WM10 release build (10584.164) issues and solutions

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Feb 10, 2016
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The latest insider fast ruined my L930.
Edge stopped working thuss downloaded opera and it did work.
Here apps stopped working
System become unstable. So used recovery tool and now back in insider slow and downloading...


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Sep 22, 2014
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Look.. it is obvious you cannot run a Pre build without issues,

YOU WILL be cut from receiving official Windows 10.

Apparently, your device is not equipped.

Buy a new phone. (x20 users laughing).

Horvath Gyorgy1

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Jul 21, 2015
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Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I started a new thread but maybe this will be read here sooner:
Finally, Microsoft enabled Google as default search engine on the main screen of the WP in W10.
However, I think it is buggy, because whenever I push the search button, I get the Google pages with the search results of {search terms}. (I think this {search terms} should be a hidden text)
Moreover, you cannot enter your own search phrase, first you got to delete this annoying {search terms} text.


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Sep 22, 2014
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Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I started a new thread but maybe this will be read here sooner:
Finally, Microsoft enabled Google as default search engine on the main screen of the WP in W10.
However, I think it is buggy, because whenever I push the search button, I get the Google pages with the search results of {search terms}. (I think this {search terms} should be a hidden text)
Moreover, you cannot enter your own search phrase, first you got to delete this annoying {search terms} text.

Do you find this issue on other platforms (ie, Android, iOS) or only with your Windows experience?


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Sep 22, 2014
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Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I started a new thread but maybe this will be read here sooner:
Finally, Microsoft enabled Google as default search engine on the main screen of the WP in W10.
However, I think it is buggy, because whenever I push the search button, I get the Google pages with the search results of {search terms}. (I think this {search terms} should be a hidden text)
Moreover, you cannot enter your own search phrase, first you got to delete this annoying {search terms} text.

Hmm.. just use bing and sell yout weight. They have a new app update for outlook, but you can't get it.. only for 'select phones' they decide are worthy. (next chop block are Redstone complainers).

Horvath Gyorgy1

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Jul 21, 2015
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Hmm.. just use bing and sell yout weight. They have a new app update for outlook, but you can't get it.. only for 'select phones' they decide are worthy. (next chop block are Redstone complainers).

Actually I cannot even change the default search engine :-( I Changed it to Bing, switched my phone off and on and it still brings up Google. I think it is the bug of Microsoft Edge


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May 4, 2014
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Actually I cannot even change the default search engine :-( I Changed it to Bing, switched my phone off and on and it still brings up Google. I think it is the bug of Microsoft Edge

I have the same problem like yours. If I change to other region (for example; UK), it will use Bing as it should be according to my actual settings. BTW, my actual region is Malaysia.

Horvath Gyorgy1

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Jul 21, 2015
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I have the same problem like yours. If I change to other region (for example; UK), it will use Bing as it should be according to my actual settings. BTW, my actual region is Malaysia.

Thanks for the info, I'm writing from Hungary. I switched to USA and it really changed to Bing.


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Jan 23, 2015
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Windows 10 Mobile installed in a Lumia 1520 Bluetooth connected to Plantronics Legion earpiece and Bell Canada is the service provider.

Problem: Oscillation of the volume (feedback affecting volume) at both ends of a telephone connection. Was not a problem with Windows 8.1. It's bad enough that I cannot use the Bluetooth earpiece.

Giles Stogdon

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Mar 26, 2016
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Updated to WM10 on my Lumia 640XL. Problems:

SD card not recognised. - Tried backing up the card, reformatting, and copying everything back to the SD card and reinserting. Still not recognised.

Reformatted the card. It now functions but all the apps I had installed there are, of course no longer available.

Uninstalled all missing apps. Tried reinstalling Larousse French Dictionary (paid app) from the store. Store tells me app is already installed, but my phone tells me it isn't.

Installed French speech files. Installation failed. Cannot reinstall or delete.
WM10 allows me to add gmail and outlook email accounts to Outlook but will not add live.co.uk email account. It goes through the motions and accepts the password but account not added to the list of accounts.

And so it continues...



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Feb 24, 2016
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L830 problems:

- Sometimes airplane mode just pops up and force restarts;
- Menu screen isn't fading after opening a app;
- Return buttons doesn't work sometimes;

There are others issues, but I don't remember right now.

Sorry for bad english :(

Maurizio Troso

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Aug 22, 2014
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Updated to WM10 on my Lumia 640XL. Problems:

SD card not recognised. - Tried backing up the card, reformatting, and copying everything back to the SD card and reinserting. Still not recognised.

Reformatted the card. It now functions but all the apps I had installed there are, of course no longer available.

Uninstalled all missing apps. Tried reinstalling Larousse French Dictionary (paid app) from the store. Store tells me app is already installed, but my phone tells me it isn't.

Installed French speech files. Installation failed. Cannot reinstall or delete.
WM10 allows me to add gmail and outlook email accounts to Outlook but will not add live.co.uk email account. It goes through the motions and accepts the password but account not added to the list of accounts.

And so it continues...


During an upgrade, all apps automatically download again from store in Win10 version if availabe (only if you made a backup trough settings before upgrading, of course)
During installation, phone says there's a sd card inside with a previous o.s. installation apps, and ask for deleting that. You must tap yes for installing them again after o.s. upgrade finish. That's all automatic, youcan follow that in Store, hamburgher tap, My downloads, Updates.
A general rule of good working, same as desktops, is that when you change operating system is better to hard reset the phone (the same thing to format the pc).
Hard reset is necessary when you got a lot of iussues...


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Jul 2, 2014
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Microsoft recently added some highly requested features to Edge but along with some new bugs too. Edge now often crashes while typing in the search bar. Also now the tabs once closed, always reappear the next time Edge is opened. So, every good thing comes at a price, truly said.

While playing videos, the screen starts to flicker in white giving a creepy feeling :p It's not just for me. In fact a new thread has been posted regarding this bug.

Since build 14291, slow charging notifications have increased even when I use the same adapter, the same USB cable and the same wall plug which I have been using for 10 months now to charge the same phone.

The keyboard crashes frequently since build 14295. As recently as a few hours ago, I was typing a reply to a forum post in this very app (old WinC app) when the keyboard started crashing for no apparent reason. It didn't let me type even a single character. Initially I thought it was the app's issue so I reinstalled it only to realize it wasn't its issue. It was actually the keyboard's problem. Don't know when that nasty bug might bite my keyboard again.

Microsoft claimed that they fixed the song name flickering in the volume control bar. But actually it's not fixed at all. The names still flicker a lot. Try it yourself.

As I am typing this reply, the speed of letters appearing on screen has dropped too much. Microsoft said they fixed this issue too but no, they didn't. I still am struggling to tolerate this extremely slow speed of appearance of letters.

I believe there's no fix for these bugs for sure. I hope Microsoft actually fixes them. But would have to wait for another build for that.
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May 24, 2015
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Upgraded my Lumia 535 DS to windows 10 mobile 10586.164 without a hick, which is nice.
The GOOD stuffs: 1. Edge is a tremendous improvement over IE, the renders is just plain better than IE
2. Performance is ok, not better than 8.1, but its performs well for a SD200 device.
3. New Facebook app and Twitter app are major step up compare to their 8.1 counterparts.
4. Touch screen issues seems to be solved to same as 8.1.

The BAD stuffs: 1. Touch screen is misplaced when gaming (means i had to touch slightly right of the button), and there is this annoying black
bar when gaming, which blocks the game partially
2. shuffle music result in flickering animation ( heard they solved this in RS)
3. Battery drained faster compare to 8.1
4. No brightness slider and Brightness profile (even in 8.1), the min brightness is ridiculously bright

In conclusion, i really like windows 10 mobile on my 535, but there's just all these bugs they need to kill (especially when gaming that fking black bar). Here's hoping they would release new firmware for 535


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Sep 8, 2013
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I need some help with this issue:

My Lumia 830 on 8.1 updated overnight to windows 10, everything is updated as far as I can tell and it states the device is up to date, however mobile data isn't working. I can make and receive calls and texts but can't access internet except through Wi-Fi. I have tried a hard reset multiple times and it still won't work but was working perfectly before the update.

What else can I try before I have to factory reset the device? I am on UK T-Mobile using EE network.


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Jul 19, 2014
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Faulty problems in brightness and contrast after windows 10 update on Lumia 730
The screen suddenly increases the brightness to so much that 60% of it is invisible and sometimes decreases so much that nothing can be seen please update and fix Microsoft, and goin to Settings and changing doesn't help, every time restart is required
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