Hi all,
lumia 535 after updating to win 10 i have a strange issue with text messages. As most of you, when i'm offline and someone has called me, i receive a message from my opeartor listing me the phone number that called me. My operator list the number with the following syntax 1)+901234345 2)+90234567.
After update to Win10 if the phone number is preceeded by character ) is no more linkable, so i cannot click it and go to contacts to discover who has called me. It's really annoying. It was working fine with Win 8.1 and i cannot ask my operator to change message syntax for win 10 users!
See these pic Win10 .... if the phone number is preceed by ) no way to click it:
See the same situation on Win 8.1 all the number are link:
The microsoft support told me the problem it's occurring only to me, me i think it's a bug in the messages application.
Can some other Windows 10 Mobile user contact me privately, i will send you a message and you'll tell me if the same problem occurs to you.
I need to udnerstand if it's a problem of my phone or a general issue