger the update. The update however was fairly lightweight, about 280Mo so not sure if something is still missing. I'm now on .164 though. Of course, improvements are not visible yet. I'll wait a few days to see if anything got better or not. Already had a to do a few reboots which is not a good sign. Looking forward to get my S6 ready so that I can hard reset the 930.

You just hit the config update, not the build. Switch to Slow now and recheck updates
Thank you, Florin_Anghel, for the list of issues you found.

I would also like to add one - it is a big problem particularly if you use the phone for work.

First of all, I have a Lumia 650 with Windows 10586.164 and the new firmware 01078.00037.16082.41014. Even before the firmware update, I had permanent losses of the WiFi connection, usually 3 times per day, and no matter which WiFi network I use. I get my job mails on my phone, so I need a stable and reliable WiFi connection.

After the firmware update, the loss of the WiFi connection is still there. My router writes a protocol of the WiFi connections where I can see exactly when the connection gets lost. I made an Excel spreadsheet and calculated the time spans between two WiFi losses. ALL of them happend exactly after full hours or full ten minutes of operation. Examples: The WiFi connection got lost after exactly 10:00:00 hours, 14:00:00 hours, 5:00:00 hours, 2:30:00 hours, and so on. This cannot be coincidence anymore as I recorded a lot of these events already.

I had my WiFi settings checked with the router manufacturer, and they are completely okay. The problem also occurs when I use another WiFi network. In both networks there are a few other devices using the same WiFi settings, and they are perfectly okay. There is not much traffic in the WiFi networks I use, and there are only a few other networks around (and comparably far away and weak), so no problems from this side.

I also have a Lumia 640 with the same Windows 10 version, and it never loses the WiFi connection in the same WiFi networks.

Do you folks have any information if Microsoft is working on the problem? I really like Windows 10 Mobile, but as I need reliability for work, I have to think about leaving W10 if there is no solution in the very near future. Sorry!
Thank you, Florin_Anghel, for the list of issues you found.

I would also like to add one - it is a big problem particularly if you use the phone for work.

First of all, I have a Lumia 650 with Windows 10586.164 and the new firmware 01078.00037.16082.41014. Even before the firmware update, I had permanent losses of the WiFi connection, usually 3 times per day, and no matter which WiFi network I use. I get my job mails on my phone, so I need a stable and reliable WiFi connection.

After the firmware update, the loss of the WiFi connection is still there. My router writes a protocol of the WiFi connections where I can see exactly when the connection gets lost. I made an Excel spreadsheet and calculated the time spans between two WiFi losses. ALL of them happend exactly after full hours or full ten minutes of operation. Examples: The WiFi connection got lost after exactly 10:00:00 hours, 14:00:00 hours, 5:00:00 hours, 2:30:00 hours, and so on. This cannot be coincidence anymore as I recorded a lot of these events already.

I had my WiFi settings checked with the router manufacturer, and they are completely okay. The problem also occurs when I use another WiFi network. In both networks there are a few other devices using the same WiFi settings, and they are perfectly okay. There is not much traffic in the WiFi networks I use, and there are only a few other networks around (and comparably far away and weak), so no problems from this side.

I also have a Lumia 640 with the same Windows 10 version, and it never loses the WiFi connection in the same WiFi networks.

Do you folks have any information if Microsoft is working on the problem? I really like Windows 10 Mobile, but as I need reliability for work, I have to think about leaving W10 if there is no solution in the very near future. Sorry!

I got a 650 too with 10586.164, fw .00025.15484.
Wifi disconnection are very rare (twice a week, and I noticed it happens when dsl carrier drops dns, so Phone switch automatically off wifi and goes in 4G for some minutes, till wifi auto reconnection.
MY old 520 cannot do that, if wifi router is loosing connction, phone stays "hanged up" on wifi and I had to force wifi off for continuing browsing.

Are you using a WPA2 protocol? WEP doesn't work in 10586.164
Thanks, Maurizio!

My router has not lost DSL for ages now - it is perfectly stable. Same for the other WiFi I use. I have WPA2 encryption so this can also not be the problem. The router manufacturer checked all my settings, and they did not find any problem. Also, every other device connected with the WiFi network does not lose the connection so it cannot be a router-related issue.

When the WiFi loss happens, I cannot reconnect the 650 by using the WiFi dialogue: I have to turn it off, wait for about 1 minute, and then turn it on again. WiFi then gets reconnected automatically.

This is a real problem for me as I cannot check my phone all the time. When the WiFi connection gets lost, I do not get any notifications about mails anymore. Btw, I do not have a data plan so there is no other way to receive mails.
How to know if my apps on win10m getting updates like facebook, outlook, whatsapp? I dont get any notifications that these are updating or smthg... Or is it doing silently?
How to know if my apps on win10m getting updates like facebook, outlook, whatsapp? I dont get any notifications that these are updating or smthg... Or is it doing silently?

If you set Store in Auto, will be updated silently, elsewhere you can check by yourself going to store ,hamburgher, My downloads, updates
So after updating to the latest build, it requested most of my local apps to update. I've accepted the request and updated them all. Now, the WiFi, nor the cellular sim no longer works.... I can't even browse them in the option in settings(freezes or crash). I've reset the phone twice and same problem after updating basic apps that comes built in. I no longer see the sense of being a loyal fan because this has become so annoying.
My huge problem since longtime ago is Edge, the browser suddenly frozen itself and the webpage is refreshed without any reason or from time to time, it stops to render and I must restart the phone. Those issues are really uncomfortable even IE was much better.

Other bug is when you have many tiles in the screen and you hide the navbar, after that, it looks like duplicates of them for like a second.

And finally, I hate the new navbar, it's huge, I liked more the WP8.1 version because it was lighter!!! And you could hide it everywhere, here there are issues with the Silverlight Apps (WP7-8.1).
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